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(click on image to enlarge)

So, I woke up at an indecent hour again today. I am wondering if this is going to be a new pattern in my life; if so, I am not liking it!

I was going to go over a list if things that might be bothering me and keeping me from having a good rest, but I didn't have the energy this morning. Instead, I painted the above in PS. Close to two hours and 12 layers later, I was satisfied with the result. I was playing with textures and colors and their relationship with each other, making some layers bolder than others. I have to say the colors make me happy. They are saturated goodness. I need color in my life right now, because when I look out the window at the greyness and haggard snow, I want to scream. :)

What I really need is a vacation to one of the places I mentioned a few posts down. Being a teacher, I am enslaved by the school calendar and I don't have the option to take a week or two when I need to. Before anyone even says that I should not complain because I get two months off in the summer, let me emphatically say, I am not crazy with two months off in the summer. It doesn't suit my lifestyle, and I am not even sure it suits many people's anymore.

It's an antiquated system based on a predominantly agricultural society. It's outdated. Working parents, who are not teachers and who cannot afford to take that chunk of time off, are stuck. They have to make arrangements for wads of cash usually, to make sure their kids are taken care of. Kids lose the plot over such a long period without schooling, and practically have to be retrained every September. It just doesn't make any sense.

It's pointless to discuss this I know, because changing the education system is harder than putting an elephant in a tutu and training him to do a pirouette.

I don't even have the cash to go on a trip right now. But soon...

I got an offer to write an educational text. That's good news, right? I guess. I'm not jumping for joy really. It will be extra money, which I need, but I feel like writing a textbook about as much as filling my mouth with root canals. :)

I should be grateful I am getting this opportunity. Right? And make the best of it. Right? It's an honor. Right?


Yipee! (Fake it until you make it...)

I'm rambling. I know. I'm tired, and my alarm with be going off soon. Maybe I should take a nap. But I want to visit your blogs and say "hi!" especially after the disappearing followers fiasco! Yeesh. :)

I hope your day is a splendid one, and that all the elephants in your lives dance like sugar plum fairies. :)


Tracy said...

The colors are nice on your Abstract. :)

Hope you were able to get a bit more rest before you had to get up...

Tabitha said...

Good Morning!

I'm sorry your sleeping pattern has been off. I hate when my body does that.

If you will skip over to my blog there are a few words left there for you. :)

rebecca said...

you know, once in awhile i wake up early and i'm actually grateful because i'm on the other end of the scale and have trouble waking up in the mornings. but those early days i love because i get so much done! but, as far as your sleeping patterns lately, i don't know Miss G, but let's hope it fixes itself soon! you need to stay sharp to go in and regulate those kids at school! LOL!


Tammie Lee said...

I wish you a restful nights sleep, waking and feeling rejuvenated with wonderful ideas for a text book that do not feel like root canals! yikes.

linda said...

dear sweet genie, thank you for your sleuthing yesterday and putting an end to my wondering....I feel better now knowing all that was for nought and pissed at blogger for being so I know why wordpress tempts bloggers over to them!

love this newest painting....especially the color, it's saturated and gorgeous! you are getting more and more adept at this, imo!


Judi said...

I really like this painting too.

If you can - drop by a dollar store and pick yourself an artificial bouquet - maybe a colorful vase - it'd be a sneak peak at warmer days.

Emma said...

Have only just found your blog through the creative everyday website. Interesting how you have created your paintings digitally.
Just wondering where did you find the Picnic poem? Did you write it? Would I beable to use it on my blog Please? I will give full credit to whoever wrote it and link it back to your blog as I was keen to go on a opicnic after reading it.

The Modern Aboriginal Mama said...

the painting is gorgeous, woman! you have some spectacular, fantastalicious talent, i swear. it's flippin gorgeous. i could see it on canvas on my wall. =)

and SHAZAM!! you listened to the audio! you farkin' ROCK!!!

*high fives*

thezeninyou said...

Love the abstract! I agree about the educational system. It should be all year...a lot of stress would be relieved! Oh I do hope you get a little get away soon!

Connie said...

Hey Genie!!! I think your painting is gorgeous!! I don't mind the two months off thing...except here in the desert, I would much rather they did the two months business off during the winter when it's not 120 degrees Fahrenheit everyday!! But at the same time, I completely see your point...there are schools in Nevada and some other states, I heard that go to school all year round with two week breaks inbetween quarters. That's a cool idea too. So, in some way--there's progress. But not until I think this generation that we're teaching grows up not exactly the most prepared for their future--will we then really see some changes happening.

Hope you get some sleep soon...put your legs up the wall---I swear--it helps!! Go check out this post on Dirty Footprints:

Peace & Love.

jessica swift said...

I love the image of elephants dancing like sugar plum fairies that pops into my head!! Hope you sleep well tonight. :)

Thank you for stopping by Pecannoot-- I'm so so glad you like it!!

Genie Sea said...

Good morning everyone! :) I slept well lat night! I was too exhausted to do otherwise. LOL

Tracy - Thank you honey :)

Tabby - Thank you so much for the incredible honor honey :)

Rebecca- LOL! I was a basket case yesterday; and the exhaustion did not serve me well. But I am better today :) I live alone, so I don't have issues about when I get things done. I guess that is one form of luck :)

Tammie Lee - Thank you sweetie. LOL! I have ideas for the textbook. It won't be that bad; it's just that I'm a little done with educational stuff. :)

Linda - I would do anything I can to get my friends relief, and I count you as one of my dear friends. :) Thank you for the lovely compliment on my work :)

Judi - That's a great idea! I wonder if they have vacations to Spain at the dollar store :) hehe Hugs!Thank you honey :)

Emma - Welcome to my blog! All the writing and poetry on this site is mine unless otherwise stated. You may use the poem on your site under those conditions.Thank you for the honor :)

iGoddess - Thank you sweetie. :) *High five* It was most interesting listening to it especially for when it was recorded. Truth is timeless. Thank you for the link! :)

Caroline - Thank you honey :) They really need to address the issues, and they need some vision. The educational system is a hunkering dinosaur patched up with new technology.

Connie - Thank you honey :) This generation I am teaching right now is sorrowfully unprepared. They have been noticing huge drops in performance at many universities. The whole system needs an overhaul. I will go check out your post ASAP! Thank you! :)

Jess - welcome to my blog! :) The elephant image did give a little chuckle :) Pecanoot and you rock! :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Powerful, beautiful image. So much to see. :)