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Bird's Eye View


I awoke today to a brand new world of hope and promise. The United States took a step out of the muddy past and into a future only depicted, up to now, in fiction. All Hail to the Chief - President Elect Barack Obama!

Such a historic moment needs a moment of pause. I am breathing easier.

In the spirit of de-cluttering, of letting fresh air in, of looking at myself from a different vantage point, of accepting myself for who I am, I will share two experiences with you - one real and the other in a dream state.

Yesterday was a difficult day for me, one that brought me a few realizations.

I have the fortune and the difficulty of working with people who are more to me than colleagues. Yesterday, I came up against the wall of challenge. To give you a bird's eye view of the situation, I am a high school teacher, and have been recently given the position of head of the department. The job comes with the responsibility of reorganizing not only the physical space but the contents of courses by providing people with opportunities for growth and the resources to go in new directions. The problem is, resistance predominates.

Yesterday, I held a follow-up meeting to an earlier one where we, as a collective, agreed to do something different and exciting for the students and the educators, and that is to provide a week of workshops that the students could choose from. The first meeting was successful and empowering. Yesterday's meeting was a mess. One person had forgotten about the meeting, even though she was given plenty of notice and did not prepare, the other was prepared to derail it by essentially not following the guidelines we all had agreed to. Nothing unusual, but these two are amongst my closest friends. I took a breath, and didn't lose it completely at the meeting, but I felt hurt and unsupported.

Then I took a step back. This is the crux of my realization... I have always taken on the blame, even if the fault did not lie at my feet. After the meeting, I felt like I had failed as a leader. I felt like I was ambushed and sabotaged. I took the blame.

Then, I thought, wait a minute...

I was prepared for the meeting. I spearheaded this whole project and brought everyone together. How is it my fault that one person was not prepared and another person was too set in her way of seeing things to work with the team? The answer was... It was not my fault.

This realization is huge. I love who I am... and who I am is enough! To say these words and mean them is momentous.

Now, I will share the dream that awoke me this morning. I was moving across a body of water. The water was clear and purple and fresh. To navigate my way across, I had to walk across these oval wooden barges. I almost made it across, until I was at the last one. It started to sink, and it took me with it. I sunk deeply, but then started swimming up to the surface. I was scared and I could feel the air abandoning my lungs, making way for water. I didn't think I could make it, but just as I broke the surface and found the oxygen I desperately sought, I woke up.

Quite a telling dream, don't you think?


Fatma said...

Wonderful realization!Just like me you are in a time of transition and this process is really helping to see it from a birds eye view!

Genie Sea said...

Fatma - Yes. Thank the Universe for this process. It is helping us gain different perspective, and tackle our issues with fresh eyes. What enhances this process is everyone participating. I am so grateful and thrilled to be part of such a nurturing community! It does the soul good!

Breedale said...

What an interesting and yet revealing dream! You are in a situation that while I have not experienced, I have witnessed first hand. I teach at a community college and I watched a friend become the chair with the department backing her 100% only to be let down repeatedly by the same people who rallied for her promotion. She has lost some of her closest allies and people turned on her completely at times. You are right to remember that you are not responsible for others' jealousy or rivalry. While those people may be your friends, they obviously think that with you in charge they are allowed more leeway. Be the best you can be and keep your eyes and ears open. I believe you will see alot of power shifts in your department, but as long as you remain true to who you are, those who don't support you will fall away on their own. Good luck and congrats!

Serena said...

Seeing situations with authentic eyes is an amazing eye-opener. And what we need to remember also is that those around us may not be 'aware' that they are being sabotaged by their ego selves and, sometimes, their actions are unreasonable. It's how we choose to react to these situations that is key.

todayandeveryday said...

Some great insights are being felt today, I think. So happy you were able to feel the affirmation!

Suzie Ridler said...

Absolutely telling! I'm so glad that you realize that you are not responsible and will no longer accept blame for what isn't your fault. You are your own hero.

Tori said...

I am glad you realize that other people's mistakes are not your fault. Accepting yourself is a wonderful gift.

It is quite a telling dream. Very appropriate for air week!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Good for you! :)

Miss Robyn said...

well done on your realization after the meeting! fantastic that you stopped and thought about it and came to the conclusion that you did xoxo

meandmom said...

What an incredible dream! To me it shouts of victory. My mother and sisters are also educators and I have heard many accounts of resistance to change in that field. Education needs people like you to inspire and lead. Keep that positive talk going in your head!

Pen said...

what a powerful revelation!
hold on to it!

Genie Sea said...

What a shower of positivity and reaffirmation! I am so blessed to be on this journey with a group of such amazing individuals. I mirror that loving support and send it back to each of you in spades!

Thank you Fatma!♥
Thank you Breedale! ♥
Thank you Serena!♥
Thank you todayandeveryday!♥
Thank you sacred Suzie!♥
Thank you Tori!♥
Thank you Paula!♥
Thank you missr!♥
Thank you meandmom!♥
Thank you pen*!♥

peppylady (Dora) said...

What a wonderful realization it wonderful when we find and better if we know how to correct them.

I believe you'll be find what every goes on in your life even in place of employment.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you peppylady! ♥

freelittlebird said...

Thank you so much for such soothing words on my blog today. It brought me a lot of comfort.

Congratulations to you on your realization at work. That's major!

Genie Sea said...

freelittlebird - I am so glad I was able to do that for you. Your post touched me greatly. Thank you! :)

Sherrie St. Cyr said...

Good for you for realizing you are enough and you did well!

Jamie Ridler said...

The realization is powerful and so are you!

Beautiful Witch said...

Firstly, thank you for your lovely comment on my photograph that Jamie used for today's post. I love to take photographs. :) Secondly, I agree that working with people who are also friends can be challenging (I wanted to say difficult, but I am trying very hard to re-word!). I think you have taken a big step n the right direction to know that it is not your fault. How empowered you must feel.

Genie Sea said...

beautiful witch- This process is so monumental for all of us. After making my own, I walked into work with a new sense of purpose. :)

creativehealinggoddess said...

I didn't see this post -I too was head of a department for Health and Beauty at an adult college and I encountered similar problems from Tutors.

Just clothe your self in white light for protection so you don't have to take on their stuff.

BTW -I loved the picture...