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Garnet Moon

(click on image to enlarge)

Before I say a single word about anything, I would like to once again say THANK Y♥U to each and every one of you! Thank you for coming to my humble blog. Thank you for leaving your comments of encouragement, support, praise, advice, perspective. Thank you for sharing your stories; thank you for showing me I am not alone. It makes me happy that I know you are somewhere in this world, making it a better place.

Tonight is a FULL Moon! If you can, you must go out there and bathe in her splendor. I must be part wolf, because the moon has always been my guiding light and haven. She is so serene, so purely sculpted, and even if defiled by astronauts and their toys, she has retained her beautiful dignity.

The magical Jamie, our fountain of inspiration, is now hosting the Full Moon >Dream Board!

I decided to combine two of my inspirations into one.

I am also participating in Jamie's book club -12 Secrets of Creative Women- (see left sidebar). As part of this amazing circle, Jamie is interviewing 12 inspirationally creative women, the first of whom is Jennifer Lee.
You really must listen to the interview yourself! Just follow the links :)

Ms. Lee talks about acknowledging her inner Muse's voice. While I was listening to her interview and, before that, reading her blog, I thought, "I have acknowledged my guide; it's time to acknowledge my muse."

So here she is: Garnet Goddess, featured in this month's dream board above.

The garnet is one of my favorite stones which coincidentally is my birth stone. It contains the richness and headiness of wine, the life force of blood, and the dulcet tones of passion. This fully describes my muse because she is fearless. She is confident. She is fiery. I am happy she is in my life.

I painted her using PS and a mouse as per usual. I added a couple of pieces of stunning garnet jewelry to adorn her, and gave her a back drop of Garnet Brocade flowers. I really enjoyed making this piece. It was a wonderful way to focus, meditate and create. Thank you again Ms. Lee for the sparkling inspiration!

For the Dream Board, I added my wish to the moon. Unconditionally. That is how I want to be. :)

On that note, I am happy to announce I made my decision. It came loudly and clearly. I will take the position of Curriculum Leader for one more year. I need to finish what I started and see it to its completion. Then, I can step away, knowing I have done everything I need to do in restoring order to a department that desperately needs it. Then, it will be off to whatever new challenge comes my way. :)

Speaking of challenges, I was so intrigued to find so many voices joining mine in their childhood experiences with art. I am currently working through all the wonderful blogs on my roll and on the rolls of 12 Secrets and Creative Every Day where I am finding such synchronicity, it sometimes brings tears to my eyes.

One of my new blog friends, Steve Emery made a very insightful comment (among so many) in yesterday's post that left me thinking. He said, "Oh - and as for the discouragement of teachers. Sigh. Sometimes it makes me angry. Other times sad. And yet other times I wonder if it's like the soil a seedling has to push through - it's tough, not everything or everyone makes it through, but when you do, you are firmly rooted in it - almost like the criticism makes you stronger, more determined, more yourself."

So TRUE! Their criticism did egg me on to prove them wrong because I am a stubborn wench, and I cannot abide by others putting me or anyone else into a box, into a category, into the corner. So I must take a moment to thank Steve for pointing that out, and to thank all the naysayers in my life, because without them, in part, I would not be who I am today. My roots would not have been quite so sturdy and my quest for the light would not have been quite so determined!

May you each find the strength to bust through the confines of others' judgement, find your inner muses, and sing in the moon's lovely light! And sing it loudly and unconditionally! :)

Blessed be :)


Taexalia said...

Ah a fellow wolf spirit :)

What a beautiful image of your muse. I love it!

Enjoy the moon tonight...

Suzie Ridler said...

What a beautiful dreamboard and I love the name! Garnet is my stone too, it's so beautiful and lovely, just like your dreamboard.

I am glad that you are going to tough it out and continue making the changes for the better. We need warriors like you!

Tally said...

Thanks for your lovely comment that led me to Garnet Goddess. What a beauty!

Are you a teacher as well? What kind of curriculum?

You know what: I had a sweet long noon nap and dreamed of a tarot card! I haven't touched my cards for ages, but will search for them later on.

Hello from Hamburg to Toronto, where I spent an Easter many, many years ago.

Tracy said...

