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Home Fire Burning

I gaze into the fire with my mind's eye.
Fire clouds enliven
the darkening sky.

Fire in the hearth
gives warmth and light
Marshmallows in fire,
sweeten the night.

The fire of our convictions
makes our hearts strong
While passionate fire
inspires our song.

Our footsteps are lighter
as they dance around
The fire in our souls
echoes the sound
Of the Universe.

Today on the first day of fire, we are asked to acknowledge our fears, and allow ourselves to take the giant leap of faith beyond them.

As, I sit here, I invoke my fears to come into the light of the fire.
I wait.
I am welcoming.
I prompt them.
None arrive.

I realize, I have conquered my fears. I am fearless.
How can this be? How can I be fearless? I used to be afraid of so much.
In the dark when I was a child, I would make sure my back was up against something. No more.
Growing up, and into my adulthood, I was afraid of rejection, so I flattened myself to please others. No more.
As a woman, I came to be afraid of being hurt in love. I wait for that to ring true within me now. It doesn't.
I am single with one income and own a home. Surely I am afraid of being able to sustain myself without a safety net. No. Nothing. Not a twinge.
How about heights? Am I afraid of those? I find them exhilarating.
Ghosts? Hi?
How about death? Am I afraid of that? Crickets.

I sit here stubbornly unafraid and smiling.
I listen to the soft hum of my furnace heating my house.
I wonder if I should get some sweet-smelling cedar this year and use my wood burning stove for the first time.
I picture a room filled with candles and am swept up by the reverence of romance and devotion.

I am strangely and firmly at peace. I feel blanketed by the warmth of my being.

So, what risk can I take beyond what I released yesterday?
Shall I climb a mountain? Reach the summit and look upon the majesty of the world around me?
Shall I quit my job and... but I love my job. I love teaching.

Wow. I am at a loss for words.
Except that I am thankful. Thankful for the burning fire within me. Thankful for the fire that burnished my soul and like an alchemist made it more precious and sturdy. Thankful for the passion that encapsulates my being. Thankful that I am fearless to speak the words that others choke on. Thankful for the conviction to blaze a trail where others fear to tread. Thankful for the fire in my eyes.

My spirit dances around the fire stoked and made more powerful by the Universe's bounty. I am thankful.


Fatma said...

I am thankful for the fire within you for it radiates out into the world.

todayandeveryday said...

What a beautiful, beautiful post! I am so happy for you!! that is a wonderful thing to feel, that fire that radiates warmth throughout your being. Can I stand next to your fire? [not in a dirty, Jimmie Hendrix kinda way;)]

Tabitha said...

Upon reading your post I found that we once shared the same fears, but no longer. I'm thrilled that your fire burns strong within you! It's an awesome feeling right?


Nicole said...

WOW!!! How powerful and inspiring! Thank you for being fearless, I can learn from your fearlessness. Blessings, Nicole x

Danette said...

Fearless and smiling, dreaming of cedar swirling through the warmth of your winter...

There is such peace in this post!

Serena said...

An empowering post, Genie! I can feel the energy and warmth.

love, light and peace,

creativehealinggoddess said...

It was good that you got off your chest the issue with work as it seems that a clearing process has happened.



Genie Sea said...

Fatma - Thank you so much :)

Dawn - Thank you ! Sure I can share my fire! :) It's meant for sharing.

Tabby - Thank you! :)It certainly is an awesome feeling. I thought it was an aberration this morning, but it's still burning strong! :)

Nicole - Thank you! Honestly., I do not know where it came from. I certainly was not expecting it! :)

Danette - Thank you sweetie :) I will make a wood burning fire this winter. Maybe at Christmas! I am busy rearranging my home in my head. :)

Thank you Serena, so much! :)

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Marilyn! Yes, you're right. I feel like I have turned a major corner. Weee! :)

Judi said...

Awesome, Bright Flame. Your post was like sitting it a cozy room - smelling the cedar in the stove and sipping chocolate with a friend.

Miss Robyn said...

as fire, you are a flickering candle, lighting my way - an awsome soul. Thankyou xoox

Jamie Ridler said...


What a moment.


I'm dancing with you around that fire. Grooving to the sound of crickets. Laughing with joy and celebration. And noticing that I think your creativity is taking up the space your fears left behind.

ELLIE said...

Your strength is wonderful and your lack of fears inspiring - thanks for sharing it all!!!

Claudia said...

You are an inspiration.

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

FearLESS!!!! I can feel the warm fire of the hearth. You are inspiring me to not be afraid to NAME it and just see -- instead of trying to avoid it and never really seeing! thank you!!!

Genie Sea said...

Judi - Thank you :) Want some whipped cream with your hot chocolate? :)

Miss R* - Awww! Thank you sweetie. It's mutual :)

Jamie - Thank you! Make sure to take off your shoes while we dance round the fire! :)

Ellie - Thank you honey :)

Claudia - Thank you:) As you are an inspiration to me! :)

K - Thank you! We are the only ones that give power to our fears. Let the sacred flames burn them :)