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Brand New Day

To say I am touched beyond words, is not saying much. To say I am in awe, is putting it mildly.

Yesterday, in despair I sat here and agonized whether I should hit publish and unleash my pain. Yesterday, I was feeling the weight of the shadows about to annihilate me. Yesterday, out of the blue, I was feeling smaller than the most insignificant mote.

Then your words came. Words of support, and caring. Words of wisdom and love.

I was overwhelmed with it, washed away with such empathy from people I have never shared a coffee with. I don't even know if there are words to express my gratitude, but I will start with,

Thank you.

I usually reply in the comments section, and I will be coming to your blogs to thank you "in person", but I wanted this post to honor the wonderful, loving, wise people you are. I thank the Universe for letting me connect with you. In many ways, you are life savers. :) Thank you all for your encouraging words about my art. It helps more than you will know. :)

So from yesterday's comments:

Thank you Tracy :) Knowing that someone is there to just listen is precious to me. Hugs!

Thank you Jennlui :) I am sorry you have had to go through this as well. It boggles my mind that people should change in that way after the miracle of a child's entrance into the world. Thank you for your offer, and who knows one day I might find myself in Ottawa. Your warmth and caring are like the twin lights of Sun and Moon. Hugs!

Thank you Suzie :) I hate that you will celebrate your birthday alone. I wish I had the money to send you a ticket to the TDot to spend it with your family! I guess I should start playing the lotto! :) If that fails, we can have a blog party for you! Live! :) Hugs!

Thank you Taexalia :) It's actually flooring me that others have gone through this very thing. But it shouldn't. Pain is by no means unique. I'm sorry you had to go through that, but I like your plan for this year. :) Hugs!

Thank you Tori :) I was very very reluctant to hit post. Now, it is important to go the next step and tell my friends how I feel. I feel it is important to honor whatever you are feeling, and bring it into the light. If I hadn't hit publish, others also wouldn't have had the chance to share their stories. I am feeling better about it today. Hugs!

Thank you Rebecca :) It might very well be the fact that I just turned 40. Part way through my life, and not really adoring what I don't see in it. Even though it's horrible to feel this way, it's also very reassuring to know others have felt it too. Hugs!

Thank you Lillian :) It is reassuring to know that others feel this way, though I hate the thought that others have felt this way. It's not a great feeling. Not at all. But, it is part of the human life. Hugs!

Thank you Kim :) I am feeling much better today, about publishing the post. It was really hard to lay my soul bare like that. I considered writing it on a piece of paper and burning it like I normally do, but honestly that has never worked for me. :) It's an lovely idea you throw out there. I will consider it. :) Hugs!

Thank you Tabby :) Thank you for your prayers. How can God not listen to an angel on earth like you? :) Hugs!

Thank you Caroline :) I have never been one to shy away from my feelings or the truth behind them. It's just the first time I declared it pretty much for the whole world to see. My soul was crying out to do it, and I had to obey. :) Hugs!

Thank you Lisa :) You're right. That is me too. Both sides of me. I accept them. I thank you for your advice, please do not apologize for it. :) This was a culmination of all the things that have been happening and I had had enough. Enough with the loneliness and sadness and being delegated to "Oh, right, it's Genie's birthday. How can I fit that into my busy schedule." I felt that I deserved more than that. :) Hugs!

Thank you Kristen :) I look so marvelous through your eyes. :) I am at a loss for words other than to repeat Thank you. :) I am believing it, and the fact that I spoke up, is proof of it. :) Hugs!

Thank you Molly :) They can take their lemons and stuff their lemonade! YEAH! :) There just comes a point in someone's life that making excuses for everyone at our own expense just won't cut it. Hugs!

Thank you Musey :) Yes, you're right. The nudes do represent my baring soul! I really didn't think about that until you mentioned it :) I don't feel alone when I come to the blogosphere. :) You are all wonderful gems of human beings whom I truly admire and cared about. :) Hugs!

Thank you Fatma :) We can surely go for a coffee. That would be great. I welcome meeting each and every person I have come in contact with through this community. I wish we could even all have a meet and greet :) Hugs!

