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Cynics and Scapes

I had a couple of "encounters" yesterday with people from the Tribe of Negative. They spewed their cynicism and criticism, trying to dominate a foothold into my consciousness. Guess what happened? They didn't succeed.

I can be a cynic. I have been accused by those who judge too quickly that I am. Sometimes truth can be seen as cynicism. Sometimes when I point out the disingenuous, I can be called a cynic. But I have not put someone down, and certainly not for the sake of making myself feel better.

I can be sarcastic. Hello? I'm a Capricorn. We have it patented. But, my sarcasm is more societal than personal. My sarcasm is my sharp wit, but it is not used to cut someone up into shreds (unless they ask for it). Not to make myself feel smarter than someone who is feeling low. I don't take someone's genuine intent and belittle it, publicly, for the sake of humour so my nasties can laugh. That's just playground bully tactics.

I often tell my students that there is an intrinsic difference between a critique and criticism. And that is in intent.

When one critiques, one takes an objective look at a product, and assesses it first for its successful aspects, and then makes suggestions for its aspects that fall short. Critiques are valuable both to the creator and to the person offering his/her opinion. It is not a personal attack.

Criticism is. People use criticism to find fault, to belittle, to tear apart someone's genuine effort. The critic pretends to be objective, but the criticism takes on an ugly face. It attacks the creator through his/her creation.

I know many will not agree with this differentiation, but it is key. There is value in pointing out where something can be bettered, where weaknesses can become strengths, and anyone who offers their work up for public consumption must be prepared for it.

The problem is, we now live in a society where tearing someone down has become this mob mentality of gleeful destruction. Look at any "entertainment news" show. Read some reviews. Go to some "spoof" blogs whose sole purpose is to make their cronies laugh at the expense of someone else's genuine attempts/endeavours.

Anyway. I had to get that out! Thank you for indulging me. :)

I am not going to go into further details, because these people do not need encouragement or acknowledgment. But I will thank them. Because they showed me their true colors, and they showed me who I do not want in my life. And that is wonderful! :)

So now. Art.

(click on image to enlarge)

I have always been engrossed by trees. Metaphorically they offer their root system for grounding, their reaching up toward the sun for freedom, their many faces for emotions. Spiritually, they offer the solace of endurance, stability, nourishment, and safety. Trees can be majestic or frightening, depending on the setting, the circumstances, the scene. There are so many types of trees, each with his/her own personality. They bear fruit. They flower. They carry houses where laughter and secret societies bloom. They sway in the tropical breezes, or shiver in the frosty fog. Trees are tall and stately, or dwarfed and knotty. They have faces; they have life force; they have wisdom. Trees are just plain magical. So I painted trees. In PS for the first time. And guess who came to visit? Little red and a magpie! :) But I didn't stop there. :)

I have always been captivated by graphic novels, anime, and their artistic style. So I decided, I would experiment to see what I could do with it. Remember, I'm a total newbie. But here it is:


(click on the image to enlarge)

I painted the girl and man trying to make it as stylized as my outdated PS and mouse will allow. (I simply must get a tablet!) I worked on the shading, and its a bit off kilter, but trust me when I say, hours of work on them and multiple layers to even approximate the effect I was going for.

Some of you might recognize this man. He has appeared in two of my Tarot cards, and is a face that recurs.

The backdrop is from a picture a friend sent me long ago of a neighbourhood in NYC. She didn't include the name of the place and I have long ago lost track of her (sad), so I cannot enlighten you. I manipulated the light and texture to make it more stylized to go with the effect I am trying to create. Et voila! Toonscape.

I am committed to trying as many new things and styles as possible in my creative ventures.

One thing I have been mulling over was to resurrect an online magazine (e-zine) I started a few years back with a partner who dropped out almost immediately because of personal issues. It was a tongue-in-cheek woman's magazine hosted by a character we created called "Moana". We called the magazine "Ola! Moana". My friend, Danette, drew most of the images that went with the various sections. It has been now prodding me daily and the idea is now screaming. "Make me into a new blog!"

Can I ignore screaming?

