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I don't know if I was incredibly overextended or I needed some time out, but this weekend I took a break from the world. I literally did not step out of the house. This made for creative meals and a lot of down time.

I have been feeling bombarded by so many things, I decided I would stop or short-circuit.

I started by not turning on the TV until it was time for my Sunday must-sees.

Television, especially television news has taken to fear-mongering and graphic scenes of violence to garner viewers and may I say I do not like it one bit!

Opinions and subversive messages have been creeping up more and more in what should be unbiased and objective reporting. Every day, there is a health scare of epidemic proportions. The weather is a looming disaster even if it is only 4 centimeters of snow. The economy is suddenly in crisis; we will all be homeless unless we buy the new thingy. Inflation and recession have been around since there has been an economy. Why is this suddenly a crisis? A scared public is a public that can be easily manipulated. Pharmaceuticals dictate medicine, not the other way around. The banks dictate our standard of living. The conglomerates dictate our needs. Enough is freaking enough!

I holed up in my modest Queendom and said, "No, thank you," to outside influence. This is what inspired "The Devil" card which I have renamed, aptly I think, Subversion.

Now onto to happier things.

  • I took the day off today! YAY for mental health days. :)
  • I made an appointment to get a mani-pedi done (yes, finally!). I had to cancel my last appointment because of work responsibilities.
  • I am going shopping at my favorite Arts Supply store for the workshop I will be doing with the grade 9s next week. We will be re-enacting the "Mad Hatter's Tea Party" from Alice in Wonderland using masks, puppets and animated objects. How fun!
  • I am going to treat myself to a healthy lunch and some time at my favorite coffee shop.

Even happier things!

My Tarot deck concept is coming to quick fruition. It is certainly something I have not seen and I will be publishing it. Yes, will. :) So if you have been asking me about it, or gathering the cards, just know you will be able to own a deck and an accompanying book in the near future. My shadow voice is whispering right now, like a blind mosquito in my ear. "You are so arrogant. What makes you think it will be published, or that people will even buy it?" I swat it away. I just know :)

You have all experienced it. That moment of knowing. It's a deep conviction that something will happen and happen successfully. There is no ego involved. Just knowing. It feels good, doesn't it? We often remember the negative knowing, that feeling in the pit of our stomachs that knows the bottom just fell out. I want to focus on the knowing that makes the butterflies in our stomachs wake up from their hibernation and dance circles around each other in glee. I am feeling that. I know something wonderful is about to happen. That my life will become as I envision it in my happy space.

I awoke from my weekend cocoon ready to fly. How about you?

May the butterflies in your stomach awaken and help you feel the great knowing of possibility!

Blessed be :)


Tabitha said...

We were on the same path this weekend. I totally did nothing, but relaxed and focused on me for a change.

Enjoy your day today! You deserve it!

Suzie Ridler said...

It's wonderful to spend time at home when you need it, isn't it? I know what you mean about feeling over-extended. I'm glad we both took a break. And way to go starting the publishing wheels turning on your tarot cards. That rocks!

Boho mom said...

Way to go! Swat away those negative thoughts. How exciting to be creating your own cards - yay for you.
I know exactly how you feel - I am so overwhelmed these days. Not just Christmas coming so fast, but the cold of winter, the move I'm still adjusting to, and everything has me just wanting to hit the couch with a pot of tea and a good book.
I'm glad you had a break over the weekend.

Rowena said...

Wow. I so agree with you about the subversive media. It's revolting. Everyone is scared... because they are talking about then end of the world.

IMO, the end of the world is just another way of saying a new beginning.

And that Mad Tea Party sounds awesome.

Caroline said...

You have got to stop watching the news! I did and I am so much less stressed. The news is nothing more than doom and gloom. I was a journalism major in college...and there is no such thing as objectivity. We are feed what gets good ratings (i.e., death, destruction, etc.). OK...sorry for the rant on that!

Glad to hear you are taking a mental health day...those are the best! Enjoy!