Thank you (Intothe) Dawn :) How absolutely heart-wrenching. I am sorry you had to go through that. May your kitty play happily with the cat nip in the sky. I hope that by letting this all out, I will move past it, and start anew. Hugs!

Thank you Steve :) It's an interesting conundrum indeed. :) I have not been able to come up with an answer myself. :) Thank you for your flooringly amazing offer to send me materials. That means a lot to me. I was mostly talking about the tablet, and other expensive items, which I would never in a millions years expect anyone else to get for me. The offer is more precious than any gift and I will cherish it. Thank you! Wish there were a LOT more men in the world like you. I truly do :) Hugs!

Thank you Danette :) You have always being a dear friend to me. Your love and support have always carried me through, and I cherish you. You are a friend for life, no matter what, no matter how. That is a fact. Hugs!

Today is a Brand New Day. I encounter it more serene, and much more hopeful, for, if the world is populated by such amazing individuals such as all of you, then it is a beautiful place indeed.

I painted these in PS yesterday, as I was deliberating my process, and the amazing comments it engendered. To view the images, as usual you just click on them. :) The first was a tribute to how I felt yesterday morning while I was composing my post; the second depicts the warmth and open horizon I felt while reading your comments; and the third is how I felt being part of this wonderful and glorious group of people. How I feel right now.

We have much to be thankful for and to celebrate. President Obama is being inaugurated this morning, and in his hands, lies the future of the world. The eyes of the world focus on him, and our hearts beat with hope. It is a very formidable task. I pray that he will have the strength, and vision to carry it through. I pray that he will be allowed to do so. I pray for peace to settle in the loins of this planet, and that we can go on with the business of living, of loving, of creating.

Blessed be :)


Tracy said...

Lovely images! I'm glad your spirits have been uplifted. :)

Kim Mailhot said...

You are soooo welcome, in every sense of that word !

Let's keep to that business !

Hugs and love back !

Kris said...

It warms me to no end that you feel yourself now amidst an "open horizon." Enjoy the view ... and the walk into it :)

Love to You,

intothedawn said...

I'm so glad today dawned a brighter day for you!

It is a catch-22, sometimes, this blogging. Meeting the most wonderful people, and rarely meeting face to face. I would love to share an afternoon with you, a cup of tea or chai, or better yet, some creative time together! Until that is possible-- cyber hugs! Thanks for all the inspiration.

jennlui said...

oooohhhh YOU are soooooo welcome genie!!! you are such a sweet and magical soul and i am SO HAPPY that today is a brand new day with a different outlook!!! i wish for you all the light and sparkle you can handle!!! ha ha ha!!! but our shadows selves are always there and at times, we simply need to give in and honor our sadness... there is nothing wrong at all with that. and we will be here genie, your bloggy family, for if and when that happens again. here with cyber hugs and words of encouragement!!! yay yay yay!!!

and i must say... what a beautiful idea to have a post honoring all the great souls who have supported and encouraged you along!!! fabulous!!!

BIG HUGS and love to you genie!!!

Jane said...

I'm sorry I missed your post yesterday. I will write you now what I would have written then:

1. It's perfectly OK to have days where you feel invisible and lonely. We are all humans experiencing life. The most important thing is to move along with the emotion until you get through it to the other side.

2. I'm 44 and still struggle with the issue of "what do I want to do with my life"? Soemtimes I think that I put so much focus on it that it actually eludes me. I'm a late bloomer and my time is still yet to come. There are beautiful things around the corner.

3. keep creating and sharing yourself with us. Everyone here has these periods of "blah" too and it is a blessing to connect and be supported by so many in this community.

Her Speak said...

Loving the landscapes--and your figure work is awesome! I'm glad you decided to start working with the figure. The expressive possibilities are just ENDLESS!

Also--since you seem to be drawn to landscapes, if you haven't already, you should check out some of the German romantic painters. They have this really amazing sense of vastness and the colors are always particularly beautiful. I'm a fan of Caspar David Friedrich--very dramatic and atmospheric works. Your work reminds me of theirs in many ways. There might be some interesting ideas and inspiration in them for you. :)

Much Joy, Merry Making!~*

Caroline said...

