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Peace on Earth

You know when you make that perfect cup of coffee? Or tea or hot chocolate or martini? It has the exact proportions of all the right ingredients that when blended together make a heavenly concoction.

Right now, I am drinking a perfect cup of coffee. My mouth is smiling, my brain is humming, my tummy greets it happily.

This is my morning ritual. I don't care what anyone says, coffee is Zen. :)

This is just the beginning of my Sunday morning ritual which culminates in a lovely brunch while watching Corrie Street.

If you haven't tried the show, don't knock it. It's comfort food for the soul. I have watched it for more years than I have watched anything. There is something about its grass roots aura that appeals to me. It's touching and endearing and goes perfectly with bacon and eggs, raw baby spinach and sprouted grains toast. :)

Outside, the snow is coming down. The streets are quiet. People are sleeping. Everything is blanketed in peace. For now, no one is gunning for the mall in gluttonous consumerism. Right now, no one is screaming at anyone else because of a fender bender in the mall parking lot. This moment, no one is worried because their to-do list is too long.

Right now, as I count my blessings, I send out into the world the wish that everyone is warm, fed, and their thirsts are quenched. Yesterday, Serena posted a powerful video that touched the very core of my belief system. If you haven't had a chance to see it, you can watch it here.

This year, I am deeply aware of the sharp contrasts between the haves and the have-nots. The need for human kindness is greater than it has ever been before. Yesterday, a man approached me, visibly distraught, because he needed gas to get his wife home. I didn't stand there and deconstruct why he was driving on no budget. I didn't wonder if he was scamming me. I took out what change I had and gave it to him. No one should ever be in that position to beg for anything. He told me he was very ashamed having to ask, and I replied, "There is no shame. Any one of us can be in this position."

Anyone of us can be in this position.
Any one of us.

I am acutely aware of the fact that I am blessed. The Universe has heaped me with blessings. I have the luxury of brunch and Corrie in a warm house with a loving cat to scratch for scraps of bacon, and to curl up snoring on my legs. I have the luxury to decide which book I will read today, which movie of the six that I rented to watch. I can plan whether I want lentil soup with sauteed onions for dinner, or chili. I have choices. I am blessed to have them.

I have the luxury to create and be inspired. I can watch a video like the one Leah posted here and be moved to reach for my soul's passion.

Life is so delicate
a transmuting thing,
One moment we're
flying on gossamer wings
The next moment we topple
overcome by the strain
Our whole world
encumbered by
deep-rooted pain
Some people possess
riches untold
While others starve
in the cold.
The Universe's bounty
is limitless
and while we strive for
we must remember this
That others on earth
need our prayers too
We must spread our love
and let it shine through
to everyone around us
not only our friends
because any one of us
can meet with this end.

Today marks the unveiling of the final Major Arcana card I designed - Balance. Formerly known as "justice". Balance is a more comprehensive and less bureaucratic manifestation. With balance, we can make wise and considered choices while looking at the big picture of life. Our actions are balanced by our reactions. Our pain is balanced by happiness. Out of a devastating storm comes overwhelming humanity. From tears comes laughter. Without the darkness, we cannot see the light.

This card is not about lawyers and litigation. It's about the infinite wisdom of our instincts - both spiritual and carnal. We have all the tools to maintain a balanced life- being thankful for our blessings, while acknowledging that others need help to find their own.

Balance is about the serenity of knowing one's place in the a world filled with souls each on his/her journey to find their source.

May your life be balanced. May your tables be full. May your hearts glow with love.

Blessed be :)


Shades of Scorpio said...

Beautiful post!

Her Speak said...

It's so true--anyone of us at any moment may be placed in an uncomfortable or unthinkable position. We are all indeed Very Blessed to have choices. May the Universe give us the strength, the courage and quiet moments of empathy we need to be a light in the lives of those who need us most. Thank you for the sincere and heartwarming insight--it seems we so easily forget. :)

Here's to Home and Hot Coffee! Hip, hip, Hooray!

Much Love, Many Yule Blissings~*

peppylady (Dora) said...

Some time the scales of balance is hard to keep it in the middle. It seems like it want to tip one way or anther in life.

I enjoy my morning coffee also.

Coffee is on.

Eileen W. said...

I love this post!! I watched both inserted videos and found myself tearing up at both! Your poem is truly beautiful. The final arcana card you created echoes deeply within me and I continue to strive for this.
Thanks for posting this! (((hugs))

Nicole said...

Beautiful... beautiful words, writing, card and meaning. Thank you!! x

Tabitha said...

Volunteering at the homeless shelter helps me keep me focused definitely. I so understand that we are all 1 paycheck away from homelessness. I'm truly grateful for all that I have and that is why I choose to give back as much as possible with my mission.

I don't drink coffee, but my morning glory is hot chocolate.

Here's To Balance!!

June said...

Hi Genie, Your posts are always so interesting and this one is so beautiful. You bring us a timely set of thoughts at Christmas time and all that you say is so true. I won't go into it but 3 years ago, christmas eve became a marker for me in realizing just how much we have to lose, what the important things in our lives are ( people ) and that miracles truly do occur. I always believed we should never take things for granted but since that day i count my blessings daily and am acutely aware of all the blessings i have.
Thank you so much for your thoughts on my blog today, I really appreciate it and was just pouring forth my morning thoughts with ( my own nectar ... tea hehehe well i guess i am typically English )

I wish you a warm and wonderful Christmas my friend
Hugs June

Tori said...

Balance, it's so necessary in life. Without it things get so stressful. Enjoy the perfect coffee. =)

Tammie Lee said...

Lovely post, so much inspiration and wisdom. Beautiful poem and wonderful video that you recommended! Congratulations on the completion!

Kavindra said...

Lovely as always.
Have a beautiful holiday with coffee and friends and home and solitude and zany tv shows and everything you want.
The light's on it's way back, but being here at your space, it's like it never got dark at all...

Dia said...

Powerful & thoughtful - thank you!!

(I made hot chocolate today - & tea :)

Happy, happy solstice!

Genie Sea said...

Hugs to you all! You are my spirit angels! Your words make my heart sing!

A special whout-out to Shades of Scorpio. Welcome to my blog :)

Serena said...

This post literally brought tears to my have such a way of touching people's hearts, Genie. I feel so blessed to have crossed paths with you.

love, light and peace,

Genie Sea said...

Aww Serena! I feel the same way about you! :)