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There are days that I crave solitude. Days when I feel every bit of my energy drained by other people. Days when I need to restore myself, away from people.

Maybe this is a side-effect of a profession that demands so much social contact, so many interactions, so much energy. A profession that requires you to be "on" all the time.

I am looking forward to switching "off" for a bit. Off the beaten path. Off duty. Off the hook. Off in my own world.

Last night, we had our staff holiday party and it was fun to chat with people, share a drink, dance a little bit. Unwind. People are infinitely interesting, and so different away from their jobs. It was nice to hang out with colleagues with whom I hardly exchange anything but a greeting.

Of course, I had to experience a socially awkward moment when this sweet girl asked me if I "talked to so-and-so lately" (an acquaintance of ours at another school) and I ever so delicately stated, "Oh no! I don't talk to that woman anymore."

Okay, really? Genie? Sometimes you need to just watch what you say! I immediately regretted it. I have very good reasons not to be associating with this person (energy zapper #1) but did I need to open my mouth and blurt all that out when I could have just said, "No," and smiled? Sometimes I just want to kick myself in the butt.

I felt so badly for this poor unsuspecting girl who asked a perfectly normal social question. I immediately remarked how awesome her blouse was. And it was awesome, steering the conversation to safer ground for both of us.

Have you ever experienced this? The foot-in-the-mouth, oh-no-you-didn't moment? Not fun. It's okay to get rid of frienemies but it's better to keep others out of it. I know all this, but there went my mouth!

This would not have happened if I were not so depleted. The little "imp" inside me would not have taken over. Don't get me wrong. That was just one moment. The rest of the evening was filled with laughter and dance and nice conversation. It was that moment that signalled to me loudly and clearly that I needed time out. Time to step away. Two or three days of just letting myself recover from a few months of extreme stress.

The Hermit
is the perfect symbol for this. It signals a time of much-needed solitude to reflect, regroup and formulate a vision for the future. The Hermit doesn't feel lonely or isolated. She is comfortable in her own company knowing that she needs this space to regenerate the light she gives to the world, knowing that in order to be of use to others, she needs to be completely at peace with herself. She knows that to operate with the total integrity she has committed herself to, she must be able to solidify all parts of herself that have fragmented from daily contact and interaction with others' energy.

May you find some time of peaceful self-reflection to regenerate your wonderful soul so that you may continue to give the light into the universe and all in it.

Blessed be :)


jennlui said...

beautiful hermit card genie!!! i love how you created her as a woman. your imagery is such a wonderful change from the traditional symbols. your tarot cards always speak deeply to my soul. thank you for your peaceful self-refection wishes, i look forward to the holidays as a time to recluse myself from some of the business and create away in my studio!!! i wish for you the same, peaceful, serene, time to yourself to connect with your core and all that makes you infinitely happy!!!

peace and many blessings

Tabitha said...

I love the card Genie! I have had one of those moments, so I know how you feel.

Please have a beautifully blessed weekend!!

Kim Mailhot said...

Your card is so beautiful ! Not the image I had of a hermit before but one I will adopt now !

Don't beat yourself up about the social faux-pas ! I think you are amazing to have realized already that that was a signal to yourself that you needed to step away from the stress ! You are so very insightful, Madame !!!

May the weekend bring you more peaceful moments !

Eileen W. said...

Oh, I can so relate to this. Being a bit worn out after my exams, I blurted out a comment about a colleague- not mean, just a bit snarky. I felt bad about it later and realized if I was "myself" this wouldn't have happened. I am on a journey to retreat soon enough as well then it's off to visit relatives. I hope your time of renewal is fast approaching too.

Her Speak said...

Don't worry about it, dear. I do it--more often than I'd like to admit! haha! It's easy to mull and chew on it, when really it was a split second of sound that no one else has put nearly as much thought into.

Beautiful hermit! I'm with Jennlui, I'm really digging the juicy feminine energy this deck radiates! (The composition is perfect!) Love it. :)

May you Mend all your Pieces and find Many Peaceful Moments.

Much Love, Many Blissings~*

The Muse said...

i hope your garden transformation will become an outdoor haven for you..a place to find and inspire the quiet calm of your spirit!

the card on display is well "played" i sit here in silence...determined to become at peace.

Kris said...

Dear beautiful Genie,

Yes, whenever something horrifying snaps out of my mouth, I too, then know that I need to become One within myself again. And so, may this holiday break give you the peace, beauty, assurance, and renewed wonder that is reflected in your Hermit Card :)

I send you love,

Miss Robyn said...

oh my mouth is always running ahead of my brain, always, always.

do you always make sure you put protection around you when you go out.. sometimes those energy zappers can make you feel dreadful. Just white light is a simple method.

forgive yourself gently for the mouth... don't forget our Soul Coaching lessons :) xoxo

Tori said...

Good card. Retreating away from people is often the best option when you get too stressed to deal with others.

Fatma said...

I love your card too. And I love your description of the hermit because that is exactly what I am planning during to be during the holidays. I love this time of the year. It is so ideal for this.

Caroline said...

I am the Queen of the "foot in mouth syndrom!" That is why I am very careful with my words now. I love of my favorite tarot cards. Enjoy your journey withing!

Kavindra said...

Oh how I know that sinking feeling in the tummy after the words came tumbling out ... But it is a side effect of being an honest and authentic person. Yes we need to practice tact, but don't forget to notice what the flip side, the positive side, of that blurting tendency is.

Enjoy your quiet time in the dark of the year. The perfect time for solitude and reflection.

Love the card - again, what gets me is the slight tweak from hermit to solitude. When we call someone a hermit, it's usually an insult, but everyone understands the need for solitude. Me thinks you have a nice way with words Genie Sea!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you my goddesses :)

Serena said...

OH Genie, I LOVE your Hermit card!

Foot in mouth disease visits me quite often. I used to dwell on it for days afterwards but I'm learning to let it go and not carry it with me.

Peace and blessings to you, dear Genie and know that you are an amazing Goddess with a most beautiful and caring heart.

love, light and peace,