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I wake up this morning, alert, and ready for anything. It might have something to do with the fact that I had a 3 hour "nap" last night, and then slept for another 7. :)

I had a bag of work to do but I simply could not do it. My mind took a vacation. My body said, "Give!"

As I go through my morning routine, getting ready to go to the gym, having my essential first cup of joe, I rally my forces for the day ahead.

Today, we gather the troupes for the epic battle with the Dragon Principal.

But first, the good news... There are rumours! The thing about rumours is that you cannot rely on them, but when they come from different sources, well... Rumour is, the Dragon Principal's reign is over! She will be leaving our school.

Now before I assemble the party hats, I send out an urgent request into the Universe to replace her with someone who is organized, has a positive vision, and genuinely cares about the school and the people in it. Someone who doesn't treat us like lobotomized primates would be nice :)

The card for today, aptly is Strength. She came to me a few days ago and requested that her day be today. How can you say "no" to fiery Strength? Calm and relaxed, she is capable of doing whatever needs to be done. At one with the King of the Jungle, she musters her forces to accomplish seemingly insurmountable tasks, with a smile on her face.

I have been thinking a lot about this, lately. Along the way, some of us, a lot of us, have been encouraged to adopt the attitude of defeat, to accept the role of victim, to bear the word"can't" like an unholy Grail. Why? The answer came simply. It is easier to control defeated people. Oppressive authority loves dejection and demoralization. And because it seems to be "impossible" to overcome oppression, people submit to it. Well, no. Not this woman.

I might bash against the wall of apathy. I might wrestle against oppression. I might put myself in a uncomfortable position. But I will not give up. Because this is not just about me. This is about everyone affected by the daily poison of incompetence, mean-spiritedness, and subversion.

I am so glad I have found a group of like minded souls who are ready to do battle with me. I feel at peace knowing someone has got my back. I am overjoyed that I am not the only voice crying "Stop!"

Today is the day we send a message. And that message is one of Strength. Strength in numbers. Strength in conviction. Strength in right. We grasp the holy Grail and ride on.

Blessed be! :)


indigo goddess said...

Woo Hoo..... You Go Girl!!!
All kidding aside, and really, I wasnt all kidding, I applaud your courage and strength. From my experience, there is a point in time that one hits, and I believe everyone has one, that we decide it is our turn to fight for what we want. For many it is fear that stands in the way, ( i'm raising my hand over here ) and confidence( hand is still up ) but something clicks, then there is nothing in this world that will ever slow me down again. Funny, isnt it?
Beautiful post, and one that I am very grateful for.
Have an awesome day.

Suzie Ridler said...

I am glad you had all that rest and sleep to help you on your road to victory. Go for it!

gemma said...

I hear you Rawr!!! Hope that Dragon Principal is dragon outta there soon.

Tabitha said...

Wow! Amazing energy this morning! You are truly awesome my friend!

Her Speak said...

Slay the dragon! It's educators like you that make me excited to study the field. I hope I am lucky enough someday to work in a school with vivacious and enthusiastic souls such as yourself.

Many Blissings!~*

Tori said...

Go You! Your strength shines through in this post. I guess resting helps build up the fiery energy necessary for later. <3

jennlui said...

oh yay!!! you're energy is so very fabulous!!! i very much agree with what you said, that we sometimes have to be brave and courageous not just for ourselves but for everyone. sometimes it's that one little spark that is needed to create a great roaring fire!!! we got your back sista!!!

wonderful to hear that the time night be up for that principle of yours... get ready to throw your confetti!!!

have a beautiful evening
peace and love

Judi said...

Great post - Strength has always been a favorite card of mine - maybe because I only have it's baby brother Stubbornness.

Dragon Principle be gone - I smite thee with white light and Justice. Or is it - I will fong you,until your insides are out, your outsides are in, your entrails will become your extrails - no, that's A Knight's Tale - I digress.

Beautiful card - I will be snagging that one too :)

Hope that this was a successful day and that the rumors are facts.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Up up and forward ho. It amazing how sometime students and teachers have the same out look on principals.
But it not always that case just maybe the students is lacking tac when expressing one self.

Anyhow the coffee is on.

Caroline said...

Love this card today! So empowering! I hate rumors...they are malicious (even if you don't like the person...why keep spreading the negativity).

Dia said...

Ooo, I want to know 'what happened next??' I hope it all went well - & I second your wish to manifest an awesome principal (& our district has some - I know they're out there!!) who has a heart as well as a good head!

Love the card - it's (sometimes) one of mine, - my birthdate reduces down to: 17 (star) & 8 (strength OR judgement) I love Star cards in most decks - Have you made one yet? I'll have to check!
Rock on

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Sandy :) That is the great thing about momentum. It gets things done :)

Thank you Suzie :) I hope you're resting as well :)

Thank you Gemma :) Me too!

Thank you Tabby :) I only hope to be as awesome as you :)

Thank you Molly :)Just remember, never allow yourself to become jaded. That's the worst.

Thankyou Tori :) Rest is absolutely necessary. :)

Thank you Jennlui :) I am going to take a lesson from Caroline's post and say maybe :)

Thank you Judi :) Stubbornness is perseverance which is strength :)

Thank you Peppylady :)

Thank you Caroline :) I agree with you about rumours. This one though is not malicious, it's a tale of liberation :) She is merely reaping what she has sown.

Thank you Dia :) The Star card has made an appointment with me for later in this month :)

Serena said...

I hope the rumour is right...YAY!

Love your Strength card....very, you go and fight the good fight, girl. You CAN do it!

love, light and peace,