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Wishes, Monsters and Various Things

(click on image for larger view)

Hello my lovelies! Thank you for all your encouraging and helpful remarks yesterday! You are like manna. :) Above is another attempt at art with photoshop... I have been doing graphic arts for years now, but this is new territory for me. This is the first step to me diving into un-virtual art when my studio is in place.

Why Medussa you wonder?


That's how I was feeling at the end of the day. I had followed through with my plan to keep my day peaceful and it was, until I stepped into the office at the end of the day.

I'm not going to bore you with details, but yours truly had a minor (okay majorish) meltdown. I discovered, yet again, final straw, that certain teachers were not doing what they were supposed to and it is putting the integrity of our exams into question. When I was told, "I don't care." I, unfortunately felt all my frustration bubble over into a minor nuclear incident. How does one make adults follow through and care about their professional duties? How?

I came home, and I seethed. I was exhausted and decided to skip dinner, and skip work, and just paint. So Medussa was born.

I went to bed early, disappointed in the people I work with, disappointed with myself for losing it, just disappointed.

Of course, my mind wouldn't shut down. So I woke up at 3:30 am and wrote down three pages of expectations for the department, for the courses, for final evaluations, and for exams. I feel better now but groggy as all get-go.

On to happier things...

I added to my landscape from the previous post and now it looks like this:

(click on image for larger view)

Jamie is continuing her fabulous work with wishcasting . I am definitely in need of some wishes, so my first wish is for...

Undisturbed Internal Serenity

In your commments, if you wish to comment please include the following: "As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also."

I need to be able to maintain my serenity in the face of continued challenges and adversity. I want my meltdowns to melt away. I am a passionate person, and though I control myself 90% of the time... well there is that 10%... There is so much a camel can take. :) I wish for an oasis of serenity to grow strong inside me. I wish to bathe in her waters, and feel fortified by her peace.

This is my wish for you as well.

Blessed be :)


Suzie Ridler said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

You know, people who don't care are the most lost souls of all. That makes them the most frustrating to work with. I'm so sorry it's been such a struggle. I mean, how do you make someone care like you do? So I wish you the serenity you require.

And OMG, how did you do that with Photoshop? I find it a very challenging program to work with and I adore your Madusa! Talk about a powerful female archetype.

Suzie Ridler said...

Oh and I forgot...yes! I am GOING to get a Mac laptop and am glad you're joining me on this journey. Such a fantastic computer, we both need it for our creative adventures.

June said...

Hi Genie, i think your meltdown was certainly justified. I agree that 'not caring' is not good enough and it would have lit my fuse too.
Love what you did with the medusa ... you want me to include it at darkside ? Please just pop by and let me know with a link too ?
in the meantime ...
"As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also."

Tori said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

I'm sorry you are frustrated with the people at work. It is certainly justified, though! People need to care, and someone in charge of teaching people should care even more so. It's hard to make someone care. I'm happy that you do, it's a gift to everyone you know.

That Medusa is awesome! I don't know why, but she is one of my favorite characters in mythology. Your landscape looks great too. I've been offline for a couple days, so I missed it before. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your great art!

Tabitha said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

I'm sending you POSITIVE vibes and asking the universe to shield you from any negativity.

When things get hectic I like to say "Peace Be Still." Try that my friend.

Kris said...

. . . As dear Genie wishes for her worthy self, so I wish also ... and thus the intention is spin into deepest reality :)

Genie, I am not sure of time zones, but for the next few days, I am going to hold a very strong intention for a security and strength inside personal peace to be felt for you ... and for me :) And so it is!

You are strong and worthy of peace in what you choose to be passionate about, Genie. . . . Everyone has their "moments" and I know that you will hold steady peace in deep strength very soon, because you seem to be nearly there and taking such extremely good care of yourself and your being :)

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also ... and know for her :)

With Love,

Kim Mailhot said...

"As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also."

I also had the thought that you shouldn't be so hard on yourself for losing it that 10% of the time - if you were perfect, there would be nothing left to learn...;-)

I will add a wish for quick and gentle recovery when you do lose it.
Deep breaths....

Jamie said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

"undisturbed internal serenity"

Delicious. I'm imagining Medusa showing up so she can stand at the door of your undisturbed serenity and stop anyone who even tries to disturb it! Oh, the power of art.

Her Speak said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Your Medusa is riveting--the quality of the image reminds me a bit of those bioluminescent creatures that live at the bottom of the ocean. Beautiful!

Wishing you Much Peace,
Many Blissings~*

KV Creative Designs said...

Your Photoshoped pics are Awesome!
I look forward to your entries with the TNC challenge!

Happy New Year and Artful Blessings,

P.S. Stop by my Blog for my Blogiversary giveaway!

Caroline said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Loving your new blog header. Step back from the chaos and keep creating! You will feel more peaceful. As the saying goes...this too shall pass. Hugs!

Judi said...

PS - That Bamboo Fun looks awesome!

Judi said...

Wow - being groggy sick kept me in bed and a pc doesn't work balancing on your lap - a laptop is beginning to look like a good idea to me also.

Hey - 90% is good - perfect, all the time control is .... Stepford - ish ?

If you think about it - your internal serenity was/is stable. Even Mother Nature has her blow-ups - hurricanes - volcanoes - flash floods . . . makes you treasure the gentle rains and cool breezes.

So "As Genie wishes for herself,so I wish also ... as it is required for her higher good."

Pen said...

as genie wishes for herself, so i wish for her also.

oh genie, it must be so frustrating (and heartbreaking) when others don't share the same passion, intention, values or plain care about something so fundamental. all i can say is the school is lucky to have you and the commitment, vision and heart you bring.


gemma said...

Genie, Just keep being true to yourself, do what your heart tells you has to be done. Using your frustration as fodder for your art!
You do all that with a mouse? Can you get a Bamboo program for a Mac? Boy that looks cool.

Vicki Holdwick said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

For a minute there, I thought I was reading my own blog (if I had started one when I was still teaching secondary mathematics). I loved the classroom, and the students, but don't for one minute miss all the other f******** b*******s******

Love your blog. Thanks for visiting mine.

saffron said...

Wow you're good at the Photoshop, and with a mouse even! I find it terribly difficult to "paint" with the mouse!

Thanks for the kind words over on my blog!!!

Ali said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Your photoshop pictures are fantastic!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you all SO MUCH! Much love and blessings to each and every one of you :)

Serena said...

"As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also."

I'm glad that you used your frustration and anger in a creative way.....your landscape is looking FAB!

Serena said...

I meant to comment on your Medusa....FANTASTIC!

Jenn said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

Sorry to hear about the teaching frustrations! It sounds like you are really one of those remarkable teachers out there who do the job for all the right reasons.

Great artwork! I'm so impressed with what you're digital artwork, it's all so amazing!

jennlui said...

as genie wishes for herself, so i wish also.

wishing you undisturbed internal serenity in the face of any and all challenges!!! what a beautiful wish genie!!!

ooooohhhh i love love love the colors of your medusa!!! sometimes the mood just requires it, doesn't it!!!!

peace and tranquility to you!!!