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Doodles and things

So I tried my hand at doodling in photoshop last night. It was a great way to relax and play! It was also one of my first tries actually painting using the program rather than just using it for image manipulation and digital collage.

It wasn't easy. I don't have one of these, so this is completely done with my mouse. It's like painting with a brick...

There are about 15 layers to this piece creating the glow around her and her wings. The wings themselves have about 8 layers alone. It's not a masterpiece, but it's a beginning...

I also started my first landscape and this is the first stage...

I am pretty happy with this so far. I will be adding details to it as I go. It took me about 10 layers to create the sky and water just the way I like it. I really like the clouds, they have the voluptuousness that I was going for. I need to work on my land mass. It needs more definition.

Really, this was SO much fun! I decided I was going to play with photoshop last night instead of putting another dent in my marking. My brain was as reluctant to mark as a kid is going to the dentist. I tried dragging it, but it jammed itself in the doorway screaming at the top of its lungs. So, like a soft parent, I gave in and let my mind play instead. :)

Sometimes parents need to give in :)

I am ready, willing, and able to expand my creativity this year and start expressing the ideas that have been clambering inside my head for years. Creating a studio space on a small budget and getting all the tools and materials I need will be the challenge but I am up to the challenge.

I have reorganized my steps of achieving this by starting with the least expensive and most manageable. Getting a tablet, changing the light fixture in the room, and scouting for an affordable Mac laptop with all the trimmings. I found that I can get an educator's discount from Adobe, to purchase CS4.

I am also scouting used furniture places and the online lists for a table that suits my needs dimensionally; I can modify it later, starting with putting wheels on the legs. Because my house is so "cozy", I don't have a lot of room for traditional chairs, but a friend of mine was very generous to give me two upholstered benches that can seat four comfortably. As for storage space, since I cannot realistically afford that sideboard (I sigh), I will have to be scouting around for cheaper solutions. :)

Linda asked me how I did the bullets in my previous post. You can find a complete list here !

My groggy brain is having a hard time waking up this morning. I might have to rethink going to the gym in the mornings again instead of after school... It has been increasingly difficult getting up at 5 am so I can do that. Maybe when the days get longer...

Yesterday's routine of staying in my room during lunch made my day go so much smoother and reduced my stress levels by 90%. When my workload eases a bit (we are in the middle of finals and preparing for exams), I will be going on walks during lunch. Get out into the fresh air, get some exercise, and get away from it all for half an hour.

Indeed life is good. :)

Thank you all for your amazingly supportive and helpful comments yesterday. I know what I did was the right thing for me, and it is high time I started taking care of my emotional well-being not just that of others. It didn't stop the twinge of guilt that I was being an insensitive b♠tch. I genuinely care about people, and I don't like to see people suffering, but that caring has been abused by certain people in the past, and I am putting a stop to it. The guilty feeling was a residual, and you all helped me so much in relieving it. TH♥NK YOU again! :)

Blessed be my friends :) May your day be filled with play, peace and bliss! :)


indigo goddess said...

i L*O*V*E your angel painting. Love it! i have photoshop and have been so intimdated by it. my dear dh say to jump right in and PLAY with it. i think he might be right. Have a wonderful and peaceful day!

Kim Mailhot said...

You are doing such a great job at fulfilling your soul's needs, Genie ! I admire this so much and find it so inspiring. It feels like you are forging a path for many of us - listening to your heart, protecting it from toxic stuff, asking for help when you need it, being grateful for the gifts from the universe, adding creative play that makes your heart sing into the mix, and letting go of guilt ! Wow ! All that and the year is only 6 days old !

You are really amazing, Miss Genie ! Thanks for making tracks I can follow in in my own way...

Her Speak said...

Your digital drawings have amazing depth! I love your use of super saturated colors--very dreamy. There are all kinds of awesome tutorials for that sort of thing on YouTube--I get sucked into those and before I know it the day is gone! :)

Good for you, Genie! You are not a doormat! It can be really difficult to be assertive and stand your ground with out coming off like a raging crazy lady. And not to sound cruel, but sometimes toxic people don't even KNOW they're toxic and need to be given the heads up. Isn't it liberating to say what you mean and mean what you say?

It sounds like your new years visions are shaping themselves already! Hooray for a beautiful studio!

Here's to Heart Songs!
Much Love, Many Blissings~*

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

I got a tablet and CS4 for Christmas this year, and believe me, it's not easy! I'm imagining it will be better than brick painting when I get the hang of it, but so far, no such luck. LOL.

I have a Toshiba Tablet laptop I got two Christmases ago, I think, and I love that. The Cintiq tablet for the desktop is HARDER to use.

Well, of course, I'm not used to it yet. I keep going back to my comfort zone when I get frustrated with the learning curve!

I love what you did. I've done some paintings with the mouse. It is hard. But some of them pleased me anyway.

Yours are nice, colorful, interesting. If that is the beginning, I'll be interested to see how it turns out.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

The angel would be a GREAT holiday card for next year and the sunset on the lake (?) has incredible depth and is poignant and evocative.

Tabitha said...

Your angel is most certainly a Masterpiece! I think it's simply beautiful!

Wishing you Many Blessings ♥


rebecca said...

Oh, Genie, that angel painting is so beautiful! Wow! I have photoshop and could not put something together like this even in my most creative of days. How wonderful that you can create this. It's so therapeutic for the mind and soul to be able to sit down and get lost for hours just doing something that one loves. It seems effortless and the hours just fly by, don't they?

Beautiful, G - I look forward to seeing more of the same...a wonderful way to begin the new year. You're such an inspiration...want to adopt me?

mette said...

I got wacom intuos A3 and they really do make doodling in PS much easier ;)

But I think you have done a great job with your "brick" - there is a nice calmness to it

Serena said...

Your Angel painting is GORGEOUS! And your second one is coming along beautifully! I have no clue how to paint digitally and I'm in awe of your capability.

love, light and peace,

Sara Moriarty said...

Both of your pieces are wonderful! and courageous! Can't wait to see how the second progresses. I always love watching art evolve step-by-step.

Dia said...

These are both SO BEAUTIFUL! Love the glow of the angel - you can make one for me playing the harp :)
I've used polyvore, & like you say, made cards; not done any of this!
& yea for taking time for you, & rethinking how to do some things. It pays off.

Tina said...

wow - cool blog - love all your samples. I have always wanted to learn more on Photo shop - after seeing what you make - yowzer..need to make that a goal. I posted my self portrait - let me know what you think.


June said...

Hi my friend. well you certainly sound like you have all set and ready to go with everything. Keep us informed :)
Love what you are doing in photoshop. Love the angel !!
Hugs June

June said...

Hi Genie, lol you sussed me out on the twenties and thirties thing lol !! To be honest i tend to go through phases of what i work with and yep .. thats the one i have been doing lately :)
Hugs June

Tammie Lee said...

Both pieces are wonderful, love the glow around the wings. What fun!

I am thinking you can also get an educators discount on your computer as well, worth the phone call.

The Muse said...

the landscape is so moving to my soul....i can just feel the words washing through me...

so happy to find you being creative and loving it!

Melinda said...

haha...I LOVE your work and the colors! I laughed because of your description of painting with a mouse is like painting with a brick! Isn't that the truth!