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Alliance Creative

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It's funny how things seem to fall into place when you finally know what it is you really want and where you really want to go.

Today through Jamie's wonderful book club of 12 Secrets , we are asked to ponder on our Alliances, our Power Teams, real or projected.

I am in the process of creating a Power Team for a project I am envisioning. I call it Alliance Creative. It's a project that will infuse new life into the education system for administrators, teachers and students alike.

I strongly believe that the major stumbling blocks to progress are lack of creativity, an inability to think outside the box, and a reluctance to take chances. Once those obstacles are set aside, and this wonderfully empowering energy is released, the sky is the limit.

What does this dream team consist of?

Women and men who are committed to their own creativity. People who love to inspire others in the pursuit of their "dreams" without judgement or imposition, but with encouragement and acceptance. People who smile in the face of resistance, for there will be lots of it, and use its momentum to create change. People who can voice their opinions and be able to meld them with that of others to create a unified whole.

I picture a light-filled room with this Alliance Creative gathered. Our tools are big blank sheets and crayons, as we map the vision of the future. A future unfettered by past practices, and "this is the way we have always done things" or "when I was in school". A future that takes the technology offered us, and all the valuable non-technological tools of the past, and molds a new vision of what learning is.

The color of this future is not based on the shade of the skin, but the nuance of the palate. The shape of the future is not one dictated by Vogue but one engendered from the vortex of incredible power that lies within each and every one of us.

Alliance Creative is not driven by ego, or the need for fame and fortune, but my the altruistic need to fill this world with people in touch with their creativity, happy with their lives, and committed to the creativity and happiness of others.

This might sound like science fiction, but all the great science fiction authors predicted the future accurately. It begins with my vision, but the vision will be complete after Alliance Creative gets together the first time, and begins the drafting the blueprints.

Who will take the call? I don't know, but I am convinced it will be splendid.

Because, change happens one step at a time. :)


indigo goddess said...

What a beautiful vision! This is yours to run with- and people WILL listen! Sending you lots of positive energies! xoxoxo

Boho mom said...

I love that you're forming an alliance with like minds at your school.
What a fantastic burst of creativity. This is a really great idea Genie, and I can see everyone joining you in your quest!

Ann Vargas said...

Sometimes when I look at the state of the world I feel discouraged and then I read blogs like yours and I feel a sense of relief. Because it is because of people like you that there is hope. I can see a new world emerging from your Alliance Creative. I consider myself a member and send lots of positive energy your way.

Tabitha said...

That is an awesome idea Genie! I know you can make it successful!

Tracy said...

A wonderful idea, Genie & I have no doubt that you can make it a reality! :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Go Genie! *Cheering for your team from the other end of the world*

linda said...

genie, if anyone can get it done, it's YOU!


June said...

Hi Genie
I am just calling to say a very big special thank you for caring enough to leave me a lovely comment and support after my news of my son. Adam is 30 years old and has two children, a three year old litle boy Hayden and a baby girl Casey. Its been a difficult time to say the least but things have improved and Adam is home with his family since last night. He will still need a lot of time and a lot of changes and plenty of medical help but just seeing him with his babies is so wonderful. I thank you so much for the support and care you have sent and i will try and catch up with blogging in the near future
Hugs June xxxx

Serena said...

I think it's a fabulous idea, Genie, and I hope you get A LOT of interest in the education department. GO, GENIE!!!

LOVED your painting today!

Caroline said...

You are making me wish I was in education just so I could play too!

Danette said...

oohh Genie, I love your Alliance. It sounds like the world I want to live in all right...and I know what you mean that it might sound like sci-fi. It feels that way when so many people around us are alienated from their own sacred creative lovliness, but really, your vision is so full of resonating truths.

You are creating magic for yourself and for so many others.

You are a mover and a shaker!

marianne said...

positive thoughts, and the alliance sounds good. it does sound like this has taught you and is maybe a learning experience, so if things don't unblock there might be a reason.....

LissaL said...

I am convinced that it will be splendid as well!

Merry Thyme Fairy said...

hey genie!
you always leave me wonderful messages that put a big smile on my face. thank YOU. i so appreciate your connection. your alliance is a SUPERFABULOSO idea!!! i have been teaching in alternative settings for years and plan to attend teachers college in september, so i would love to hear more about your creative brainstorming!

The Muse said...

Ah! A collaboration?
A unique experience for growth, Ms you will treasure, always!

creativehealinggoddess said...

"The shape of the future is not one dictated by Vogue but one engendered from the vortex of incredible power that lies within each and every one of us".

Here ! Here !
This is my most favourite post for it is in this town I wanna live in...

Genie Sea said...

Thank you so much for your support and encouragement! You are shining stars in the firmament of my life! A brilliant collaboration indeed! :)

Fatma said...

A brilliant collaboration indeed. I love your vision and I know you will make it happen!

There is such a need for bonding everywhere for it is a basic need of our first chakra and fundamental to our lives. You go, girl.

I think my emails do not reach you. If you ever want to connect it is :)


BRILLIANT ...! This is such a wonderful vision. *still sitting here with a big smile and tremendously fat goose bumps* ... :)

Tori said...

What an amazing vision Genie! I hope it comes true- very soon!

D said...

Sounds great. Is there an online version of this educational Alliance Creative? How do I sign up?

wildheart said...

I love your Alliance Creative vision and wish you much luck and support in bringing it into reality. It is something that is sorely needed in the world!

Cindy Jones Lantier said...

What a wonderful, delicious idea, this Alliance Creative is! I wish you all the luck and support for bringing your vision to reality. It sounds like it will be of benefit to many!