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The Beat

Allow me to present, drum roll please :), The Magician. She embodies all the elements. Fully grounded on the rich soil, her fluidly fiery nature breathes light.

She is a drummer, in tune with the rhythms of the earth, of life, of her body. One with nature. One with beyond nature. Sensual and spiritual at once, she creates a beat that inspires the feet to dance, the body to move, and the soul to soar.

The air around her shifts. Oxygen smiles. The rhythm laps like crystal water as the flame of the eternal courses in her veins. The earth vibrates to the beat she sets. Alive.

She is magical because she can harness the beautiful world's energy through her body and soul, sending it in rhythmic patterns into those around her. The world dances to her rhythm.

Can you hear her?
She is drumming inside you.

Today, we are asked to listen to our natural rhythm, to follow the unique beat of our different drummer. To let it flow out and join the symphony around us.

I have always loved drums. I always listen to the beat of a song. It grounds and moves the ground at the same time. When I play hand drums, my mind shuts down; the shoulds and woulds dissolve; the ifs and whys disappear; and I just am. I have found I naturally tend toward a certain rhythmic pattern, a distinctive beat if I allow my hands free reign. That is my rhythm. It is joyous and unfettered by financial anxieties, feelings of loneliness, anger at oppressive managers. It is an entity of its own. It resides in me and belongs to the universe.

As I travel through the challenges of the day, I will embody the Magician within me.

I know today will have some fallout from yesterday's meeting where our principal told us that it is "unprofessional" for teachers to have coffee or tea in our classes. We are only "allowed" water. If you did not guess, I was vocal at the meeting. I challenged her, and though many agreed with me, my colleagues were deadly quiet when I was done. Nothing like going out on the limb alone. :) And in the ensuing silence, I will listen to the beat of my heart, and follow it. No matter where it takes me. I have a beat. I will not be beaten. :)

May your days be joyous and your beats be strong. :)


Serena said...

YOUR post is magical, Genie! You have such an amazing way with words and I always feel uplifted after visiting your blog. I love your tarot card for today!

Heavens, with all the bad going on in this world and the Principal is complaining about teachers having tea/coffee in their classrooms?! Shame on her! Teachers at my son's school always take their tea or coffee to their classrooms....they well deserve it too! I will send you positive vibes in hope that the Principal sees reason.

love, light and peace,

Judi said...

I love it! I'm not even certain that my drummer has a drum! Just the sticks - because different surfaces have different sounds. I'm dangerous around water filled glasses!

Your Magician is beautiful and Fiery.
Just like you.

Somehow at the beginning of the paragraph, I just knew that you would be standing on that limb and bouncing it! Way to go!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you, Serena :) I know, right? In fact, there is so much more she should be focusing on in our school. Like the dangerously crowded hallways outside of class times. Like the fact that a teacher was assaulted by a student and they did nothing about it. Like the fact that a group of girls were throwing snowballs at cars and were confronted by an angry driver, only for her to come out and shake their hands and give them chips! You know, it's all good as long as we don't have coffee...

Thank you Judi :) Sticks rock cause then the world is a drum! :)

Suzie Ridler said...

How interesting! By looking at this card I realize now how rarely the magician is depicted by women! I love that she is a drumming, stirring up the energy of life and energy with her hands.

Good for you for speaking your truth. The magician would be proud.

Boho mom said...

Ohhhh I love this post! I love your magic drummer and can hear the beat, beat, beat from here.

Yay for you, having the courage to stand up for what you believe, even though your colleagues cowered with intimidation.
Cripes! Don't half the kids bring coffee to class nowadays? You'd think schools and their respective faculties have much more to worry about than a teacher with a cup of coffee -yeesh!

Claudia said...

Good for you!

Caroline said...

Wonderful post today. I love the magician and how she is in us...beating her drum. I will use her power today! Thank you for such inspiration :)

todayandeveryday said...

I like that you stood up for what you felt is right. The integrity with which you spoke with carry you through any storm. Cheers to you!

meandmom said...

Genie, I too love the sound of drums. I never thought of drumming as stirring things up, but I can see that imagery. For me, drums are grounding. They sound deep in my belly and mimic my heart.

I wish you could have stirred up a mutiny on the bounty at school! Sounds like you have the epitome of the Education Administrator on your hands. Keep fighting for what is right though!

I wish you a magical day.

Tabitha said...

