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I Like that Victoria

YES! Day off! Woooo!! And it's Music Monday!

Let's start this day on the right footing! With this video of a BBC Radio1 Live Lounge cover of Black Eyed Peas' "Boom Boom Pow" by Asher Roth. These guys are fun and talented "chaps". Crank it and get ready to shake your booty shaker.

Got your groove on? Yeah baby!

There is nothing like a day off to energize the spirit and restore the mind. I feel like a new person today. I took this weekend at my own pace, and it has brought sharply into focus how much I love my own pace. Stress? What stress? :)

I did kind of get lost, and and uncharacteristically forgot an important social engagement; but my friends, being the amazing people that they are, forgave my situational senility.

I was sorry to miss that special birthday event, but I purposely avoided others.

This weekend, I did a lot of soul-searching. I have reached a point in my life, where I won't do anything I can, not to be alone. In fact, I prefer being alone if the alternative means compromising myself.

I had the opportunity to see that in events that transpired over the weekend. Here is what I learned in avoiding those situations:

1. I don't want to constantly put myself in situations that make me feel awkward, uncomfortable, or an odd numbered wheel.

A friend and her husband invited some mutual friends to dinner. The only requirement for that invitation is that they be part of a couple. That's cool. I get the whole strength in numbers, let's pair up and get together thing. It's all good.

The problem with that scenario was, that I didn't know this was happening, until I met up with them to go to a movie later. I got to a packed theater, to find the couples all had settled down in pods of two leaving me to find a seat by myself. In other words, I went to the movies by myself.

Which is cool. I like going to the movies alone. But not when I am supposed to be going with friends. After the movie, (Star Trek - a second time for me, and I loved it AGAIN!), we convened in the lobby to discuss. As I stood there, amidst the couples grafted to each other, I started to feel like a ghost limb. So when I was asked to go to theirs for dessert, I politely declined.

Instead, I drove home with the music cranked up, and watched Benjamin Button. I was happy to be in my own company. I made pop corn and had some Fresca, and happily watched yet another awesome movie. I didn't once feel like a lesser person because there wasn't a man sitting next to me on the sofa.

2. I don't want to be pressured into impromptu therapy sessions disguised as socializing.

You think you are going over there for dinner, drinks, games or a movie but really what you're doing is consenting to dissection. What awaits is painful hours of being subjected to denigrating comments, and non-stop drivel.

If someone is in pain and needs a shoulder, I'm there. If they are overwhelmed and need help, I will volunteer. If they are lonely and feeling lost, I will take some goodies and visit them. If I know that's what I'm doing, I will do so voluntarily.

But what I won't do is get ambushed by soul suckers with their need to constantly analyze and be analyzed in a vortex trying to ingest me. No thanks. I would rather be alone than in their company. It's not they are evil; it's that they have confused friendship with patient-doctor sessions which I don't do.

3. I will no longer allow myself to be taken down by people who constantly break dates without calling or even acknowledging that they have done so.

I had made plans with a friend on Friday, and she not only did not show up, she didn't call. I called her to see if she was okay, on both her phones, and there was no answer, and she did not return my call. I would have worried except, when I was checking my email, I saw her little "friend" icon light up on my Yahoo email page. That and the fact that she has done this many times before. She makes plans and then doesn't follow through, and when I call, she doesn't pick up her phone. I've seen her ignore calls.

But I wasn't angry like I used to get. I shrugged off her self-absorption and went to visit another friend for tea and Ghost Whisperer.

When she did call two days later, I was in the shower. She left a message wanting to know if I wanted to hang out. No mention of Friday. It was as if she hadn't stood me up. I haven't returned her call. What's to talk about? I have been through this cycle before.

So I came to this freeing and final conclusion:

I have better things to do with my time. Like meet with friends who know how to value me as I value them. Who are there for me, as I am there for them. Who like me for who I am, as I like them for who they are.

And those are the people I want to spend time with. Otherwise, I am perfectly happy in my own company.

This engendered the following painting I made in PS, entitled, Venus Rising.

(click to enlarge)

I'm still dancing. I'm happy. It's Victoria Day. I have some gardening to do with an awesome friend. Life is good! :)


Tabitha said...

This made me smile brightly. Your empowering words uplift me! And the dance was AWESOME!!!

Tracy said...

Good for you, Genie!

Allison said...

Yes! They look like they're having so much fun, I love that...

Kim Mailhot said...

Dancing still ! I love it !

Here's to awesome, "those who really get us and love us" friends to boogie and garden and play with ! Poopoo on the rest of you ! I need to dance !

Jo said...

I quite agree, its awful being single in the "couples" situations. It depends on the couples of course, sometimes , your own company is the best :-)

Caroline said...

Keep dancing to your own beat! Enjoy Victoria Day!

Shell said...

YES! Spend time and cherish people who want to be with me. Not those who have lame excuses and can't even bother to call to explain. No more uncomfortable dates or parties!!

