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My Mommy

Today is Mother's Day. It's a day for celebrating the wonderful women who gave birth to us, nurtured us, loved us, scolded us, worried about us, and sometimes frustrated us, but no matter what, are part of us.

Today, I am filled with thoughts of my mommy.
I painted this portrait of her. It was the year she got married. I don't do her beauty justice, but I painted it with love.

This post is quite difficult for me, as this is the second year I spend without my mommy.
And I miss her.
But I honor her, and wish her well.
I hope she is happy.
I hope to see her again one day, and touch her hand and tell her how much I love her.

Her smile was a little impish and sometimes a little sad.
But she always smiled for me.
She was a gentle soul whose anger I never saw.
Her sweet nature was a quiet one.
She did not impose her presence, yet her presence was luminous with charm.

The memories that come to me today are bittersweet.

The way she rubbed my back when I was a child, as I lay my head on her lap and fell into peaceful sleep.

The way she always had a warm meal for me, when I skipped home from school to spend
an hour with her.

I see her lovely face as it used to bend over a piece of gorgeous embroidery she made,
or knitting yet another scarf for her forgetful daughter.

I remember her lips on my forehead as I slept.
Her hands as they tucked me in.
It felt like angels visiting me.

I remember sitting beside her at the movies, and listening to her laugh.
Her laughter bubbled from the warmth inside her.

I remember how her eyes lit up whenever I brought her flowers or her favorite licorice treats that she kept beside her and snacked on while watching movies with my father.

I remember how she walked with purpose and grace.
Her feet barely touching the ground.
Barely leaving a footprint.
Barely making a sound.

My Mommy was nothing like me.
She was gentle where I am forceful.
She was quiet while I am outspoken.
She was a domestic diva, while I am a domestic wreck.

Yet my mommy is here.
In my heart.

Thank you Mommy for loving me, and being the best mother a girl and woman could have.

I love you. SO very much. Until we meet again.

Happy Mother's Day to all you beautiful moms who fill the world with love, caring and support. Happy Mother's Day to all of you who nurture others and make their stay on this planet just a little less lonely. :)

Blessed be :)


Deb said...

Mommy's are the best Genie, & not just the ones that are still here.

Here's to all Moms, past present & future.

The best gift a parent can give is memories, & to have truly wonderful childhood memories is a blessing indeed. Your Mom made some wonderful memories for you.

Tracy said...

Genie, what a beautiful tribute! Your mother sounds like she was a beautiful soul...just like you. :)

Tori said...

Your mom sounds amazing. <3

Boho mom said...

Oh Genie!! You made me cry...tears are plopping on my keyboard as I write this.
What beautiful writing and a cherished tribute to your wonderful mommy!

Tabitha said...

This beautiful post got to my heart dear Genie. Your mom sounds like a marvelous lady and I am so sure she is proud of who you are. I'm so grateful to have you as a friend.

gemma said...

Lovely honor to your Mother. Your painting has alot of love in it. I bet it was healing for you to paint it. xx

We were both blessed with wonderful Mothers.

intothedawn said...

Beautiful tribute to your Mom. I can see why you miss her so much. She sounds wonderful.

Caroline said...

I love how you still refer to her as "Mommy." What a wonderful tribute to a very special woman!

Serena said...

Such a touching and heartfelt tribute to your Mum, Genie.....she would be so proud of the beautiful woman that you are. (((Hugs)))

kate i said...

Such a beautiful tribute Genie! Your mom is smiling now in the glow of your words.

Wendy said...

What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Happy Mother's Day to all you moms and moms-to-be, and those who are mothers in their hearts.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Moved beyond words.

rosebud101 said...

Your mother had to be a wonderful woman! You were truly blessed!

Cynthia said...

Genie, this is beautiful. My heart squished and for a brief second of grace I felt what it must have been like to grow up you. ... the innate goodness of your heart and actions, you are so much like your mother.

Thank you for sharing her.

Steve Emery said...

Very beautiful post and beautiful portrait of your mother. Wow. My mother is one of the people I'm contemplating doing a portrait of... Your post moves it nearer.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you everyone. Your words, as usual, are healing and lovely. You are angels on earth. :)