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Sunshine Moments

Firstly, THANK Y♥U for all the beautiful wishes for my birthday yesterday. Your love and warmth truly touch me to the core of my being. You are all spectacular souls! I am so honored and grateful to know you. :)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I need some sunshine and warmth, and since the weather isn't cooperating, I decided to make me some. :)

Last night I went to Danette's PlayLab. It was the perfect thing to do on my birthday. It was calm and reflective, creative and fun.

And I learned a couple of things:

  • I am not afraid to experiment, and throw myself out there any more. I am not afraid of judgement. I don't like it, but I am not afraid of it.
  • I do not get mortally connected to what I have made. When asked if we would mind ripping it up, I asked, "How?" That's huge. Being over-connected to my creative products is yet another way for my ego to interfere with my play. So a piece is ruined or gets lost, or whatever. That's just one piece. Our creativity is much larger than that. It is the sum of the parts.
  • Pastels and watercolor have an interesting interaction and chemistry. They are an "odd" couple, but they make their relationship work. I am new to mixed media and I am loving it the more I try or see or learn.
  • I don't need to have my studio all set up and perfect to start my creative journey with painting. It is just another project that is delaying my process. I need to just jump in there and do it. :)
  • When I am creating, the world disappears. And sometimes, that is a good thing.

AH! That's it for now... :)

May your explorations be bountiful and fearless!

Blessed be :)


Tracy said...

I need sunshine's glowing warmth, too. I'll be glad when Spring arrives!

Glad you had a wonderful birthday & loved reading your observations about yourSelf and your Art. :)

marianne said...

it was a tough lesson for me to learn- if it doesn't work, move on and take what you learned to the next piece. but how liberating it is! it's also great to be able to play with a group and have them ask those "what if" questions! sunshine to you- and welcome to your 41st year on earth-

Suzie Ridler said...

Sometimes I think the world is over rating. I know I'm taking a vacation and staying inside away from the world until nature starts to behave, LOL.

I'm so glad you got a ton of birthday wishes and you are making your own sunshine. That's powerful stuff! Thanks for sharing it with us, I'm basking in its glory right now. So pretty!

Breedale said...

Happy Belated! You know I even wrote a reminder for myself so I wouldn't forget and I managed to forget to write. I hope it was as wonderful and special and amazing as you are and may all of your wishes come true this year!

Melissa said...

Ripping it up? Oh I'd have trouble with that one. But it's a realy good lesson. Thank you for sharing it! I need to think about this.

I completely agree with what you said about the studio. There are many times we allow something like that to "stop" us. We wait for things to be perfect, meanwhile time is passing, passing, passing. We're strange creatures indeed.


I gotta check out this PlayLab.


Tabitha said...

Genie, that is simply magnificent! Its so very beautiful and I wish for it to shine upon you always!

Rowena said...

Very interesting, your lessons.

I find that I get very attached to my paintings. I'm beginning to see that if I want to keep the piece, then it's a good sign of its value. Those are the ones that I should let out into the world. But I still have a hard time giving them up.

I like your idea that it's not the piece that is the treasure, it's the creativity. Maybe that will help. Thanks.

Kim Mailhot said...

Yay for sunny fun play time !!! So glad you gave yourself this gift for your birthday!

The world disappears because you are totally focused on fulfilling your spirit ! Isn't that so cool ???!!! I love that play time experience too !

Remember that the ones you don't love right off the bat or that seem "ruined" often have the most to teach your artist soul !

Happy Fearless Creating !

The Muse said...

thank you for the BOOST as i move into a new venture...

happy that you found a moment to explore and play!!!

Boho mom said...

This post is fabulous!
Birthdays bring about so much introspection, don't they?

It took me a long time to get over my "attachment" to things.
Yay for you!...and Happy, HAPPY Birthday!!

Her Speak said...

That PlayShop sounds like a RIOT! I always thought you'd be a watercolor sort of gal--something beautiful or playful or maybe ethereal about it that suits you. :)

It's hard to work on something that is your "baby" and then have to tear it up, paint over it or give it away. I had a little separation issue when I first started painting for a living, "But, but--I can't give it away. I made it! It's mine!" But really, the idea is yours, the paint is just that: paint. And you can use your idea again and again as many times as you like!

Thanks for sharing your experience! And wonderful piece!

Much Joy, Merry Making!~*

Tabitha And Family said...

Hi Genie!

When you get a chance I'd be honored if you checked out my first blog.

Huge Hugs,

Caroline said...