Oh, I adore wolves, too. I saw something on Yahoo about tonight's full moon being the biggest?

Love the image of your inner muse! Thanks for your kind comment yesterday! :)

amy said...

Wonderful post and Garnet Goddess. May your dreams take flight.

cherry girl said...

It's all cloudy here so I doubt I'll be able to see the glorious new moon in the sky :( but I will be out there!

Your muse sounds great, and the way that you have honoured her in this dreamboard is excellent

Judi said...

Instinct wins again! The red garnet (it comes in every color but blue!) sets ablaze the inner fires of self-confidence, creativity and reflection - so perfect for both you and Suzie!

I was hoping that you would take the Curriculum Leader position - just couldn't see you letting someone else trash the projects that you've set in motion.

Jamie said...

Oh, beautiful. I feel the fire and flame within you, Genie, and it warms us all.

Miss Kim said...

Love the concept of using criticism to prove them wrong! Yes!

Dia said...

delightful Garnet Goddess! So fun - I'm in an all day beeswax collage workshop today, so not sure if the dreamboard will manifest 'seperatly' . . . liked that comment you shared about the sprout; I think of a story I heard ~ 15 years ago, the afterlife being like a big cast party, where we congradulate each other on our roles: "Oh, gosh!! You did a GREAT job as the 'wicked step mother!" - "Oh, & YOU were great as the snivilling younger sister!" "Your role as a heavy was SO believable - I almost forgot it was a play!"

So 'thanks' to all those jockish PE teachers & teachers who didn't encourage us - but by their scorn, spurred us on!

& congrads on deciding about the Job!! May it be a surprisingly mellow year :)

Kavindra said...

I love her hair, the sky and that tree. Very nice. Here's to manifesting all that vibrant red energy this month!

Tabitha said...

Genie, your picture is simply lovely :)
When I was little many said "She'll never be able to", so as I grew up I set out to prove them wrong. Now, they all call on me for advice. How humorous is our Father. :)

He sure showed them!

linda said...

absolutely love the color in this piece...the way they move and blend is happy to hear of your decisions too...completely agree about teachers and sometimes (always) think we are their teachers!

Stacey said...

Your dream board is beautiful - to live unconditionally - a good thing for all of us!!! Thanks for sharing!

KV Creative Designs said...

Your Dreamboard is GORGEOUS! I will be working on my Dreamboard today! I look forward to reading your journey of the 12 Secrets. Hopefully we can be inspired to be more creative!
Artful Blessings,

Kris said...

Dear Genie,

Your post reminded that the most flavorful wine grapes are the ones that have to push through rocky soil. So, yes, if we do indeed push through our rocks, our flavor in this world is rich and powerful :)

May you also feel and know your powerful essence, unconditionally :)

I send you love,

Jenn said...

What a beautiful dream board for this month!

I think Steve Emery's comment was full of some wonderful wisdom too. I like the imagery of the seed having to push up against the soil in order to come to fruition. Resonated very strongly with me when I think to how often it was adversity that created the opportunity for finding out who I really was inside.

Congratulations on deciding on doing the job for another year. I'm glad the decision was loud and clear - it's so satisfying when you feel confident in the choice that you are making.

organicsyes said...

the color is lovely!

The Muse said...

my inner Muse is my outer Muse
i love that you are so joyful today!
so radiantly garnet in color :)

Jennifer said...

The wolf is my Power Animal and has been with me for many many years and will be with me for a long as I breathe, I firmly believe this. Garnet is also one of my favorite stones, along with rubies, emeralds and Moonstone~

What a beautiful blog post and even more beautiful dreamboard! I am so looking forward to watching you on this journey and I thank you so much for the lovely comment on my blog~

It's amazing to see so many women have so much in common. Like you said, I don't feel so alone anymore. It's amazing the connections people make, even through the internet~

Snap said...

I love garnets and think your Garnet Goddess is sublime. I really enjoyed looking at your images and reading your words. Teachers are my heroes. They have hard jobs that, for some reason, the populations tries to make harder. You rock!

Thanks for dropping by. May this voyage we are taking with all of these creative women enlighten all of us.

Polly said...

What a strong, beautiful woman coming through in this! Love the reds - a very "unconditional" colour!