Tori said...

It looks like your soul-searching helped you come to a pretty kick-ass solution! Your time is much better spent with people who value you. =)

linda said...

this is an awesome painting, genie...and your words are so true and I am glad, tho I am sure your heart hurt at the time of these painful situations, you seem to have gleaned the kernel of what is so important about them for YOU!

brava, woman!

Serena said...

I like your conclusion and your painting, Genie. Inspiring post!

Fatma said...

Yes, yes, yes! Good for you for figuring what you really really want!

A day off at your own pace feels so wonderful. Glad to see you savoring it too!

The Muse said...

Relationships...can be an albatross or a lifesaver...a leech or a dove...a thief or a nurturer...

I think you have seen your "friend" has been found to be one and not the other.

May your heart SOAR...and your life be LIFTED beyond this limited world!

June Saville said...

Hi Genie Sea
Steve of Color Sweet Tooth mentioned your blog and that you do computer art images ... I just had to peek.
They're lovely.
Steve was talking about my most recent post on 70 Plus and Still Kicking in which I am enouraging people to do something in Paint for a virtual 'exhibition'. Stick figures to Rembrandts (if he's around). Steve has contributed a couple himself ...
Are you interested in taking part? It's just for fun ... and in the hope that people who don't normally draw will get to know how wonderful it can be.
June in Oz

Boho mom said...

Oh wow Genie! Thanks for putting into words how I often feel. Our lives seem to parallel in many ways.

Gotcha on the singles thing. Some friends can be truly condescending in this area. It's like a taboo topic...."poor boho - still alone". Ummm....I am not by myself, I am WITH myself, and after pulling out of a couple pretty dysfunctional relationships, I am proud and happily single! Why is it like I have leprosy or something? If the right guy comes along...great! If not?... still great!
As far as friends who take us for granted - pffttt! No loyalty, no integrity. Who needs them?
These people need to get real!...there are a zillion different ways to get in touch with us these days if you want to cancel for a sudden, more interesting opportunity.
I say if they haven't learned the meaning of common courtesy...screw 'em. Stay home with popcorn and a dvd. Much more relaxing and dependable.
Go Genie!
Happy holiday weekend!

Holly said...

I loved this! Wonderful that you feel your own power and know your truth. As to the being paired up business? There are so many people walking around in pairs and walking around half dead. Why? Because they don't have the courage that you are so willing to develop!

Snap said...

Great post! I rather like spending time with myself ... I'm great company! ;D To heck with the soul stealer, the folks who get in my space and DEMAND time.... (I feel my blood pressure rising!)

I'm off to dance. Hope your Victoria Day was super!

sema said...

your painting express your feelings very well!Rise above the others and live your life! it's your life!

Sharon said...

Genie, this is an awesome post and you are an awesome woman. I understand where you're coming from too. I love my friends and family, but I love solitude too. I like my own company, and am always getting berated because I don't get out with people more or do what they want me to. Truth is, none of them can stand to be alone for an hour. I would rather be alone doing something I want to do than to be with someone just to keep from being alone, doing something I really don't want to do. Keep dancing! :)

Beverley Baird said...

What a powerful post Genie. I can relate to many of your points. We can be so hurt by others - it is good to see that you have seen them for what they are. Some of my best times have been when I was alone. Take care of yourself first and foremost.

Also - Thank you for such kind words. Since plunging into blogging, following The Next Chapter and trying challenges I have really been having fun and feeling challenged. I guess you are never too old to try something new!
Thanks again. Love the "Bev Odyssey" tag!

Pen said...

hear, hear genie!
i LOVED this post.
i read strength and authenticity in it, and i completely hear you.
the beauty of all this will be, not only are you making soul full time for yourself but, by creating space in your life, you open the door to new people, new ventures and new beauties which i know will be clamouring to walk right in!
there's no denying though, sometimes the best company is your own :)

rebecca said...

Boy, could I relate to your post. I was a doormat for nearly all of my life, there for family and friends at THEIR convenience and subjected to their rants or gripes or whines or bitching or, or, or...

Finally, when I entered my 40s I was literally wiped out from them. I was brain dead. I couldn't do it anymore and you know what? I was resented. I was resented because everything was always about them. Oh yeah, they loved me because I cleaned up after their messes and listened to them and consoled but at what expense they didn't know. The expense was my soul. And my spirit needed some major TLC from me. The me that I neglected for so long. So in my 40s I did what you are doing now. And, now, "No" is an answer, a final answer and no amount of additional words or guilt will make me change that word or make me feel bad. Now, it's about what my spirit needs and wants to be with. Away with the black holes that suck up all of your positive energy and in with people and family that lift you and bring joy to your life. Life is too short and you know what? If you want to miserable, go ahead, just don't take me on your ride.

Okay, I vented! Phew! =)