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Today is a day of honing an awareness that has been developing, paying attention to what depletes and what fills.

The things the I know deplete me:
-some of my colleagues
-people who constantly see problems with everything
-people who generate drama for the sake of attention
-stubborn insistence on staying ignorant

Ways to diffuse these energy killers:
-doodle at meetings
-walk away, walk away, walk away!
-mark in a pretty environment, light a candle, light some incense, let the light in!

Things that fill me with energy:

  • The gym (What a struggle it has been! It was a constant battle with my ego-negative, but when I am done my routine, I feel like I can take on the world.)
  • Art (I love color and images merging to make a whole)
  • Writing (I can do it for hours)
  • Soul Coaching and all the lovely people participating in it
  • Storms. (Their majesty fills me with awe and makes me feel so thankful for the coziness of my home!)
  • My Home. (I love being here)
  • Showers (Water running over me, warm and soapy, make me feel new again!)
  • My friends so filled with vibrancy and love. (Two shining examples are Danette and Emily)
  • My cat, Stinky! (He is 15 and still runs around playing fetch like a kitten.)
  • Children (What little bundles of energy they are! They make my being glow!)
  • Pets (They don't have to be mine. They are the source of unconditional love and trust)
  • Music & Dancing (Those two go together for me. I Cannot hear music without some part of my body moving)
  • Drum Circles (There is nothing like getting together with a group of people and finding the rhythm of the Universe)
  • Walking (Being outside, at peace with myself, accepting the world as it is while oxygen pumps my heart and muscles!)
  • Smiling ( I find when I smile, it changes the energy around me)
  • Acupuncture (The Universe spoke again, yesterday, and a pregnant friend of mine who is having a hard time in her first trimester asked for the name of a good acupuncturist. I found him for her. I found him for myself too!)

I need to pay attention to which foods boost me and which foods drag me down. My relationship with food was sabotaged at an early age, and I need to wipe the slate clean.

In my mission to find the sources of energy and depletion,
I need to find the balance.
To harness energy within me,
and become a source for others.
To stand secure in my own existence
and its place in the world,
not allowing everything to penetrate and influence my psyche.
To seek the sources of positive, healing energy!
To smile at those elements that seek to deplete me.

To find Temperance.
And this is the Tarot Card I have chosen to symbolize the day!

I hope your day is filled with wonder and energy, freedom from the things and people who drag you under, as you rise buoyant to meet the full, loving, natural you!


todayandeveryday said...

I love that doodling is a way to boost your energy during meetings, perhaps? Nice.
Finding a way to be, without letting the outside penetrate and influence you--that is a great thing to work on.

Jamie Ridler said...

Your cards are so, so beautiful. It's awesome to see your creativity be a part of the process.

It's amazing how just reading the lists, you can feel the energy shift! What an inspired idea to take the energetic noticing to specific foods. I'm sure that will really offer some wisdom.

Oh, are you and Danette friends in RL? That's so cool.

Suzie Ridler said...

Interesting that so many of the things that drag you down come from other people and the things that refresh and inspire you come from private time. That's like me too and is a sign of an introvert. Does that make sense to you?

How fascinating that you are from Montreal and moved to Toronto, that's where my family moved too as well. I left Toronto 13 years ago and I just got back from a visit there. Perhaps this house of mine will become my home? I wonder how my gypsy spirit feels about that?

Caroline said...

Oh I love the card you made today! You are amazing! Drum circles are so cool...have you even been to a gong bath before? Totally mind blowing and amazing!!! Cheers to you today!

danette said...

Oh my goddess Genie, let's drum!

I love your solutions to the zappers, change of physical or mental space. We always have that power, don't we?

Walk away walk away walk away! I can hear you saying it. You make me laugh. ;)

QueenAlpo said...

I love that you included showers. So true.

Now if only I could find the energy to drag myself into the shower. Apparently the knowledge that I'll feel better isn't enough motivation.

Genie Sea said...

Dawn - Thank you so much! It's true! Doodling keeps my energy above critical low at meetings! :)

Jamie - Thank you so much! :)I am really enjoying getting back into my graphic art! And yes, Danette is my dear dear friend! Blessed I am!! (In wise Yoda voice) :)

Suzie - Thank you sweetie! :) It makes total sense! I am an introvert disguising as an extrovert! heh :) I trully believe your house will become your home once you have infused it with your wild child, gypsy, fabulous spirit! :)

Caroline - Thank you hon! :) No. I have never been to a gong bath! I don't even know anything about it! I will look it up. It sounds marvelous! :)

Danette - My artistic goddess! Yes! Let us drum! Let's do this thing! :) A Drum Lab perhaps? :)

QueenAlpo - Haha! You will shower when you;re good and ready! :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Thanks for sharing that list, it gave me a little extra energy as I smiled all the way through it. :)

creativehealinggoddess said...

Temperance card is lovely ....
and I could use most of your list of energizers too especially attending a drumming circle.

gemma said...

Beautiful post!
All of your pick me ups are great...especially like that just a smile is invigorating.It really is!!!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Wow what a great list maybe I should do more of an energized list.

Thanks for stopping by.

Turtleheart said...

Beautiful list of energy boosters, love them. Love that you chose the Temperance card for today's exercise, that's perfect!

Beautiful Witch said...

We have lots of things in common on our lists of energisers - yay! I think the exercise has been a really wonderful way to start a list of things that are going to make a difference in our lives. Change is in the air - I can smell it! :)

Genie Sea said...

Paula - Thank you! I always consider it a successful day, if I make someone smile. :)

Marilyn - Thank you! Help yourself to my list, the juicers are free of charge! :)

Gemma - Thank you! Yes. smiles are miraculous! :)

Peppylady - Thank you! Yes, we can always use more pick-me-ups! :)

Turtleheart - Thank you! Temperance does represent the core of my beliefs. In balance there is peace. :)

Tabby - Thank you! Welcome to my blog and to the journey. I will be visiting you as well! :)

Beautiful Witch - Thank you! I noticed the similarities as well! Yes, refreshing change is in the air! :)