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The Tribe Has Spoken

(click on image to enlarge)

I had every intention of blogging yesterday, and reading everyone's blogs. Alas... I had a PILE of work to catch up on and I worked steadily 'til I threw my weary body into bed.

Also, I got a particularly insidious email from a colleague yesterday... It threw me for a loop because I had no idea where this woman was coming from! It's someone I used to associate with a few years ago, but whose drinking problem, and the fact that she can be mean when drunk, made me distance myself. We hadn't hung out or even talked on the phone for almost two years. The problem is, I work with the woman so I must stay civil. After almost two years, she sends me an email asking me if I am "pissed" with her, and that she misses our "friendship" and to be "honest" with her. Unholy ambush from hell! I am certainly not going to be honest with her; that would be shattering. I had no idea what to reply, so I didn't. Guess who I have to have a little chat with today? Universe, please give me strength! If you have any helpful comments or suggestions, I welcome them!


Can you say groggy? I was spoiled these past two weeks, and it has been made sharply obvious how much I L♥VE having complete control of my time. I really need to become financially independent to allow me to work half-time. It's been a relaxing two weeks. I will try to make that last as long as I can. Is it 3:15 yet? :)

As a way not to lose my mind completely yesterday, I made the above manifestation collage for 2009. I had to have some time to PL☻Y too! I need every positive reinforcement I can get, as I am going back into the pit of negativity and stress today. Wish I could just beam myself into my class and beam myself out of there when I am done teaching. :)

And so...

The Tribe has spoken! A M♦C laptop it is! Okay, now to find the most economical way of purchasing one and getting as many programs on it as I can. Any suggestions?

I want to close my brief morning post by saying THANK Y♥U for all your amazingly supportive, encouraging and helpful comments. I wish I could fill the whole world with you all. I wish I could fill my job with you all :)

I will be chanting all day EMBRACE JOYOUS MAGIC in my head.

Please wish me L♣CK! I will post an update later... :)

And here is the update:

I acted on my need to distance myself from the extreme noise and negativity today, and I stayed in my classroom during lunch, catching up on the copious amount of work I have. I ate my lunch there.


A peaceful bubble of delicious

I will be doing that again! When I popped into the office to get and heat up my lunch (leftover mango curry chicken! and a clementine) I heard. "So what did you get for Christmas? (not even a pause). I got a guitar, and a necklace, and..." I tuned out. I went back to my blissful room.

But... the bliss was challenged.

After lunch was my prep period, and guess who I share it with?

Mhm. You guessed it. Little Miss Ray of Sunshine.

I decided I wasn't going to get into it today, if ever. That is what my higher self told me to do. Ignore the ramblings of a self-absorbed mad woman.

I got on the computer to finish my copious amounts of work for my classes and for the department...

It began.

"Did you get my email?"

Oh sweet chili pepper poultice on my butt... I lied. I am not proud, but I did. "Nope. What's up."
( I actually wanted to see how she would verbalize the issue.)

"I just feel that you were pissed at me before the break."

"Why do you think I was pissed?"

"Well, I don't know why you were pissed, but you were distant before the break and it happened again last year before Christmas." (Okay now distant = pissed: duly noted)

"Well, first of all I was not pissed. How I was feeling had nothing to do with you. Perhaps you might remember that I lost my mother just before last Christmas and my father this past August. It tends to put a damper on the festive spirit. (Subtext: it ain't always about you.)"

"Oh. Well, I thought that..." Silence. Cue the tears. D.r.a.m.a. Sorry not playing.

"Anyway, now you know. There are things in my life, that have nothing to do with you or anyone in my place of employment. I'm glad we clarified this issue, now if you will excuse me, I really need to get this done."

For those of you who don't know me, I may sound like a cold bitch, but I put my time in that relationship, only to be abused time and again. Crocodile tears do not affect me. In the past, I would be stumbling all over myself to make her feel better, when really I was the injured party. I have changed, and for that I am proud. I controlled my anger at being ambushed like that, and I let it go, but I was not going to play the game. I'm done with games. You cannot force people to like you, or to hang out with you, not by bribing them, not through coercion, not using guilt.

And that's okay. :)

Surprisingly my bliss was not shattered. I went for a coffee with another colleague of mine and we chatted for a bit, then I had my last class. (Did I mention I love my classes and my students, with all their flaws and magnificence?)

And at the end of the day. For a change. I was not a ball of tension. I did what I had to do and I got the hell out of Dodge. :)

I hope your day had some bliss in it! :)

Blessed be! :)


Boho mom said...

A mac laptop!!!...dying of envy here.
But I don't envy you having to face that colleague...bleh!
Trying to reason with people who have alcohol addictions can be so unnerving and tedius. It's almost impossible to talk to them, because they refuse to take responsibilty for their actions. Everything is someone else's fault.
My ex was a mean drinker and I don't have any advice, except run the other way!!!
But if it's something you must deal with, be diplomatic, detatched, state the facts and try to keep the conversation from becoming personal. And keep her in the "present". Alcoholics thrive on living in the past and bringing up their "stuff" repeatedly.
Good luck with that and I hope your first day back goes by quickly!

jennlui said...

ooohhhhh sticky situation... ew ew ew!!! but what i do when faced with a less than comfortable situation is ask my higher self to direct me so that i act with love and compassion and that whatever the consequences might be, that they are the best for everyone involved... not easy, but it's never failed me. i hope all goes well for you today genie!!! sending you *love* vibes!!!

fabulous manifestation collage!!! such a magical and wonderful vision for 2009!!! i wish this all for you!!!

oooohhh a mac!!! i'm working on saving some $$$ to replace my pc and get a mac laptop too... it's been a while now that i want to learn and dive into digital art and would love to start this with a mac!!! hee hee!!! but yes, there are soooo many programs!!!

wishing you a beautiful day!!!

peace and love

Beverly said...

