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Wide Angle

Today I am going to view the world from a wide angle lens.

I often miss the forest,
because I'm noticing the trees.
I'm rushing on the path,
without listening to the leaves.
I lose sight of the moment,
because I'm lost in memories.

Today, I reaffirm my commitment to live in the moment while appreciating the beautiful panorama of life around me, in the moment.

Jamie's example spoke volumes to me today.

I have been the man on the train, holding tight to my bag, holding on to my space, holding people back from approaching. I saw from the lens of suspicion. I allowed the hurtful things to reside in my psyche and my heart, and pushed away. I still do that sometimes. It has become a destructive instinct, one that I will dissolve.

I have been the woman on the train, opening up, allowing others to enter my space, welcoming them in their approach. I saw from the lens of acceptance. I let go of the hurtful things, freed my psyche and my heart, and accepted. I do that more now. I cracked open the plexi-glass bubble that I hid in.

I chose this picture to represent my lens. I can see it as a long road ahead towards my destination, and allow the ego-negative to annihilate my effort; or I can see this as an open path with endless beauty and possibilities.

I choose the latter.
I take a deep, rejuvenating breath.
I acknowledge that others' failure is not my own.
I smile, and let the world in. :)

p.s. In the spirit of letting in, or making room on the train, I am adding all your wonderful blogs on my blogroll! :) ♥

p.s.s. I just got back from the gym, and freshly showered I am having a few sips of coffee before I go to work. I am full of gratitude and accomplishment. You see, the ego-negative was hard at work this morning, behind the scenes. Although I was awake at 5:30 am and doing my Soul Coaching, I somehow started running late. I lost track of time.

My ego-negative said, "It's too late. You won't get through your whole routine."
My empowered self replied: "I can still do half an hour of treadmill and still get back in time to get ready for work."
I washed my face, brushed my teeth and proceeded to put on my contacts. They wouldn't cooperate. They provided resistance.
My ego-negative smirked: "You're falling more behind. I told you so."
My empowered self ignored it. I jumped into my work-out gear, got my water, got in my car and went on my way to the gym. It was indeed later than I thought.
My ego-negative snickered. "Waste of time."
I shut it out and went to the gym and walked on the treadmill for half an hour, going faster than I have even gone before!
Take THAT ego-negative! It hasn't said a word since. :)


Suzie Ridler said...

Rock on! That is so awesome, I love it. You fought through the negative thoughts patterns and did what was best for you. And now the voice is quiet. Interesting. I will file that lesson away, thank you for that. I'm so glad your bully left you alone or else I was going to have to have a long talk with her.

I love that, letting in. So true! I prefer to be that person but I do know what it's like to have so much stolen from me. Letting go is letting in.

Serena said...

What a great post, Genie! You really kicked your ego-negative's butt! WTG!

todayandeveryday said...

I love it!! and your poem, such true words. You are an ego kicking maniac today-whoot!
Peace~ Dawn

Boho mom said...

I love, love, LOVE this post!
I am trying hard to turn around my negative thoughts - you are an inspiration to me.
Awesome - and I'd LOVE to be added to your links!

Claudia said...

YAY! Inspiring post!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Yay! Go for it! :)

meandmom said...

Love that poem....very precious! You are my inspiration today! That was great internal discussion!

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

What a great photo and inspiration for today! You're inspiring me to really be conscious as I walk today. Thank you!!

Genie Sea said...

Every day has been like my birthday! I come home only to find 8 wonderful, priceless gifts! Your comments are truly so precious to me!

Thank you Sacred Suzie! ♥
Thank you Serena! ♥
Thank you Dawn! ♥
Thank you Bohemian Single Mom! ♥
Thank you Chest of Drawers! ♥
Thank you Paula! ♥
Thank you Meandmom! ♥
Thank you K! ♥

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! :)

gemma said...

Beautiful. Empowered you looking at life through a wide angle lens!!!Very Cool!
I need to check my filter and hope I keep my lens open.

Sandra said...

Good for you! I, too, have those two voices and love it when the positive one wins :)

Genie Sea said...

Thank you gemma! ♥
Thank you Sandra! ♥

Kavindra said...

I love this post too - that picture and the idea of perspective, the poem, the different fonts representing different selves, the text color - it's really beautiful and inspiring.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Kavindra! ♥

Kelly said...

Love your insight and beautiful words as always. I too am one of those who forgets to "listen to the leaves". Such a beautiful poem to start your post...The picture is such a great illustration of today's point too. Thanks for adding me to your blogroll!! Very sweet.

Genie Sea said...

Kelly - Thank you! ♥ I am honored to have your blog on my blogroll! :)

Tori said...

This was inspiring! I loved the photo. It was perfect. I know you will live your commitment if you keep having such an open and loving mind.

I too have been the man and woman on the train. It is a matter of letting ourselves overcome the fears and hurtful things we hold in our minds. You're doing such a great job.

You kicked your ego-negative's butt! Keep it up!

creativehealinggoddess said...

I love it ego negative... I love the picture too you journey is great and I am glad to be witnessing it.

Genie Sea said...

Tori - Thank you! ♥
Marilyn- Thank you! ♥

Judi said...

Yes - an inspiring post and a beautiful poem. Coming in on the tail end means that several others have already voiced my thoughts.

Blessed Be.

ELLIE said...

love your wide angel approach and fighting the negative patterns - so inspiring - what an uplift of energy!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Wondering we all do or should I say worry about things that could happen or not.

Coffee is on.

Jamie Ridler said...

I just love that we could story-swap today :)

Thank you for your poetry.

And what a superhero! Genie, kicking ego-negative butts everywhere!

Stoneweaver said...

Great post I'm really enjoying your blog and glad I found you.

Genie Sea said...

Oh my Gosh!
You are all so wonderful!

Judi - Thank you! ♥
Ellie - Thank you ! ♥
Peppylady - Thank you! ♥
Jamie - You made me blush! Thank you !♥
Healing Stones - Thank you! It's mutual! ♥