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Turning Turning

I can taste it. Two more days, and I will be released into my own care. In other words, HOLIDAYS!

The past few weeks were wrought with stress as my plate of things to do and situations to deal with has been heaped higher and higher. There have been a couple of breaking points when I thought quite literally I would lose my mind, but I have mostly kept it together. At least I didn't pummel anyone within an inch of their lives. :)

Taking the good advice of the my many friendly guides in the blogoshpere and in my everyday life, I started to trim down the things I committed to doing. I'm not completely stress free. I have undertaken some huge tasks because I believe in them, but I am taking myself off the hook. I put myself there to begin with.

Time for change and turn of events is upon me. This I can feel in the very marrow of my soul. This is inevitable, as I am in the process of transformation. I am coming into my own, everyday more sure of my direction, clearer in my vision, more steady in my intention.

Tuesday, I chaired a staff meeting that could have been disastrous. I'm not exaggerating. Those of you who have been following my journey, know that there are plenty of reasons for anger, resentment, frustration in my workplace. It is bubbling over with toxicity. It threatened to explode on a guest speaker we had come in to go through Safe Schools procedure which has become Law. I had to make sure that people stayed calm, and had an opportunity to speak without losing their tempers. I even stepped in to save one teacher who was in the process of committing professional hari kari. I know I did a good job because everyone I have encountered since has told me so. Even the principal... (insert a pregnant pause). Yes that principal!

We had more interviews this week and selected another outstanding candidate for yet another position (one of five) that needs to be filled. I know I am responsible for this process happening in a timely fashion because in the past, we have languished for weeks without necessary positions being filled.

In the midst of dealing with exams, and substitute teachers from hell, maintaining a delicate balance between my personal and professional relationships in the department, trying to make sure my students have the skills necessary to achieve their goals, I have proven that I can also play an important role on a school-wide scale. Yes. I am proud of myself. I don't remember another time in my life when I said those words, and meant them.

That is transformation indeed.

This is why I chose today to let The Wheel of Fortune make her appearance. This is her day.

The tide is ever turning. Conditions ever change. Situations transmute into other ones. The wheel keeps turning; but with our guides, and the wisdom they allow us, we can gain insight, enlightenment and empowerment through these changes. And before we know it, the change is within us. Many fear change because of its uncertain outcome, but it is necessary for growth; and in embracing it, we experience life and ourselves in ways we never imagined. How exciting is that? :)

May your steps lead you to exciting, new discoveries. :)

Blessed be :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Oh so very exciting ! So glad the holidays are nearly here and you will have more time to bask in the beauty of what you have accomplished !
You inspired me again today, Miss Genie.

Wishing winter peace...

Fatma said...

Wow! You deserve the holidays. Wishing you time to regenerate and hibernate so that you can face all the exciting fortunes of 2009.

May the deep peace of the stars and moon be with you.

June said...

Hi Genie, Sounds like you did a fab job and a few people were pretty glad that you did too as it saved them from chaos.
I so know where you are coming from with the too many comittments and i also have begun to shave away at the less important/interesting ones. Its a good idea as it becomes stressful otherwise.
Hugs and happy days to you xxxx

Caroline said... the card! The tide is turning, I can feel it. All we need to do is release the toxic energy that surrounds us. I am going to take a spin on this wheel and welcome what comes our way...

Her Speak said...

I love the juxtaposition of images you used to create this card--especially the dragonfly wings!

I agree--it seems like there is a lot of hostility and weird anxiousness floating around. People are acting crazy. That just won't do! I'm trying my best to be objective, make realistic goals for the next year, enjoy the silliness of the holidays and prepare for a Super Cleanse!

A break is almost here! Wishing you Peace and Relaxation!

Much love, Many Blissings~*

Tori said...

That is exciting! You deserve the break. It sounds like you did a great job keeping people from killing one another.

creativehealinggoddess said...

this is so powerful and I cant wait for a pack ..I am creating wisdom/affirmation cards but i am thinking words not images. But everytime I come to your sight new words come to me...

Keep reaching higher :)

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

You are really rockin' your life ... and making important impressions along the way! Way to be yourself in your fullest expression--the only way we truly grow full :) . I am sitting here, smiling with pride in your courage, humility, strength, tenderness, and abundant love: You are precious, Genie, and yes, you are very worth being proud of :)

I send you love,

Judi said...

Ahh yes - the desire to throttle people becomes very strong at times - We can all see the blossoming of your spirit - it's a beautiful sight.

Soon you can relax - holiday time is almost here.

Serena said...

I am so proud of you, Genie! You are happenin', girl, and I feel honoured to share in your journey.

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much ladies! I cannot say it enough. Your well-wishes, your wonderful energy, your amazing words are most precious to me! :)