Just lovely...the colors are so soothing. Anyway, I had a scary moment...I went to your profile page and only saw the Ola! Moana blog (which I am loving BTW). I thought you deleted this blog...whew...glad that didn't happen :) Rock on sunshine!

Tori said...

These are major things you learned about yourself! I hope you do a lot of creating and have tons of fun with it.

I love the sunshine. I'm missing spring and warm weather...

rebecca said...

i missed your birthday! oh no! i'm sorry mama, i was so busy visiting moana that i failed to stop by here yesterday :( well, happy belated my sweet and i hope all of your wishes continue to come true.

on another note, what a post! wow...such growth there genie. the things one learns along life's way, no? i especially liked the first two...that is pretty liberating.

keep creating mama!


Sara Moriarty said...

I think it's pretty profound that you're able to separate your ego from your creativity. I struggle with that. Also, I can totally understand letting the desire to have a perfect studio keep you from your projects. I've tried to justify this my entire life, "it;s just the way I am", and have come to realize that it's a label I don't want to claim.

I love visiting your blog. You are inspiring!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you you Queens of the Universe, you Muses of Creativity, you Women of Consequence! :)

Thank you Tracy! :) We have to get the sun where we can :)

Thank you mk! :) It is truly liberating to step away from the product and see the big picture. We often get tied to one thing like concrete shoes, and if we fall into a large body of water... then what? hehe

Thank you Suzie! :) I know what you mean my dear. There is a huge part of me that wants to join you :)

Thank you Bree! :) It's okay honey. You have a LOT on your plate. I appreciate your well wishes anytime :)

Thank you Melissa! :) Danette is one hella cool and inspiring Chicklet. An artistic powerhouse, and she sure knows how to make everyone feel comfortable. It was a blast! :)

Awww Tabby Thank you honey! :)

Thank you Rowena! :) If my lessons help others, then I am a successful person indeed! :) I find sometimes. the pieces I adore, others don't necessarily get. People are magnificent variables of taste :)

Thank you Kim! :) It's very true. Our "failures" which I don't believe really exist, are the best lessons. :)

Thank you Queen Muse! ANd you're welcome! :) I'm glad I can help :) It makes me happy. :)

Thank you Boho! :) Hugs!

Thank you Molly! :) You're absolutely right. Watercolor and pastel crayons seem to be my media. I find oils intimidating :) You know that means I have to work on them too! :)

Thank you Tabitha! :) Welcome to my blog! I will be visiting yours asap :)

Thank you Caroline! :) LOL! I saw your comment on Ola! and I thought, "Oh No! She's lost!" LOL! I took this blog off my profile because I have students who know about the other one, and I don't really want them to come to this one. It's too personal, and it's kind of weird. :)

Thank you Tori! :) I am having too much fun! It must be illegal, right? LOL

Rebecca! Thank you1 :) Hugs! Don't worry sweetie! LOL! I am so glad you like Ola! Moana! It has been a project dear to my heart and I am glad she is back. So you missed my bday by one day... no biggie! I will be 40 for a whole year... I am glad you're here now! :)

Thank you Sara! :) Hugs! It was a struggle to separate ego from creativity. We Caps have ego issues I believe, and working on that has been my priority. :)

gemma said...

Congratulations and many good wishes to you dear Genie on your
40th birthday.
How is good.
You are a goddess!
May all of your wishes come true.

Judi said...

Gee Whiz - after a day at work - seems like everyone in blog land has visited my favorite blogs and there is nothing new to say :(

I'm so happy that you are blossoming and growing in your creative endeavors - way to go!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Gemma so much! :) Hugs!

Oh Judi! Thank you sweetie :) You might be late, but never are your words redundant! I am always happy to see you! Hope you had a great day :)

linda said...

genie, this is wonderful that you have had these''s the way to making it "real" !!

I am excited to watch your progress as, from what I have already seen , you are an artist with a wonderful sense of composition and design.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much Linda! :) Your words mean a lot to me :)

todayandeveryday said...

Making excuses to create is a huge hurdle! congrats on knowing you can paint anywhere, anytime. Oh and the idea of art as impermanent ("would you mind ripping it up") that is really important. To me, art is to be given away, make it and let it go. What happens after that? who knows, it was the process that was important, not the end result.
Love your growing wings and thank you so much for all the sunshine you have spread on my blog!!!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much Dawn! :) Indeed! The process is key. :) That is what we take with us. :) That is what cannot be destroyed :)

Serena said...

It's wonderfully freeing to let go of attachment. I'm happy to hear that you are enjoying mixed's fairly new to me also and so much fun! Great post, Genie ~ :)