I don't even know where I have put all the material. Do I start from scratch? Can I keep up with this blog and all the wonderful bloggers, the two blog projects I am participating in, my art, my job and this?

I have a lot to think about, no?

What do you think? :)

May your days be merry, full of wonderful scapes and no nasties! :)

Blessed be :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Hey Beautiful, Brave and Wise Genie, can you please bottle up some of that go go energy and send it to me ? You are amazing !

Love that Capricorn "I Tell It Like It Is and I know You Can Handle It !" attitude. Poopoo on Meanies who are so afraid of their own light that they have to try can tear down others !

Love the PS art - especially the trees !

Love that you think so much about finding ways to be the best you possible - admire your energy as I am still in do "nothink" mode but loving living vicariously through your beautiful adventures for now...

Hope you have a playful Sunday !

frustrated artist said...

I totally agree with your differentiation of critism and critque. You won't find argument here. Unfortunately, as you wrote, too many people operator at the criticism level - without intent to help or support.

I have experienced this too often - and from a number of "close friends" - but I attribute this behaviour to their insecurity. I think my "friends" perceived my exploratory behaviour as the first steps towards my leaving the friendship or making new friends and "squeezing" them out of my life. Or maybe it's jealousy that I will pursue something I enjoy and they may not have the same ability to pursue (or even explore) what they want? I don't know. But it sucks!

Lay Hoon said...

OOh, I love your treescape so much. I especially love how you use the words to describe the feeling on the trees.

Trees have it's magical in life.

indigo goddess said...

hi genie. i too really appreciate your writing on the differences between critque and critism. i had a "situation"recently at work, and my intentions were solely to offer suggestions( per his request). His response was as if i'd kicked him in the $@*%'s and i do believe despite my intent, people put up walls. He asked, but wasnt willing to listen. I was initially hurt by his response, he made it personal, but in the end, with time, i really KNOW my intent was not coming from a mean/bad place. thank you for this brilliantly written confirmation of the same.

Shades of Scorpio said...

Whooo!!! Can Earth be on Fire? Because you, Miss Capricorn, certainly are! Fabulous post! I am sooo glad that you clarified the Capricorn Way of the World because my ex (who I'm 'hanging out with' now) is/was soooo like this. And he would say the basic same thing - wherever he sees room for improvement. (Wait - he took me out and bought me a bra the other day...hmm......)I digress. I just love your thoughts and way of decorating your subject with them.
Onto the trees. Holy TreeMate! I am also quite capitvated by trees. I draw my trees very very much like you draw yours. There's something so satisfying in the drawing of all those curly Q branches and wavy arms. When I see one that captivates me, I walk by a tree like a man walks by Angelina Jolie (turning around, walking backwards staring at it up and down, probably saying out loud - Woooow). If only it was legal to marry in the state of CT.

And the feel of the NY couple is really really cool. I can't describe it but NY is another passionate love for me. Good work! That's another thing about Caps - if there is a job to do, you know they will never do it half assed.

Rowena said...

I knew instantly that the last piece was New York. I almost feel like it was my old street, although it probably wasn't.

I guess I'm a little homesick for NY.

What kind of graphic novel would you set in NYC?

jennlui said...

wow!!! i LOVE your wisdom genie!!! i totally agree how critique and criticism are two different things and how our society tends to bend on the criticism side of things... when one is doing good and is happy then there will inevitably be some that criticize... but i always remind myself that it's really their own "stuff" that they are projecting.

ooohhhh i love your trees!!! i also have always been drawn to them and their kindness and wisdom. so peaceful!!!

fabulous eye candy genie!!! thank you thank you thank you!!! hee hee!!!

peace and love to you!!!

Tori said...

You have so much energy, Genie! You do so much, and still have energy pouring out of you! It's amazing.

If you can't ignore the screaming, I know you'll find a way to balance it all. Your e-zine is a great idea! If you take on this project I'm sure it will flourish.

Kavindra said...

I really love the trees. I too am drawn in general to fairytales, and have been feeling the pull even stronger the past few weeks. Is it the wolf moon?

