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As I settle into myself, becoming increasingly at peace with who I am - all of me - the sense of belonging increases.

I belong to the Universe
I belong to the splendid and generous Earth
I belong to my family of friends
I belong to my family of Soul Coaching Sisters
I belong to the community of my employment
I belong to my home, my haven, my Queendom
I belong to myself

For this day, I made the Seven of Crystals. It embodies a sense of accomplishment, of belonging, of satisfaction, of being one with the fruits of the earth and our labour.

I have learned much in our journey, but I know it is just the beginning. And what a glorious beginning it is! I have been embraced by the love and support of this wonderful group, and it is more precious and magical than any elixir. I feel ready to breathe in life, swim in experience, feel fiery passion, and settle in the roots of who I am.

Know that when this week is over, you have not seen the last of me. I will be visiting your blogs regularly and giving you the support and love that you have given me throughout this journey. I am excited to see what is in store for us in the abundant future!

Thank you so much! :)

As an update to my continuing job saga, the fruits of our labor are beginning to blossom. There is a revolution at hand! We are banding together to usurp the dictatorship of oppressive mismanagement and faulty vision! Hooray!

Blessed be! :)


Fatma said...

Hooray! Love will conquer.

I have so enjoyed to be part of your incredible blossoming and look forward to staying in touch.

Jamie Ridler said...

Here's to the rebellion! No more will oppressive dictators squash beautiful spirits!

Judi said...

ROFLOL - Infuse the school with healing white light while you are at it - dark entities hate the light.

So glad that you mentioned staying in touch - it would be silly to lose friends that know us so well.

Glad that you are home. ;)

Caroline said...

You are always going to be one of my favorite blogs to visit! I am grateful for your beautiful art and wise are an inspiration!

Blessings to you :)

megg said...

Good luck on your rebellion!

Your post is so full of energy, you FEEL different than you were at the beginning of all of this - YAY for YOU!!!

Her Speak said...

Vive la Revolution!

I am so glad to have found your little corner of the universe. It has become part of my daily tinkerings. Poetry and morning coffee. *sigh* Brilliant. Beautiful! :)

Much Love and Merry New Moon!

Suzie Ridler said...

So beautiful! And I'm so happy to hear that even though we're approaching the end of Soul Coaching, we will still be connected. :) Thanks for the smile and you go girl and kick butt at work!

Sandra said...

So glad to hear that things are beginning to change at work - I am breathing a little sigh of relief for those kids (and teachers!)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Many of your posts remind me of things I used to know and somehow lost along the way, confused in a wave of "getting things done".


creativehealinggoddess said...

Thank you for being one of the main sources of support and the is no goodbye this is hello to a new day.

Well done on the rebellion at work...

Tabitha said...

Way To Go!!
Happy Turkey Day!

Miss Robyn said...

oh I am so glad that you want to stay in touch! me too! You have been an inspiration to me during this journey.. each day I would come here and your words and art would uplift my spirit - thankyou xo

yay on the rebellion !! You are a strong powerful woman!!

jennlui said...

even though i just discovered your blog recently, i am so happy to be on this journey as well!!! i think as long as we are open, we will always be beginning on the path... new things to learn, new people to meet... isn't it beautiful!

thankful for your fabulous energy and art!

blessed be!
peace and love!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much, all of you! Blessings to each and every one of you! :)

Tori said...

I love that you stated what you belong to. This truly is just the beginning! Our journies will continue to take us to amazing places within and outside of ourselves. The future is looking bright! =)

Allison said...

I'm glad you are starting a revolution of thought & energy, from your stories - it is much needed - who better to bring light?!

Dia said...

Viva la revalution! I'm so happy you're working on shifting things!!
The friend I mentioned awhile ago who came back from some time off to find her Opressive Boss had been fired - the official word is, she 'quit,' & will be leaving at the end of the year!! My friend struggles not to do a 'happy dance' every time she sees her.

Do, do keep in touch!!

ELLIE said...

I so love the seven of crystals - beautiful!!!
May the rebellion be strong and conquer...
thanks always for your kind words!!