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A New Day

This morning, I wake up. My mind started working overtime in my sleep. I tried lulling myself again, but it would not work. Tick tock. I gave up and got up.

I came to my friendly blog to find so much love and encouragement and support from each of you. I always try to comment back, but I need to say here and now, how amazing each and every one of you is. I love the perspective and insight you bestow upon me like water in the desert.

I am feeling better now, after yesterday's wrenching experience. I needed to put those words down and release them. Release the anguish, and anger. I found myself exhausted after that and so I honored myself by resting and not doing any work.

So I awoke this morning, indecently early, and made the Tarot Card for today. The Queen of Crystals. That is my card, as an earth sign. The Queen of abundance and fruitfulness. I chose crystals because, to me, they are infinitely more precious than coins. They are natural gifts from the Divine. Gifts of Beauty. Gifts of Intuition. Gifts of Healing.

I am not going to be doing the SC suggestions today, not because I am avoiding them, but because this is what I do on a regular basis. I detox regularly. I pay attention to what goes into my mouth, what I crave, and who is doing the craving. Is it me or the little saboteur that has been installed inside me? I hereby give her eviction papers. Get out and take your baggage with you! :)

So I'm not a size 2. I never will be. I am healthy though! I strive to be more active, to not beat myself up with others' expectations. My mantra this week will be... I AM beautiful! I AM blessed. I AM alive!

I will make an appointment to get a mani-pedi tomorrow after work! The place I go to is not upscale but you certainly get upscale treatment! You sit in a shiatsu massage chair while they work on your feet. Each client has her own instruments in a box with her name and number. They are clean and sterile. They use hot rocks to massage your tired feet and hands. I feel gorgeous every time I leave there.

Yes! That's what I will do to honor my body this week, along with drinking more water, going to the gym, trying to get enough sleep, (Mind. Cooperate!) and eating food that gives me energy.

Today, is a new day, and I wake with renewed energy, leaving the past behind me and planting my feet on the beautiful earth one step at a time. :)

Blessed be. :)


Jamie Ridler said...

You are beautiful! You are blessed. You are alive! Magnificent, sparkling you! Of course, you are the Queen of Crystals. Yes.

And what a great treat to give yourself, the mani-pedi. I know my body loves that kind of luxurious attention. We're in the same city, yes? Would you share your oasis?

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Love the card´s light.
Enjoy your beauty date. :)

Dia said...

YEA!! I'm glad today feels better!! Love the card as well - yest. I was cutting some mags for collage & my grand daughters (4 & 8) asked to help :) I cut some with crystals & diamonds; I need to mae one of these, too - as I'm also an earth mama - virgo with Taurus moon . . .

hugs!! & oo - what a treat! My dau & I love to go for pedis (never had one till I began using my feet for DOING massage :)

Suzie Ridler said...

Rock on! Look at you, Queen of Crystals! Shimmering away. I think self-acceptance is one of the kindest gifts we can give ourselves and it's so important. I struggle with body issues too and admire your posts on this subject.

ELLIE said...

how very cool - crystals - just shinning away for everyone else - love the idea of how you are going to reward/treat your body - it sounds like time well spent and even fun!!!
you go girl - BTW - thanks for always stopping by and leaving some love - I so apprecaite it!!

Fatma said...

Queen of Crystals - YES!
Beautiful - Absolutely!
Blessed - You bet!
Alive - Definitely!

Keep shining!

Tabitha said...

I so love your attitude! It energizes me each day and I'm so grateful! Get your mani-pedi and know that you are DEEPLY (as my teenage daughter says) HOT!!


Kavindra said...

Bravo to the Queen of Crystals, shining and sharing light with all!

linda said...

crystals everywhere~rainbows every color ~ may you have a wonderful day! you are off to a magnificent start and now, I am off to my lovely soak in hot water and sweet smelling candles...

you have inspired me!

blessings ...

Miss Robyn said...

(dandelion tea: is sometimes called dandelion coffee, made from the roasted root of dandelion. I buy mine as tea bags sometimes or else i buy the granulated form and make a pot. It tends to be bitter so I make it on the weak side, add a dash of milk and a little raw sugar to take that bitter edge off it) - email me if you would like to know more :)
will be back to read your post a little later, I have my wise woman group today.. xoox

Tori said...

What a great post! I got a manicure as a present from my cousin once. I felt so good after.

You are blessed and beautiful! Keep the positive comments of yourself coming- they'll make you shine from the inside out. ;)

Genie Sea said...

You are all starry light! The canopy of my sky is so full! Thank you each and every one of you!

Jamie - Thank you so much :) It's called Metro Nails on Danforth one block east of Woodbine. Hugs!

Thank you Boho! I ain't no saint though. I do have the occasional naughty meal or snack.:) Hugs!

Thank you Paula! :)Hugs!

Thank you Dia! :) Crystals rock! I have always been fond of crystals and rocks, since I was a toddler. Hugs!

Thank you Suzie! :)Self-acceptance should be a given in all of us. No one should ever take that away, but sometimes it happens. I am on my way to being whole. Hugs!

Thank you Ellie! :) You;re most welcome. Your blog is most inspiring. Hugs!

Thank you Fatma! :) Hugs!

Thank you Tabby! :) LOL! Hugs!

Thank you Lisa! :) Hugs!

Thank you Linda! :) Hugs! OH! A nice soak! Yum! :)

Thank you Robyn! I will get me some! :) Hugs!

Thank you Tori! :) Hugs!

Jamie Ridler said...

Genie, thanks so much for the mani-pedi location. OMG, are we neighbours? That's totally my hood. We need to talk! Over coffee!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I've been enjoy every thing about soul coaching.
I've learn so much about my self.

So glad to hear you detox on a regular bases.

Coffee is on.

Caroline said...

Wonderful! Hope you enjoyed that mani-pedi!

Jamie Ridler said...

Genie, you can email me at Jamie (at) openthedoor (dot) ca. Your latest description puts us even closer together! Cool!

Serena said...

I LOVE your Mantra for this week. You are definitely the Queen of rock, girl!