I used to work with a woman who literally made going to work every day a living hell. She was one of the most miserable people I have ever known and for 19 years she harrassed and berated me every chance she got. I never knew why but always suspected that with the little I had I was far more happy than she was and she envied me. It was sad because in 19 years she never changed, never grew and remained miserable.

Dia said...

Genie - what they said! Ratz on having to 'deal with' that kind of drama! As Jennlui said, invoking High Self's aide is a great way - one friend pictured his HS 'as big as a tree' speaking to their HS (ditto) before an encounter like this - telling them what was up, & that you want to interact harmoniously - as J said, it always helped!

Thanks for stopping by my post; re: the brooms - it's a combo of 1) being a Virgo (so tenacious & inquisitive), with disseminating moon (just past full - wanting to share what i've learned :) 2) wanting a 'good tool' where possible 3) my mo-in-law, who was more interested in art, crafts, science etc than housekeeping, but HAD to have a Brown Beauty broom 4) knowing those weren't around (being made locally) 5) working on the 100 mile diet (trying to buy local as much as possible! Esp food, but what else?) 6) the fun of exploring what other options exist! . . .

Best luck with your co-worker, getting that laptop, & finding JOY this year :)

Caroline said...

Have fun with your mac! Now for the other issue... You saw that I posted about angelic help... Also, I would be honest (but that is me). It's a harder route to take but I find that avoiding or lying always comes back to bit me in the butt! You don't have to be brutal...but let her know that your life is going in a direction that is not of the past.

Sending you good energy...

Fatma said...

Wow, Genie. I can understand what you mean about the emotions showing up just when you think all is clear. In the Law of Attraction we call it Contrast. It helps you further become clear on what you want and attract more of that. Contrast will always exist. With time you will come to recognize it exactly and not give it power.
You did exactly that today! Here is to getting more of what you really want in 2009.

Kris said...

Sounds like You, dear Genie, are truly finding the authentic liberation of *owning* who you are and what you want: I applaud You!!!!!!!!!! Have a peaceful night :)

In Joy,

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Good that your bliss was not shattered--YAY YOU! Thank goodness. Phew!

danette said...

Genie, your collage is wonderful! I am so excited to see what you will create from your new mac and in your new studio space.

I respect your decision to take care of yourself, even if that meant "lying". You have given so much of your self to her, and sadly she is in no state to receive or even notice the gift that you are.

Proud hugs,


creativehealinggoddess said...

Genie, I think you did well, and you have to take care of your otherwise you will be co dependent wink wink* see missy as a test to see how far you have grown.:) In counseling you always have to go with your feelings and these are your inner resources... so you lied today so what ? with more time on the mac you will be able to speak the truth... its only the first week in January take it easy.

Ninnie said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog. Loving looking at yours. Will have to come back and look at more of it. My laptop is a PC with XP actually it is new about 4 months so there are some out there you can get without Vista. I would never go back to a desktop. Drinkers can be the pits. I have a brother who is a happy drunk. But my daughter had a boyfriend that was a mean one. I hated dealing with him when he was drinking. He would give you the shirt off his back sober but boy was he mean when he would get in the bottle. Love Hugs and Blessings

linda said...

well, dear genie, you should give yourself an A for taking care of you, the most important job you have...I am so proud of you! and the woman sounds like a psychic vampire, nobody needs those around! creepy she is a teacher too...

how do you get those neat texts with the hearts and things in them? is that a program or what, I want to make a heart! so please tell your little secret...

congrats on the mac...I adore mine and she makes my life so much easier as PC's are so impossible, I would never even bother but my mac, I couldn't live without! and the collage is magnificent, as always :)

Tabitha said...

I so agree with Caroline. Be honest and know that you are doing what's best for your mental stability.


Jo said...

I'm so pleased you looked after you, some people can be so hard to deal with, and you can't always escape at work. Enjoy your mac when you get it :-) My brother is in IT, he has only positives to say about MAC.

Melissa said...

Fantastic collage!

Ugh, difficult people who somehow always make themselves out to be the victim even though they just aren't. Funny, I was just saying to Jennlui about peeps making stuff about them that has nothing to do with them. I don't believe it is possible to be 'nice' to everyone and what is 'nice' for someone else may not be 'nice' for you - how you treat yourself matters too! I also know for a fact that there are people who you can be honest with all you want and they just don't get it - honest doesn't work with them. I'm not sure why that is. It's NEVER easy dealing with these kinds of difficult people and there isn't one answer. You have to deal with it the best way YOU can. Good for you for standing up for yourself and for changing something that just wasn't working!!!! It's difficult at times, but in the end so much more peaceful. I applaud you!

~Puggy Huggies~

Allison said...

Wow, Genie - I am so impressed with how you handled the situation. I am beginning to deal with something similar (isn't it icky when you can see it approaching on the horizon?) & want to stick to my guns.

(& yay, Mac!)

Serena said...

Great collage!

I agree with the general had to do what was best for you.

The Muse said...

can't wait to hear how you like your mac...

and hey be true to yourself...agreed no lying, but i don't think you would...use some grace, tact and let her know "how it is"...
care for that you can help others.
Let us know how this progresses.