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This is the light of abundance and offering.
The mission statement of my soul.

I want to live in and love the moment.
To accept the universe's magic and reflect it back onto everyone.
To let my steps glow.
To allow the light to dispel all fear and doubt.
To refuse access to the negative and destructive. I want to become a duck and let it run off my back like water.
Like water I want to be fluid, and swim not sink.
And if I sink, I want to explore the treasures of the depths, secure that I can surface safely.
I want to accept the gifts the universe gives me, because I am worthy.
I want to shed insecurities, and expel self-doubt.
I want to inhabit the body I was meant to have not the one burdened by the past.
I want to create and let my creations touch others and help them along their path.
I want to dance.
I want to sing.
I want to laugh, from deep inside.

Today, as every day, I want to step out of the cloudy, murky haze I have been living in, and be aware. Aware of those around me. Aware of the ups and downs. Aware of the steps my feet follow. Aware of the signs and synchronicities. Aware of the gentle and not so gentle nudgings of the universe.

And accept all these with love.
With love
the spirit of adventure
like a child reborn
open my arms
and let the universe's light in
and offer it like flowers to the world.

This is my mission. :)

Thank you to all of you who have visited my blog and left me your gifts of wisdom, of humour, of support, of compassion, of affirmation, of love. There are no words that can truly express what I feel for you, but I am deeply grateful that I have found each and every one of you. May the universe bless you with love, health, wisdom, humour, and all the tools that you may need in life's journey.

My special thanks and blessings to Jamie for bringing us all together. You have started a momentous exploration. You are truly a star that shynes! :)

And the universe spoke.

I received an invitation to go to a spoken word event tonight.

The universe sings.

I used to do spoken word performances myself. That was the time of my life. It glowed with promise, with activity. I was surrounded by other creative souls. I lost 100 pounds. I was at peace with myself and happy every day I woke up. My life was filled with music and art. That is when I met one of my dearest friends, and a shining beacon in my life - Danette. :)

The universe is pointing the way and I am heading there eagerly. It is beginning. Genie's Renaissance. :)


Breedale said...

You are such an inspiration! I love reading your insights. Sharing this journey with you make it that much more enlightening.

Judi said...

Breedale is so right - your insight is not only inspiring but very helpful.

I work the late shift/mid shift today - read Day 7 and panicked! Then I saw that you had already posted and popped over to see how you had handled it.

Before this journey - your "I want to" will become "I do"

Boho mom said...

Ohhhh, what a gorgeous pic!
And such a beautiful, heartfelt post.
I agree...others in this project and their comments are so inspiring to me. I feel guilty that I'm not getting to as many blogs as I'd like to.

Keep up the good work. Your positive energy is an inspiration.

Claudia said...

Such a warm post - wonderful resonating words.

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

Thanks for your help with the image! I finally loaded it into gimp and played with it. Could not get the Flickr link to work. Gotta love technology!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Breedale ♥ I love reading your insights too! :)

Thank you Judi ♥ You're right! The want to will become the I do! :)

Thank you Boho Mom ♥ Don't feel guilty. It's simply part of my process to get to as many blogs that I can. I don't make it to all of them. We do what we do. :)

Thank you Claudia ♥ for the warmth and affirmation of your comment. :)

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Sherrie ♥ You succeeded! Weee! :)

danette said...

your poetry is the rhythm of walking, the kind of walk when everything becomes clear.

your rhythm clears the way for others too.

Genie Sea said...

Ah Danette, you are a supernova in the firmament of my life. Thank you for being in my life! :)

Sandra said...

I especially like the "wanting to inhabit the body I was meant to have, not the one burdened by the past" - yes, a heartfelt (and determined) post

Tori said...

Keep up the good work! You are so inspiring! Your Renaissance. I love it.

Fatma said...

The picture is GLORIOUS!

Your post is amazing and I am in awe!

gemma said...

This is beautiful Genie Sea.
Let's all do a bun dance!!!
:-) wiggle wiggle

Kate I said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love the phrase "open my arms and let the universe's light in and offer it like flowers to the world".

I feel those flowers floating from your words and drifting my way...thank you for the gift.

ELLIE said...

absolutely beautiful!!
such inspiration - such beauty!!!
thanks for sharing it all!!

Genie Sea said...

Sandra - Thank you so much. ♥ De-cluttering for me includes my body. :)

Tori - Thank you for your words of encouragement! ♥

Fatma - Aww, you make me blush. Thank you ♥

Gemma - *wiggle wiggle* :) ♥

Kate I - :) May your life be filled with flowers! Thank you ♥

Ellie - Thank you for all your support! :) It is an honor to have you and everyone on this journey. It makes it so much more meaningful! ♥

creativehealinggoddess said...

Yes it is and I am glad to be sharing your rebirth....

This is a beautiful card...

Erin said...

Thank you this is a beautiful post and a lovely picture as well.

E. Michelle