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Breathing Commitment - Day 1 & 2

I was starting to get the flushed, anxious feeling of having fallen behind.

My brain processes things at the speed of light; and if left unchecked I can multitask my way through life. My challenge has always been to stop, let the process be, and let myself experience it slowly.

In other words, I took a breath.

Breathing between the lines.
Breathing between thoughts.
Breathing in the experience and breathing out the feeling.

Looking up at the sky. Letting the wind breathe me as I breathe it. Noticing how the clouds undulate lovingly at the wind's caress. Breathing in the moment.

In the gym, not focusing on how fast I am going, what the incline is, what music is playing, nothing but breathing. Listening to my breath and following it into my lungs, as it enters my blood stream and feeds my muscles. Feeling my muscles breathe. Feeling my lungs, take in, and let out. Feeling my mind slow down to my breath's rhythm.

Breathing before speaking. Breathing in the words coming from other's mouths. Noticing their breathing. Listening to the room breathe. To the world breathe. To my breath. My commitment is to take one breath at a time and not stress about how much air is coming in.

Image courtesy of Stephen Brooks


Miss Robyn said...

very good commitment, to breathe one breath at a time.. we constantly hold our breath and don't realize it sometimes. Oh and taking a breath before speaking, fantastic idea..
blessings to you on your journey !

danette said...

Beautiful Genie. I love "breathing in experience, breathing out feeling."

I'm so happy you are doing this with me!

Aurora said...

the breathing thing is hard for me to remember---but the past 2 days here have been real stormy weather with alot of wind--so the air is alive!

Kelly said...

I love being attentive to my breathing. It really does make a difference, and it is instantly soothing to take a couple deep breaths and let out a good ahhhh. So thank you for your little testament to the breath!

Genie Sea said...

miss*r - Thank you so much for your blessings! :)

danette - I'm so happy you have shown me the way! :)

aurora - I love storms! (If they don't cause destruction.)

kelly - Thank you for your encouragement!

Tori said...

Paying attention to your breathing is wonderful advice. It calms you and makes life in general easier.

Good luck with your journey. Looking forward to hearing more.

todayandeveryday said...

Ahhhh, I felt myself breathing right along as I read your words. Magnificent! It really is the way to slow down. You actually can not think and focus on your breathing at the same time. Cool, huh?

Serena said...

Wonderful choice, Genie.

I have found that focusing on the breathing really helps to ground me. Baby steps....

Love, light and peace ~

Genie Sea said...

Tori - Thank you! Good luck on your journey as well! It's fun having all this wonderful company!

todayandeveryday - Totally! Breathing is the one thing we have not thought about since the day we took our first one, yet it is what drives everything. Paying homage to it seems fitting. :)

Serena- Thank you for your blessings! :) Learning to breathe consciously is like learning to walk again. :)

Breedale said...

Wow, what A beauiful discription! I love the way you put that together. I could really see the air moving. Fabulous!

Judi said...

I love your post - it's like freestyle poetry - it sings - dare I say ..... it breathes!

Kate I said...

Thank you for's so beautifully said.

Caroline said...

I have a hard time remembering to breath (well at least to do it consciously...). This is a wonderful reminder and post.

Sandra said...

Beautiful meditation on breathing.. evokes the experience of breathing (being in the moment) and letting go of all that grasping we do (how much, can I get more?). It has inspired me.

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

thank you for the reminders! it makes such a huge difference to breathe before speaking. and thank you for sharing that image -- reminds me of Steiglitz's "clouds" series!

Lots of miracles to you!

Genie Sea said...

Breedale - Thank you so much! That is exactly how I was feeling when I wrote this. :)

Kate i - Thank you! Beauty is in the eyes of the reader! :)

Judi - Thank you! What is more enchanting than singing? Words that sing. :)

Caroline - Thank you so much! It is easy to take for granted the one thing we shouldn't. heh :)

Sandra - Thank you! It is so hard for me to stop and just be. The mind takes over with what ifs and what nexts, I tend to forget the what now?

1,000 faces of Motherhenna - Thank you! It has always been a challenge for me to pause before speaking. It seems my mouth has so much to say. Breathing teaches me to control it. :)

Thank you all for your comments. Each and every one of you has been inspiring and feeding this journey, and it is ah honor to be sharing it with so many magnificent souls! :)

Jamie Ridler said...


Thank you for inviting us into the space of slowing down, of sensing, of breath.

One breath at a time. No stress. Receiving.


Genie Sea said...

Jamie - Thank you! I think, often we have issues with air because we perceive we have no space. Yet, all we have to do is step into a vast space and breathe. It's so simple yet we take it for granted!

Beautiful Witch said...

I too was feeling anxious about being behind, but I am trying to relax. All things in their time, right? I think your interpretation of breathing is wonderful. I too have tried to stop and just breathe at different times of the day, but it is hard. Like you my brain moves really really fast and needs close regulation!

Genie Sea said...

beautiful witch - Indeed! Everything in their time! Thank you! :)

Stoneweaver said...

I am so like that too - always a million things zapping around my brain. Always a feeling of 'not enough time'. So I'm going to remember to breathe. I do sit regularly each morning for about half an hour in meditation - and this is very helpful (I recommend it). I really notice it when I skip it (!)

Genie Sea said...

helaingstones - Thank you for the suggestion! :) ♥