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Loving in Being

Love the moment.
Be in the moment.
Use all senses together.

Just be.
Don't take a snapshot.
Be the snapshot.
And in the next.
And the next.

Drink the grape juice.
Sweet taste

The silent hum
of cozy home
The morning
just beginning
no matter what the weather.

Today, stretches before me, full of moments to be in. There is a lot to plan. A lot to think about. I will be in the planning. I will think while being present in the moment. Centered. Aware. Alive.


So after making the commitment of being in the moment, the Universe tested me. :)

As I was leaving my house to get to my car, my front steps collapsed, and I tumbled down into the frozen garden. Ouch! After I got up, I said a prayer of thanks. Thanks that I was not badly hurt. Thanks that no one witnessed my fall. Thanks that it was me and not someone else. Thanks that the garden was cleared and I did not get stabbed by dead stems.

I gathered my wits about me, put a plank to stop anyone from trying to ascend the stairs, and went to work.

There, I met with the principal and she ever so sweetly criticized me for something innocuous. I smiled and told her to have a great day.

In our office, my lovely coworkers rallied around me in caring and concern. How blessed am I?

My head was hurting me, so I asked my lively and wonderful grade 9 students to be as quiet as possible, and they were angels! My friend and coworker, Emily, brought me a coffee, hoping it would help clear my head. Another angel!

I found out at the end of the period, that our illustrious principal saw her bringing me the coffee and reprimanded her for setting a bad example. Emily was crushed. I became LIVID! My anger tore through me in lava waves of OUTRAGE. I decided I was going to launch a massive grievance against her for undue use of management. Everyone is going to follow suit. Fire spread throughout the whole school.

In the afternoon, a sweet girl who is taking my Writers Craft told me about a group whose members who are almost all black students has been targeted by several members of staff. I responded by going to the two men running it, and offered my support. I am starting an Afro-Canadian Club at my school (for the first time)!

That night, we had parents of grade 8 students coming to check out our school, and we had to put together a show for them. We arranged an amazing one for my department on such short notice.

After enjoying a lovely meal of sushi, my friend and colleague, Dawn, and I settled in my classroom, ready to mark papers having been told that about 10 parents show up to these.

We got 12 tours of about 50 people each!

When all that was done, I came home, took a hot shower, got into my jammies and collapsed.

PHEW! Talk about being in the moment!

Song and dance anyone?


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Interesting point.
I´m the one looking out for photo ops (my blog is called Happysnappy ´cause I take a ton of snaps :D )even without a camera in my hand. I´m scanning my environment all the time.
Thanks for the reminder to be IN the scene. :)

Tabitha said...

Peaceful..This is what I feel every morning that I tune into your blog. Your life lessons are poetically a blessing to me.


todayandeveryday said...

Your post is full of warmth and light. Thank you.

Caroline said...

I just love's just so happy!

creativehealinggoddess said...

I did post something but it went,
here we go again, beautiful sun card and bright post...

Kavindra said...

I love the sun mirrored in the sunflowers. I love the poem.

I love that you totally got that my shadow IS paris hilton! That was exactly who I had in mind to put a picture of, but I went with Dillon instead.

Suzie Ridler said...

Beautiful! Thank you for that little big of sunshine and joy. It's so dark here, it's like a beacon of light.

Thanks for liking my shadow! She can kick butt sometimes eh? I'm glad Pitty made you smile and laugh. That makes me very happy.

gemma said...

I always enjoy your posts. They are just so comforting....

peppylady (Dora) said...

It great to be alive now!!!

Coffee is on,

Jamie Ridler said...

Centred. Alive. Aware.

Yes, what a beautiful way to live.

And thank you so much for your wonderful comment on my post :)

big hugs,

Genie Sea said...

You are a such beautiful, sunny souls. Thank you for spreading your light on my humble blog and on my life. ♥

Serena said...

What a day! And I thoroughly enjoyed reading your experience, Genie...YOU ROCK!

love, light and peace,

Jo said...

I was exhausted after reading about your in the moment day :-)