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Running on Empty

It's official! I have taken on more than I can chew. Though some are involved in doing less like Magpie Girl, I am finding that I am drowning in all the things that need to get done. And there isn't anything I can take off my plate.

Meanwhile, laundry is piling up. I can only do rudimentary cleaning. My garden needs more work, my eaves trough is falling. I need help, and I have no money left over to hire people to help me.

The papers that need to be marked are stacked higher than the CN Tower. I have exams to vet. I have Professional Workshops to prepare. I have taken on two more books to write. There are two amazing online projects I have committed myself to. There are other workshops I want to take. I am taking Allison's Hooping Classes. I want to participate in Jamie Ridler's Time to Dream in Toronto. There are retirements, and functions, and awesome fun activities happening that require time and money.

The spirit is willing, but my body and finances are buckling.

When I have some time, I find myself so drained that I can barely lift myself up to do the things I love.

Such as blogging. Visiting my favorite blog friends. And there are a lot of you! What I'm trying to say is thank you for all your support and encouragement, well-wishes and advice. I might not have the time to leave comments like I used to, but I am thinking of you, and when I get a stolen moment or two I visit you. I am sorry I can't get to you as often as I did.

But somehow, some time, this madness will end.

Hope you are all fantastic!


Tracy said...

Genie, I understand. You have to take care of yourself, girl! Do what you can and/or what absolutely must be done and let the rest go for now. Make a list of the projects you want done & then go about it as you have the time & money to do so. Take some time to breathe and just BE! xx

rosebud101 said...

Breathe and focus. Give yourself a little time each day to take care of you! Pick and choose. Prioritize. Be good to yourself.

gemma said...

Visualize all the tasks complete..then proceed at your own pace. Soon your visualization will mote it be.

Judi said...

You are one busy lady - not to worry we know that you pop by when you can - Blogland; it's like a virtual neighborhood and your neighbors know that we all have times when all we can do is wave as we rush by - when you have time to stop for a visit, I'll put on the jasmine tea and we'll sit on the glider and visit ;)

Her Speak said...

Oh Genie, darling. I understand your pain! That's what's so amazing about being a woman though--we're naturally magical and can handle whatever kind of foolishness we're thrown. The madness will wind down. :)

We're all thinking of you, dearest!
Wishing you moments of Peace and good rest. :)

Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Kim Mailhot said...

Take care of you the best you can, Genie. There is only one you and you only get one chance to go may seem like there is nothing you can let go of, but maybe that's not the case really. Or maybe the wish you put out to the universe to be able to do it all will be answered. Either way, remember that the universe has your best interest at heart !
Take time to breathe whereever you can !

Boho mom said...

Wow Genie...I'm exhausted just reading that!!
Take your time girlfriend! Prioritize, and you will get it all always do, don't you. It's the end of the school year...soon it will wind down to more managable blocks of time (hopefully?).
Don't worry about visiting blogs...I always admire your consistency at making the time to visit're allowed to give full attention to your 3 dimensional world, you know?

Love & overflowing, but happy deadlines!!

Tabitha said...

You are loved no matter what dear Genie!

Sarah said...

Yes hon - breathe!! We will be here when you can pop in!! Am feeling a bit overwhelmed myself - but girl - am thinking now I'm just a bit whiney - you go girl!!
Hang in and breathe!! Blessings, Sarah

Anna said...

My goodness, Genie!

I feel tuckered out just from reading that list! But, you are an amazing woman- a creature of strength, resilience, fortitude & a whole mess of chutzpah. You will triumph.

We will be here to cheer you on. I send you my fondest wishes for some peaceful, restful moments.

Caroline said...

Oh I get it! So hang in there and just do what you need to do! We are always here...don't feel pressured to leave comments... ;)

Tori said...

Just take care of yourself and the things you need to do for a while. We all understand. <3

differenceayearmakes said...

I can sooo understand. Whew, you've certainly got a full plate. But amazingly enough you'll find that you'll manage to get done what needs to be done - and the rest, well, it will wait. We'll still be here for you. Just one step at a time.

Pamela said...

I can definitely relate, Genie. Please take care of yourself and don't worry about blogland. You're always sweet about taking the time to leave personal comments at our blogs but I know it is difficult to do. You take all the time you need to do what you need to and please get some rest, relaxation and rejuvenation!

P.S. I can still send you those questions in the next day or two if you like but there is absolutely no pressure to get on them right away.

Warm hugs!


Shell said...

You just make sure you get some serious rest. Your body and mind needs some good time to dawdle, putter and dream.

Jenn said...

Dear sweet Genie, I totally understand! I'm there too. So many commitments and things stacking up and lots of fun and interesting things that I want to do. If only I didn't need a job to pay for it all, I would have the time I need to do it all.

Just make sure you take care of your physical and spiritual self!

Steve Emery said...

We love you and send good thoughts and energy your way. We all seem to be in the end of school year, beginning of summer, rush. It's crazy. We'll all get through somehow and then meet up again in the long slower days of late summer. And blogging seems easier to get to when it's darker earlier, in the winter...

June said...

Hi Genie, the old saying is so true " and this too will pass " Hoping you will soon feel much better and brighter about things
Hugs June xxx

Allison said...

Make sure you're taking enough time for yourself! I crashed & burned yesterday & am setting space for myself to 'reboot' today, even if that involves tremendous re-organization of my living space...

Rest up, m'dear!

linda said...

hi genie, may i first apologize for being so absent of late (again)? i am having a rather hard time at the present time...

please take care of you first and put everyone else on the list after is too short for such stress as all this!! take care of you and the rest will find it's own place ...

Serena said...

Set your priorities in order, visualise and feel the outcomes you desire at their fruition and leave it to the Universe to set the pace. I fully understand if you can't visit blogs as regularly as you have been but, sometimes, that's just the way life goes.

Know that we love you and will be here to support you in your endeavours. If anyone can do it, you can, Genie. (((Hugs)))

Love, light and peace,

rebecca said...

Oh, dear God, I'm exhausted just from reading this! Genie! My goodness! Well, one thing at a time, one step a time, one paper at a time, one person at a time...that's all I can say!

And, we'll be here love, waiting for your return! Take care and ((hugs))

Rowena said...

Just take it one step at a time. The overwhelm is the worst, but when you step back, allow yourself to be imperfect and just start working on the small parts you can do, then you find what you need to do gets done.

It's almost summer break!

Michelle Eaton said...

Oh Genie it sounds like you definatley need some YOU time just to step back and take a breather. Maybe if you do that you will be able to see clearer and know what needs to be done.

I hope you feel better soon. ((HUGS))

Cynthia said...

Hey sweetheart, you are only one woman, and a damn fine one at that. I love your essence, I think of you when I post, I think you are amazing and often wonder how in the heck you can do so many things and still have time for art and everyone else.

1. Sleep on the laundry-- works for me. ;)

2. Breathe. Do. Wait. Peace.

No one is going to let you go you know, you'll be held lovingly in everyone's heart till your peace and harmony return.

Love ya