Genie, you are beautiful soul! And how blessed are we to have such an amazing community of bloggers to support us in our time of need?

BTW...your last picture is beautiful...the brilliant blues and purples and the white wispy angel...stunning!

Melissa said...



Boho mom said...

YES!!! Obama Day!! I'm Canadian, but still am so happy for the American people that the Bush nazi regime is over!
And I agree, he has the power to change the whole world - he just needs the world's belief and support.

Beautiful Art Genie!!!!!

Tabitha said...

Oh Genie! The third picture is simply breathtakingly beautiful. You are a sweet spirit and I'm so blessed to know you.

Big Hugs :)

The Muse said...

you don't have to thank us..but because you did and so personally..shows why we love you!

creativehealinggoddess said...

What happened to my Genie??
I was having a rough day yesterday too so i was submerged under water the current is still rough but at least my friend is riding the waves with me...I hope you are feeling better though i am off to read the warning post...mood all part of the creative process.

linda said...

dearest genie, please forgive me for not being here on the very day when you were most down! I am not feeling well and was not up to much yesterday and could not sit and leave a comment much less spend reading much in the way of those I have been held up by your friends and I am so pleased it turned out this way and dearest, listen to steve, he knows what he is talking about about you getting a paintbrush into your hands...I have been thinking of saying the same thing to you but couldn't think how or if I I am glad it has been said as you have impressive talent that needs to come out! so thrilled everything came together for you and the universe answered your prayers with so many lovely people coming to your aid. :)
much love...

Steve Emery said...

Genie - you are very welcome, and I meant that offer. I don't have the tchnology to send, but I do have other supplies I can share.

And these three further pieces give a clue to the expressive talent within you. A brush and paint might feel frustrating at first, like they are in the way, but with some practice you would be passing your heart right onto the page, the way you're passing it through your mouse, but a brush is a more sensitive instument. I loved all three of these - possibly the third the most.

Genie Sea said...

Kim - :) Hugs!♥

Tracy - Thank you sweetie. :) Hugs!♥

Kristen- Thank you hon. :) Hugs!♥

(intothe)Dawn - Thank you sweets! :) May be can all meet some day. Anything is possible right? :) Hugs!♥

Jennlui- Thank you so much, sunshine :) Hugs!♥

Jane - Please don't apologize. I am glad you made it and I am most grateful for your comment. It brings me warmth and solace. :) Hugs!♥

Molly- Thank you sweetie :) I haven't really looked at German romantic painters, not since my university days. Thank you for the tip, and for putting me in such splendid company. :) Hugs!♥

Caroline- Thank you honey :) We are blessed indeed. :) Hugs!♥

Melissa - :) Thank you for your helpful and supportive comments on yesterday's post as well. :) Hugs!♥

Boho - Thank you so much, for everything! :) With President Obama at the helm, I can rest easy. Being Canadian, like we are, are just as happy for our new neighbor! :) Hugs!♥

Tabby - Thank you honey! Hugs! :)♥

Queen Muse - Thank you again! Hugs! :)♥

Marilyn - Thank you sweetie. :) It was a bit daunting but that post I think helped not only me, but others. :) Hugs!♥

Linda - There is nothing to forgive. Your continued love and support have carried me through consistently. For that I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Hugs! :)♥

Steve- Your kindness, warmth and encouragement make my heart swell with joy. You are truly an iridescent gem. :) Thank you honey :) I will get brush to hand. I promise. :)♥

Tori said...

You're welcome! I hope the happiness stays with you a while, and next time you won't feel reluctant to hit post. =)

A rambling rose said...

Wow - this reminded me of a collage I once did on what I wished for - I hung it on my bedroom door! Your 'home' wish is almost identical to mine - I added a studio but maybe the whole house could be 'the studio' thank you for your comment on my blog - great to meet you!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Tori :) ♥ I won't be reluctant if you won't be :) Hugs!

Thank you A Rambling Rose :) Welcome to my blog. :) Great to meet you too! :)