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Cups and Balloons - Meanings

I have completed the Flames suit, and I am halfway through the final Crystal Suit. The momentum of creation has taken on a life of its own and is sweeping me along with it. Because of this, I need to pause and properly introduce the completed suits before I unveil the final two.

From the Balloon suit, I have not posted: (click on the images to see their actual size)

This card traditionally represents deep sorrow, and I have stayed true to the meaning by depicting the woman in an almost fetal position on the ground. The balloons are weighed down by a brick at her feet. It is within her power to set the balloons free by untying the brick and finding her bliss, as depicted by her spirit self jumping in glee.

This card is traditionally depicted as a knight lying down in a church. The card speaks of spiritual ease and a connection to the divine. The woman resting on a mattress buoyed by a large balloon and carried into the sky by three other balloons tied to her in the bed, is a card of deep peace and abandon. Let go, and let the universe take over.

This card traditionally speaks of defeat, and I have portrayed this with the woman holding on to balloons that the wind is threatening to carry away. One indeed has escaped her, and is floating away. The meaning is clear. It is within our grasp to accept what we can control and what we cannot.

I designed this card heavily influenced by numerology. This card is of spiritual awareness. In looking beyond the surface of things into the soul of the matter. This is why in the balloon are the images of devas, faint, but present. You can click on the image to make it larger to see the detail.

This card traditionally represents restriction, imprisonment, and deep emotional turmoil. I wanted to convey this in a gentler way, showing that there is always freedom waiting to lift us up out of the shadows.

I have depicted this card as a gentle reminder that no matter how constricted or hopeless a situation seems, there is always a way out (the window).
Instead of being enslaved by swords, the woman in the card can easily use that which is causing her to much agony as a tool for liberation and growth.

This card is usually depicted as one of extreme sorrow, depression, and defeat. I seriously think that one who experiencing these does not need a card to remind him/her of it. I certainly recoil from the traditional depiction of the 10 of swords. It's simply yucky. Instead, I designed the card depicting a man scaling a skyscraper, a seemingly impossible task, but around him are his guides and helpers - the Balloons. :)

From the Cups suit, the following are the cards I have not yet posted: (feel free to click for larger images)

My interpretation is close to the traditional five of cups which depicts a person focusing on the two cups that are spilled without looking behind him to see that there are three full cups. I chose to make this my first "urban" depiction because it reminds me of my students who often do not realize that they have so much more to offer than they think. This card is about faith in one's self and in the Universe's limitless ability to provide us with exactly what we need. Ergo the word "believe" in graffiti on the wall and the happy face cup spray painted beneath it. :)

On this card, I have put the traditional symbols in a modern context. The empty beer/wine bottles and glasses illustrate depletion of resources and waste. The man is walking away, slightly defeated, but all he has to do is look up and see the wonderful vista before him :)

This is the card of fullness and commerce. I have given it a modern setting, and context of the street coffee vendor. A good cup of coffee is very satisfying, and the vendor certainly has a successful venture on his hands. It's a win-win situation! :)

This card is very similar in imagery with the traditional deck. It is a card of supreme happiness and love. The family, the ocean, the rainbow, the doves, the butterflies, the falling rose petals and coins, all symbolize abundance in every area of life.

And last but certainly not least, I present the King of Cups. The setting of this card, like for the Queen of Cups, is in the depths of the ocean. This King is a provider, someone who likes to make sure everyone is not lacking in anything. The epitome of generosity, he is the master of the depths of emotion, in tune with his and others' feelings and not afraid to express himself. An explorer of life, he is the life of the party, sometimes too much so, if you know what I mean :)

That's it for now! Stayed tuned for the grand unveiling of the Flames and Crystals. :)

Blessings to all of you :)


The Muse said...

My favorite (although hard to choose) is:
The Eight Balloons.

Fine job...No, better than fine...

Nicole said...

WOW!!! Genie all those cards are fantastic and I love the thought you've put into them. Congratulations, I look forward to your next set. x

indigo goddess said...

WoW..... they are incredible.

Tori said...

These are great! I can't believe how fast you are working thru these. =)

Her Speak said...

I love the king of cups! It's a very engaging image. The intense thought and attention to detail in each of these cards is breathtaking.

I can't wait to see the next suit!
Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Miss Robyn said...

Genie - just popping over to wish you a truly blessed and peaceful 2009. Since the short time we have 'known' each other.. your art work & words have inspired me.. I am looking forward to our journey together in 2009 xo

Kris said...

I like how you have spun such an uplifting twist of possible fates for every card to pull :) And the art of them is capturing! Your deck will be a true masterpiece :)

In Joy,

Judi said...

Beautiful - beautiful - and I love your interpretations ;)

jennlui said...

oh my oh my!!! i'm just always blown away with your interpretations for each of the cards... each and everyone of them is right on!!! great work genie!!! thank you sooooo much for sharing!!! i always look forward to your tarot cards!!!

peace and love

peppylady (Dora) said...

These are all great.
I like the expression of balloon 7

Coffee is on.