I'd love to see an ezine.

Tabitha said...

The trees are lovely Genie :)
I am definitely enjoying watching you create. It uplifts my heart.

Enjoy Your Sunday!

linda said...

genie~your work today is lovely...trees are my favorite things and always, I feel their spirituality and power...I love your piece today with PS, it's very powerful!

don't let the nae-sayers get to you ... it is only because they fear your positivity that they try to stop you with their energy...I avoid people like this like the plague now, energy or psychic vampires are not needed here! it has been hard to learn this lesson but now that I have, I am so blessed to have learned it!

Her Speak said...

I have to agree entirely with your assessment of critique: I've sat through many a critique in which a professor begins taking out his or her personal beefs on a student through the guise of "constructive criticism". This is a soul crusher, not to mention terribly unprofessional and inappropriate. On the other hand, I find it equally as frustrating when professionals find themselves unable to critique and simply "pat people on the back" when indeed the work is sub par or obviously lacking. Balance is difficult, no? :)

E-zine! Do it! It doesn't have to be a soulful daily exercise like this one--maybe it's a monthly installment or seasonal? If the idea keeps nipping you, there's a reason. :) Either way, I can't wait to see what you make next!

Much Joy, Merry Making and Many Blissings~*

Judi said...

I was thinking along the line that HerSpeak said - try the ezine on a trial basis - every third wednesday or something - -

I love the "Treescape". "Escape" has the feel but I'm not certain what you mean - I've never seen a graphic novel - just call me Granny - but I like the picture!

Lorie said...

Those are gorgeous!!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much each and every one of you! :)

Kim - The state of "nothink" (love that btw) is a beautiful way to reset and start anew. I know you will kick into action when you're ready :)

Frustrated Artist - AH! The frenemies. Those people posing as friends ready to shoot you down. It's difficult to identify them, but once you do, bye bye. That's what I did. Can't have subversion in your own back yard :)

LaY hOon - Welcome to my blog! I cannot imagine a world without trees. Well there wouldn't be one. LOL.

Sandy - It's killer when someone asks you for your opinion then takes the defensive. It's like the person who asks a yes/no question and is only prepared to hear "yes".

Ms. Scorpio - Why thank you! :) LOL@ you trying to pick up trees! Hilarious :) I am regaining my love for NY. The ex is from there and he smashed my heart to bits, so for a while I had a hate-on for the whole city. Unreasonable I know - but hey! :)

Rowena - That's a very interesting question you pose. I never actually thought about what kind of novel that scene would be in, but now you have me thinking... the wheels are turning. And you know what that means... hehe

Jennlui - Welcome back sweetie. Missed your energy! LOL.

Tori - I couldn't ignore the screaming, so I didn't.

Tabby - Thank you honey :)

Linda - I agree. I would prefer being alone than being in the company of psychic vampires!

Molly - You're right. I can't stand the disingenuous "praisers". You can't trust anything coming out of their mouths. E-zine... done! :)

Judi - I most certainly will NOT call you granny! :) I will be posting another sample of my graphic novelish experiments, today. Hopefull that will help. :)

Lorie - Welcome to my blog! Thank you for your comment :)

Serena said...

I LOVE your's like they are interlaced and connected to a whole.

I too agree with the differences between critique and criticism. The latter can hurt to the core and cause irrepairable damage.

Your E-zine sounds very interesting....glad to see in your later post that Moana is reborn!

Taexalia said...

Hi Genie,

I agree with your comments about critique versus criticism, and about the way many societies seem intent on pulling people down. I'm also not a fan of what I call scapegoat humour - where someone is belittled and used by the "comic"...

I love your trees and Little Red... I'm just working with several versions of the Little Red Riding Hood tales and am so tickled to see your work - I wonder is she off to outsmart that hairy old wolf ;o)


Jenn said...

Once again your artwork gave me good shivers! The Treescape looks like a magical place and I love the graphic novel piece too!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you Serena! :)

Thank you Taexalia! :) Can't wait to see your little reds! :)

Thank you Jenn! :)