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

Your candor is beautiful! And I admire you for following your "butterflies" instead of the "shadow," because that seriously takes incredible strength!!! I congratulate you, and BTW, I love Tarot decks and I think that your artwork is stunning, and thus I will buy your deck when it comes out (because it will definitely be as precious as a collector's item with such incredible art as yours!) :)

Have a happy day!

In Joy,

Tori said...

Yay for relaxing! I never watch the news. I don't like seeing only the bad things.

Your Devil crad is perfect! I will definitely buy your tarot deck when you are done. I've been wanting to find one that seems right, and I like this one so far!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

That Mad hatter party makes me want to go back to Year 9. *grin*

The Muse said...

No matter what channel..gloom doom...but there is so much more out there...but NOoooooo can't report that..SO, tv OFF...
and my life ....

Great post!

gemma said...

Time at home cocooning sounds like a glad you treated yourself to some. We all need down time to recharge. Now you are flying.

indigo goddess said...

I'm dancing the Snoopy Dance for you! I know that feeling you so eloquently described and "you know it when you know it"!! I follow a few blogs and it seems there has been a change in quite a few people's directions lately- Might the Universe be telling us something?? I'm listening!!!!!

jennlui said...

aaaahhhhh!!! did i hear (well read) you say that you'll be publishing your tarot deck!!! YYIIPPEEEEEE!!! i'll be first in line sista!!! oh i can't wait!!!

ok now with my outburst out of the way... hee hee. i completely agree with you, things are nutty. but like you, i chose to shut my door and say no thanks. i can chose my quality of living and the influences i let in. i want a positive life with goodness and beauty, not ugliness and worry. i believe that if i don't contribute to it and if others do the same, at some point everyone will be ignoring the drama... well i'm hopeful anyways.

happy to hear you had a little break from the insanity, some pampering sometimes is vital!!!

have a fabulous week
peace and love

peppylady (Dora) said...

The economy goes up and down. It real don't change much around here at this house hold and I'm grateful for my uneventful life.

The only fear is fear it self.
From FDR

Coffee is on.

Her Speak said...

Can I come to the tea party too?! That sounds AMAZING!! Please do let us know how that goes! Excellent, excellent...

How lovely that you were able to retreat and cozy up. I'm planning to be a mole-girl for a few days after finals: laying about in my jim-jams, drinking coco and getting to all those itching projects! I can't wait. And as far as media is concerned, my Muffin is a Political Science major--so it's non stop news/commentary at our place. I totally know the feeling of being beaten over the head with !!DISASTER!!

No Thank You.

I'm anxiously awaiting your gorgy-gorgeous tarot deck! I practically squealed when i read that!

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Kavindra said...

i love how you relax. I have cool cat pajamas, hot pink with black 50's cats with shades on - I'd like to come over in them and hang out one day!
And I am buying the deck too - as long as you make a book to go with it
How cool how this tarot project has come together right in front of our very eyes!

Serena said...

I'm on the same wavelength too, Genie. I'm learning more and more that when we focus on the negative influences around us, even if it's something we don't agree with, we actually feed more power to those negative things and they grow. I finally GET that! I no longer watch the news and I'm watching less and less TV. I choose instead to FEEL happy and content in each moment and send out happy thoughts for my health, well-being and prosperity.

Another wonderful post from you and I wish you every success on the publishing of your Tarot deck. It will happen, girl! YES!

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

I send you all warm hugs and wishes. You are my spirit guides and my heart sisters. Thank you :)

Kate I said...

I really love your digital collage work Genie!

I too have been having a retreat from the media and not listening to the fear mongering. It's hard enough to stay balanced without being bombarded with all of that. I've heard many others say the same thing...especially about not listening to the news.

Good for you for retreating and renewing this past weekend...what a wonderful gift to give yourself.

Thanks for coming by my blog!

Beverly said...

Dear Genie, I absolutely love your bliss and am so happy to connect with you! Your joy is contagious!

Shannan said...

YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! The crowds roar! She's publishing her Tarot Cards and Shannan is buying a deck!!!

And and yippee for "knowingness".

Subversion is way way way more appropriate than the devil. I don't even believe in the devil! but I know subversion.

Girl! You are one wise woman. Thank you for sharing it here!