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Magic Light

What a magical morning! I went to bed last night reading the next chapter in
Soul Coaching feeling this incredible peace and contentment.

Then this morning, when I logged onto my blog to find a continued shower
of positivity, my morning brightened up immeasurably.

I am so blessed to be sharing this amazing journey with so many warm people
who feed my soul with light. I thank you all from the bottom of my being.

I chose this picture because it reminds me of us.
We, who have undertaken
this journey together, are like strong pillars of hope, creating a sacred
place full of light, reverence, and magic.

To appreciate the light, we have to have experienced the darkness, for one cannot exist with the other. In order for me to explain to those of you who do not know me, how much this abundance of positivity means to me, I will first share with you what path I just stepped from.

Last year, I lost both my parents. It is a loss that I am still struggling with.
My family is gone.

The year before that, the man whom I thought was the love of my life, walked away from me.
I was devastated.

I work in an environment that feeds negativity and disgruntlement.
I gained weight and have been struggling to shed it.

I choose to step away.
I choose not to allow the loses to define me.
I choose not to adopt others' perspective and shortcomings.

I choose the light.
I choose to allow magic to enter my life.
I choose to embrace others of like mind and nurture them as they nurture me.
I choose love.
I choose hope.
I choose to hug my faithful companion, Stinky!
I choose to cherish the friends who have stuck by me through thick and thin.
I choose life!


Jamie Ridler said...

Thank you! Thank you for your gifts, for the way you spread light wherever you go.

My heart is with you in the challenges you've faced and in the empowering, life-affirming choices you're making!

gemma said...

Yesterday while visiting our circle, I noticed that you had been everywhere... making positive comments to all. Thank you so much. We are blessed to have you on this path with us.

I lost both parents within days of each other a few years ago.Truely understand your loss.
Sending love
Let us bask in the light!

todayandeveryday said...

First of all that picture is so beautiful and the meaning that you have given it makes it even more so!

You are so wise and so strong and I am so happy to be doing this journey with you. The choices you are making are remarkable and you have already made so much more room in your heart for what the universe has in store for you.

Peace be with you as you continue on your way.

Kavindra said...

What a gorgeous picture, and a touching description of what it represents - I'm honored to be part of that.

I lost my grandmother and mom within a month of each other a few years back. It's hard. I'm thinking of you.

Claudia said...

It´s wonderful to see you moving in such a positive direction after you´ve been through so much..ispirational post.

Jane said...

I loved this post! Your strength comes shining through and your passion for change is leaping through!

originalbliss said...

Beautiful post.

meandmom said...

I understand the loneliness and struggle that comes with loss. I applaud you for choosing to move on from it.

The image you posted is full of reverence, which for me is a comforting feeling.

I sense that although it has been a rough year, you truly are safe and centered.

Have a beautiful day!

Serena said...

I have read and re-read your post and I am in absolute awe of the strength you have shown in the face of sorrow and heart-break...the sense of empowerment and commitment you are showing in following your authentic journey. Thank you for posting this beautiful picture as a representation of our group. Genie, it is a privilege for me to share in this journey with you!

Love, light and peace ~

Pen said...

what a poignant post. shared so beautifully. thank you. and that picture... it really is breathtaking. i love how you see it representing the community created here but i also see it representing your wonderful heart. as gemma said: you have been spreading light through your visits and comments to everyone here. thank you for sharing your precious self.

Her Speak said...

Such a strong, beautiful post. I'm enjoying reading about all of these soul coaching experiences. :)

By the're it!

creativehealinggoddess said...

Hugging you =( )= thank you it seemed that you had a major "Tower cycle" in your life and from that your still supporting bringing warmth to my heart with that post.

Blessing and thank you for bringing us such support and joy.

You have raised my vibration and opened my heart with your story and picture. Thank you

danette said...

I love you Genie.

There is such strength in your honesty and willingness to love. Thank you for this post, it is so beautiful.

You deserve this warmth.

Fatma said...

You deserve all the light, magic and love that the Universe is sending your way. I am so glad that you chose the Light.

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

Wonderful image and choices! It is wonderful to be walking this journey with such courageous people.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm enjoy reading and being part of this group.
I don't have the book yet.
But I had a light day and thats want I needed.

Coffee is on.

Judi said...

Thank you. I too choose life. I think that the entire group has been blessed by your words.

Sandra said...

I really do find that the most interesting people are the ones who have suffered some, and chosen to turn it into something positive. That is a bit of a cliche, but such a rich thing to find in a person. Your writing holds that kind of richness. Thank you for sharing your struggles.

Her Speak said...

Thank you for the lovely verse!

When you're tagged you make a list of six secrets or little known facts about yourself, post them and then tag six other people. :)

Have fun!

megg said...


There is so much power in this post, it made me get teary. To have been through so much and to be consciously making the decision to choose hope is a powerful intention. You are wise and strong, and I think that your choice of a picture full of light coming through history is very telling - you are going to be okay!!!

I can't wait to see what your next week brings!

linda said...

You have such an inspiring and lovely blog, I have been mesmerized for going on an hour, just reading your words, your story, seeing your also ventured over to my blog and wrote me two very sweet and loving comments, I felt a light flow from them and I are a gifted .... one.

I hope to join the group(if it is not closed) when I receive my book ... I cannot help but anticipate an enlightening journey based upon reading your beautiful blog, sharing so many dear and heart felt comments of those who are walking the Path with you as well as your kind words to me, one you have not met ... Many blessings as you wend your way through a difficult passage, onto the precipice overlooking the valley below.