Bravo! Bravo!
If I was sluggish before reading this I am no longer! I feel empowered! I feel beautiful and strong!

Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

Miss Robyn said...

tell the principal that it is green tea and is medicinal !! for heavens sakes, she needs to get her priorities right. Times, they are a changin' :)

love the magician card.. I resonate to that & love drums too!
(ps word verification :injedi - ha! you are a jedi knight xo)

Tabitha said...

When you get a chance please come to my blog to witness what you inspired today. ♥

Her Speak said...

Where do you find the images you work with? It's mysterious and vivacious--so magickal! I love seeing a sorcerESS. :)


Fatma said...

You must so deeply believe in yourself that you can withstand all oppostion.

Keep marching to your own drumbeat, Magician!

I send healing love to your school. It seems in much need of comfort.

creativehealinggoddess said...

Hooray ...I had an old boss that told us we couldn't have tea in our classroom once. She was moved eventually well done for standing up for yourself.

Beautiful Magician Cardx

Kavindra said...

"my colleagues were deadly quiet when I was done. Nothing like going out on the limb alone. :) And in the ensuing silence, I will listen to the beat of my heart, and follow it. No matter where it takes me. I have a beat."

OMG - we are soul sisters. I cannot tell you how many times in my life I have been the only one to say what everyone is thinking! But what I love, is the ending you give to the situation - in the ensuing silence ...
Is that how you decided on today's card? She is beautiful. How do you make these - collage, paint? I really love them, they are these great archetypes for women to draw on.
I want to go drum on something now, and will, but wouldn't it be nice if I had a huge red headress to wear too?

gemma said...

Genie..I too work in a school. It's an elementary school k-8.
What age do you teach? So glad you take your magician to work with you!!She is awesome!

jennlui said...

oh wow! what a very powerful and magical post!!! thank you so very much for sharing this, it is exactly what i needed to hear tonight...

i have only recently discovered your blog and wanted to tell you how i love love love your beautiful creations and energy. it is always such a great pleasure to visit you! i absolutely love tarot cards and have been reading them for several years, i very much enjoy your magical interpretations of them. thank you.

have a beautiful evening

Genie Sea said...

It's raining amazing, hallelujah! WOW! I am so humbled by your words, by your support, by your incredible love. Thank you!

Rather than answer you here, I will be visiting your blogs!

You are all a rainbow of amazing!

Jamie Ridler said...

Oh, my, goddess, I LOVE the magician!! That is the very first time ever I have seen that card with a woman as the magician (and I've seen a lot of cards!) Thank you so much for that. I find that profoundly healing. I'm feeling that beat stirring inside!

What a powerful inspiration to follow the beat of your own heart. And I don't just mean the card, Genie. I mean you!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much Jamie :)

When I was designing the card in my head, I knew right away that the Magician would be a woman and she would be playing a hand drum.

To answer several questions about how I put my visuals together. It is a graphic collage of images I collect from stock images. They are either free or I buy them. For instance, the Magician herself is complied from 9 different images. The rest I drew in. The background is a compilation of 7 different photos. The head piece is 3. The drum is one :) Once I splice and draw in, I manipulate them through photoshop. :)

megg said...

"The air around her shifts. Oxygen smiles." Oooooh. This gave me the BIGGEST GOOSEBUMPS. Don't you just want that energy in your life?! RooAaarrrRRR!!!

(What ridiculousness about the coffee/ tea thing. Your principal needs to get their priorities straight!!)

Thank you for this post - it has given me SUCH a buzz of energy today!!!


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

I LOVE her.
I want her.
I want to have one of her.
I want to be one of her.
I want to print this post in big size letters and make a poster of it.

Thanks. Truly. Deeply.

Melissa said...

Been there. Done that. Everyone is complaining at work about "blah", but when it comes to speaking up and out about it....the crickets are the only sound. I put myself on the chopping block once for something 'they' were doing that I just didn't agree with (nor did most others), but I was the only one who challenged them. Oh, many people came up to me in private and thanked me and said they were impressed by what I said and did...but I was the only one who got written up for it. It was very worth it and still is. BTW, I quit that job 4 years ago. Haven't looked back since. :)

~La la la~

Eileen W. said...

What a glorious post!! I will be back for more inspiration and beauty! Go get 'em- I am often like you as well- just have to go along to my own drum! :) Have more coffee and tea, please- it's enough to have to keep up with kids these days.