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I wake up early but in a delicious mood. It's my first day off for the holidays and I am mistress of my own time!

How awesome!

Outside the world is blanketed with snow. The first storm of the season. Everything is white with blue gray shadows outside, like a million doves resting peacefully. We are expecting more snow, so this is a perfect weekend to hibernate with a good book, pop corn and movies. A few deep power naps and some frolicking in the snow should balance out the next couple of days nicely, and restore my energy levels.

Yesterday, the last day of school, was filled with smiles and well-wishes, cookies and goodies.

We also had our assembly where the teachers performed for the students.

Okay. Can I say how exhilarating that was? When we got on stage and throughout our performance, the students brought down the house. We felt like superstars. From the way they reacted to our performance, I think we killed it. Heh! When I get the video or a link to youtube with our performance, I will get to see it. And so will you! :) I'm not too shy to post it. ;)

Today's card is Release, a transformed "Judgement". I chose to rename this card for the obvious reasons. Judgement, though a word that means balanced consideration, has also become associated with rigidly negative connotations. I'm all about transmuting the negative into positive, so "Release" was born. Out of the fire, powerful intentions shimmer into the universe. Reborn, renewed, released, this surge enlivens the spirit, the heart, the body with a fresh infusion of life. This is a sacred communion between the soul and her origin spirit. It is a profoundly personal source of enlightenment, not a dire accounting of one's flaws.

We have all been there. We are our own worst critics, most of us. I know I can be. I don't know why it is so much easier to put ourselves down, than to give ourselves praise. We worry that we will seem immodest, arrogant, self-absorbed; but if we do not acknowledge our own victories, and forgive ourselves of our flaws, while working on them with awareness, then we are not authentic.

I release all that I am, knowing I am growing into the soul I am, free from the influences that pummeled me into submission. I shed the negative, accusatory influences that have sought to bring me down. I step out of the soup of negative energy into the fire of transformation, being all that I truly am.

This is my wish for you. To be reborn from the ashes of the destructive influences in your lives, and out of the fire of intent, rise, the truly splendid souls you are!

Blessed be :)


Kim Mailhot said...

I have to tell you how very much I needed this post today... I read the Release affirmation the second time through with tears in my eyes and a deep soul sob escaped me. The message here touched me on so many many levels. Can't really write about them right now..I need to go and sit ith them for a while but know that putting this message out to the universe today did so much good... thank you...
You are a blessing.

Judi said...

I'm with Kim . . . I really needed Release and changing Judgment to Release is perfect since word usage changes and judgment has become indeed become negative.

Bright Blessings and enjoy the holidays.

indigo goddess said...

what a lovely card and such a POSITIVE spin. LOVE it! and LOVE all of your cards. You are so positive and bright. Thank you for bringing it to us day after day.
Thank you Thank you Thank you

Beverly said...

Wow, Genie, I absolutely love "Release," it's a breath-taking image, absolutely gorgeous, and with your wonderful post it really touched me.

I too am my own worst critic, I guess we all are. No matter how others see us, we always seem to look at ourselves in a negative light. Why is that? I truly believe we are all each of us beautiful and wonderful but at times I have a hard time believing this about myself. I grew up in a very dysfunctional family where everything was criticized and a pat on the back was rare. It's taken me years to get past it and even though I stumble some days when the world seems overwhelming, all in all I think I'm OK, we're all OK.

Thank you so much for sharing this wonderfully uplifting post ~ you've planted a seed as to the outlook I'll have today!

Julia said...

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read your entry today! Thank you for this card and your renaming of it. I'm fairly new to your blog, but what I see here excites me and inspires my soul. I've been wading through some "judgement" of my own lately, and realize that today is a new day, today is fresh for introspection and a celebration of the goodness I've learned and the goodness yet ahead! Thank you!

Tabitha said...

You have NO idea how I needed to be uplifted today and you did it! Thank You! Thank You! Thank You!

I'm going through another transformation and it's been a bit emotional and this was just the fresh air I needed.

Thank you for that LOVING comment on my blog! I'm so grateful to and for you my friend.

Allison said...

Happy Holidays!
The 'release' affirmation is really hitting home right now. I'm going to go take a walk & some deep breaths & mull it over.

Glad your performance went well :]

gemma said...

Love how you transformed Judgement into Release. Yay!!! Genie...We are on a similar path. Both of us working in schools. Today is my first day of winter break too. We go back on January 5th. So nice to be human again...What are you reading?? ENJOY!!!!

Tammie Lee said...

Well that sure is a lovely wish you have for us. I wish the same for you!
Sounds like you are fully enjoying your time of freedom. Wishing you a magical holiday!

Kris said...

Yes, Genie, each moment can be a new birth with awareness incarnated within. May you soak inside the brilliance of You each moment! I am celebrating your release into a life that is free of ego-driven judgement :)

In Joy,

linda said...

this is a very powerful post, genie, and I am deeply grateful for your blessing that we all release our negativity toward ourselves....

as women, we seem to fall into this trap so often and I hope, with each passing generation, we become more self-loving and less judgmental of both ourselves and others, so that healing will be ours forever...hoping it's not a dream but a reality....a lovely card!

Her Speak said...

A perfect card so close to Yule! I'm excited for each of us to move into a New Year! A New Day! Radiant and Confident!

I hope your holiday is restorative, full of creativity and brimming with joy!

Much Love,
Much Peace,
Many Blissings~*


The Muse said...

out with the with the fresh and thriving!

Genie Sea said...

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am to each and every one of you. I am so happy I am able to inspire and help you, as you inspire and help me :)

Eileen W. said...

This is a powerful card for me personally, as well. In working with my yoga teacher in soul coaching, we talked about discernment versus judgment. This is something I'm working on and I definitely am attuned to releasing. I tend to be hard on myself which translates in to being hard on others- often a lot of us are this way too I think.

What a glorious card you've created to release from that burden of judgment. Thank you for your openness and magical creativity! xo

jennlui said...

truly beautiful card genie!!! i love your choice of new title... so very fitting for this time of year. out from the darkness in a blaze of light, to be reborn and transformed!!!

and love

Serena said...

A powerful post, Genie....and I love your you have depicted it in your tarot card today ~ :)

Genie Sea said...

Hugs Jennlui, Eileen and Serena! Thank you :)