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Standing Proud

This picture, to me, epitomizes hope and achievement. These are the finalists of So You Think You Can Dance-Canada. I have always loved dance- watching and experiencing it. I am fully aware that, if my life had taken a different course, I would have been a dancer. This is one reason I celebrate this show.

Another major reason is, it reinforces pride in being Canadian. Unfortunately, I don't see a lot of pride fostered for our country. We practically have to force students to stand quiet during the National Anthem at school. When confronted, at least half will say, very ignorantly, "It's not my country." (And this almost always said by someone born here.) I always reply, "I don't care which country you call your own. You stand at attention and respect for any country's National Anthem, much less the one that at the very least provides you with a free education!" Grrr @ ignorance!

Canadian sports and athletes are well supported by the general public, but most Canadian television shows, arts and movies are not. They snub their noses at them, like they are inferior to those of our neighbours south.

This show, has engendered a following and pride in being Canadian that few others have. We Canucks like to make fun of ourselves, but rarely do I hear anyone say "I am proud to be Canadian!" I have heard it on this show many times.

It also highlights the incredible versatility and talent in our country. Niko is a contemporary dancer; Miles is a popper; Allie is a ballerina; and Natalli is a Latin dancer. They represent the vast flavour and potential of this country that is so often unsung. So, I had to take a minute and say... YAY CANADA! :)

Now, for today's card.

So far, I have been designing the cards with "positive" meanings. Then, like a lightning bolt, realization came. All the cards are positive. With happiness we are rewarded, with challenge we learn. There is nothing negative here. So, when the, up to now, dreaded Tower card asked to be introduced, I experienced a twinge of trepidation. The card's images gently wiped all that away.

In upheaval, new ideas arise. In sorrow, humanity is expressed. From the rubble, new ideas are born. There is always someone to catch our fall. There is always a hand to steady us. Support will rally. New beginnings will unfold. A new dawn opens up, as we soar away from our troubles.

And here it is - The Tower. Today's card.

In relevance to my life, the meeting with all the staff went incredibly well. Attendance was historic for that school. The audience was rapt. I might even venture to say, we impressed them.

The avalanche is beginning. We are usurping those who sit secure in their tower, oppressing us.

In the ensuing upheaval, a new, more benevolent rule will arise. Peace will come upon the land, and we will be free to go about the business that we are there to do - inspiring, educating, leading, and helping shape our country's and the world's future. Allowing young minds to form their own opinions, strengthened by knowledge, empowered by their own creativity, cognizant of the infinite potential that they own.

Blessed be :)


Nydia said...

What a beatiful post!

Thanks for your kid words of support at my Journey blog, it surely means a lot.

Kisses from Nydia.

Tabitha said...

I'm overjoyed at the progress and strength you speak with. A beautiful post today!

Suzie Ridler said...

There seem to be many revolutions going on, yours sounds so powerful and yes, it embraces the tower completely. In a good way! No wonder you're tired.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Every morning my husband reads the FT (finantial times) and I read over his shoulder.
Today I read "We vote with our feet. If you call to a meeting and people show up, you are a leader".

gemma said...

Many of my friends are Canadian!!
:-)Funny eh? Really from the time I was a teen when some Canadians moved next door...until now
even in cyberspace. I seem to find Canadians through synchronicity.
It's a good thing.

Tammie Lee said...

Oh you make me want to see these dancers doing their thing!

I found you on Mother Henna's comments. Did you find your grandma's cookie recipe. It sounds divine! I want to make and eat one or two....
please let me know if you find the recipe.

Her Speak said...

There is a great intensity in this card--I've never seen a tower card quite like it! I also wanted to ask--I haven't read tarot in a VERY long time and wanted to get back into the groove. (I'm more of a rune kind of gal myself, but it's just not jiving lately.) Is there a deck/artist you would recommend? There are SO many out there!


Jamie said...

I'm proud to be Canadian!!

And I've so enjoyed the show. You're right; they really have included that sense of national pride. I've loved how the diversity has been a part of that.

I'd love to hear your dance story.

And how synchronous - I pulled The Tower card today!

Serena said...

A great post, Genie! I see, with sadness, that a lot of the youth today seem to lack direction or respect for many things and I worry about where this world is headed. Then, I see youth who are proud of who they are, show respect and make positive differences. As more and more people 'awaken', I hope we will see more and more positive things happening. I am trying to follow Eckhart Tolle's concept and focus on each present moment, always replacing negatives with positives or even non-action. The Abraham-Hicks books suggest this can hope. :)

Btw, I think you did an excellent job on The Tower card today. I can understand your initial trepidation.

love, light and peace,

The Muse said...

I applaud your idea of respect! and your desire to voice that feeling!

Also I thoroughly enjoyed the dancer blog info...
Did you dance while they were dancing? :)
(I won't tell)

Tori said...

I like what you said "I don't care which country you call your own. You stand at attention and respect for any country's National Anthem,"

There are many people at school who are not proud of how America is right now, and if we still said the pledge of allegiance in school I'm sure most of the kids would not stand up during it. It's a matter of respect, though, and you should stand no matter your feelings about the country.

You did a wonderful job with the Tower! It's a beautiful card.

linda said...

That is a beautiful card and a beautiful post as seem wise beyond your years, if I guess right ;)

I am wondering how you produce those cards, thinking they were not you mind my asking, hoping not!

also, thank you for your kind comments on my blog lately....they are always much appreciated.

Miss Robyn said...

Hello Genie Sea xo - just catching up after a few hectic days in my garden. I love this card :) - the tower... hmm what can you see from the window?

Genie Sea said...

Hugs Ladies!

Thank you all for your constant support and love! Your comments are so truly precious to me! I cannot say it enough!

I will answer your questions :)

Tammie Lee - Welcome to my blogworld! :) I have not found the cookie recipe yet, but I will scour the internet and my memory for it. :)

The Muse - Welcome to my blog! :) Yes. I always dance when I hear music, even if it's just my toes ;)

Linda - I collect photographic images from stock photos (either free or with a small fee) or my photos and I take bits of pieces from each to build the setting and the people. Then, I manipulate the colors and the images in Photoshop. I call it graphic collage :)

Robyn - I see new possibilities from the window. Freedom flying untethered by authority. :)

Judi said...

Did I tell you that I'm collecting your cards? I love the way that they speak to you and give you clearer interpretations.

I grew up in Maine - Canada has always been a part of my life - we even have a supply of Canadian Snow Birds here in Florida!

I don't think that the lack of national pride is just Canadian.