And thanks for your wish for me!

Her Speak said...

A gorgeous board! Her flowing hair is like a beautiful scarlet sail being taken by the wind! Breathtaking. Lots of red in the dream boards this month--interesting.

Congratulations on accepting the challenge! Schools, kids, parents, public education in general Needs You.

Wish Wildly & Merry Full Moon!
Much Joy, Many Many Blissings~*

Pen said...

genie i LOVE how you bought your muse to life! (i'm still trying to coax a name out of mine!) and she is, as expected, stunningly beautiful. what a talent you have.

this is an amazingly powerful dreamboard, and a significator of your year to come. can't wait to watch it unfold!

Steve Emery said...

Beautiful piece at the top of this post! I love the way the words work with the image, too - the placement and color choices. Strong colors - quite different from mine. It's like leaving my kitchen where I tend towards Italian cooking and going out and eating Thai.

Thanks for the quoting of my comment, and I'm glad it helped. It made the whole thing clearer to me when I wrote it, too.

June said...

I love your wonderful art on dreamboard and the garnet suits your muse so well. I am so glad your decision has been made and it has made you more dertermined and even stronger.
Brilliant thoughts and blog as always my friend
Hugs J

Tori said...

Garnet is a lovely stone, and your dreamboard has captured that beauty. I love it!

I'm actually a little disappointed. We're getting a snow storm tonight, so the sky is cloudy and there is no moon in sight! It was crystal clear the past two nights, but when the moon is full it decides to snow. lol.

Lisa PN said...

Such a beautiful dreamboard! I hope you enjoy the moon tonight and stay warm during these cold times! Looking forward to learning more and sharing during these 12 weeks!

Eileen W. said...

Enjoy the moon tonight- howl if you feel like- I might join you from afar! :)

Shades of Scorpio said...

Happy and Blessed Full Moon!

Your post was so wonderfully happy and just has that movtivational juice!!!

Rowena said...

I missed the full moon, but I went out tonight and stood under the gibbous moon. And the sky such a beautiful shade of midnight blue. I guess that's why they call it that.

Oh if only I really did have 48 hours in the day. I would sleep more and paint more and write more and give my kids more naps, uh... attention. ;)

And I'd spend more time on your blog and on so many of the amazing blogs I've been finding lately. How exactly can everyone be so awesome?

indigo goddess said...

your garnet Moon is spectacular.... i went out tonight to see the moon and she's not visible. we had snow today, and the clouds are still heavy. I know she's out there though, and i gave her a howl!!
thanks for the comments today on my dreamboard! it was a lot of fun to make, and i look forward to many more!!!!

Apple said...

Thank you for all your wonderful comments about my videos. I am so glad that you like them because I enjoy making them.
I really like your art too.

peppylady (Dora) said...

You must been born in January?
The Garnet goddess sure seem to be full of spunk.
Best of luck in your adventure of being a Curriculum Leader.

Coffee is on.

Shannan said...

Did you enjoy the moon tonight? The fullest largest moon of the year? I'd go run skyclad under its glow if it weren't so freakin' cold outside!!! So I'll stay under the down comforter and look at it from my bedroom window!

It does fill one with creative energy though!


Sandra said...

oh, thank you for putting your muse into words. She sounds so like mine! the colour of red, passion, "the life force of blood", and fearlessness resonated with an image I have been working with for a while. It's helpful to hear something so personal and spontaneous within myself echoed in someone else - it makes it more clear and real for me.

Connie Carpenter Macko said...

if only i could see the moon through the snow clouds! i will try to feel her. glad to meet you here on the 12 secrets bus. may your creativity grow by leaps and bounds!

jennifer lee said...

Oh, Garnet Goddess is divine!!! So lovely to meet her! Thanks for sharing.

Caroline said...

Gorgeous Goddess! Sounds like you have many of her qualities already.

As I live with a wolf, in the clothing of a puppy, we had a howl last night.

I did a video of one indoors:

And last night, in the middle of the night, we went out into the moonlight to see it reflecting off the ice... however we didn't scare the neighbours by howling just then!

Genie Sea said...

WOW! I am so touched by all your comments. Instead of responding to all of them here, I will visit your blogs! Thank you so much! :) ♥