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Making Full the Empty - Week 1

Drop by drop, I fill my cup. Self-nurturing. Inside, out. In my ongoing dedication to making the positive my goal, focus and reward, I am starting the Positivity Project. At the end of each week I will list all the positive and nurturing events I experienced.

Here is week one of my Positivity Project:

I went to the gym almost every morning. I started my day with activity, giving my body strength and stamina.

I had healthy meals, every meal this week. Fruit, grains, vegetables, protein.

I am catching up on my piling workload.

I filled out forms that will reimburse me some money I spent.

I ran the staff meeting successfully as the first chair of the year.

I held a meeting for the teachers in my department who teach grade 9, and they appreciated it.

I have gotten enough sleep and felt rested.

I have made sure to say one positive thing to people around me.

I finally remember an interesting dream I had last night. It involved two parallel worlds, and a man.

I have organized my kitchen cupboards and cleaned out my fridge.

I have organized my clothes into piles of Want, Need, Can Live Without. I put the third pile into two garbage bags (note: address my impulse shopping)and gave the clothes to those less fortunate.

I smiled more than I frowned.

Not a bad week at all! :)


danette said...

What a powerfully positive week!

Taking care of yourself, stepping into your leadership at work and giving back to others. That is what I strive for, and it all starts with taking care of yourself, doesn't it?

I'm at home sick today after not taking care of myself.

And who in the world is benefiting from this?

I understand that sometimes you just gotta be sick, but I know that I have been taking my energy for granted.

What a great idea to capture your positivity from the week. It sure adds up!

I think your pink shirt could have made that list. It totally brightened my day:)

Genie Sea said...

I hate being sick, but sometimes we have to be sick to rest. We push ourselves a bit too much, like children just learning to walk, and ram into a table. But, it's okay! We learn to curb our newly boundless enthusiasm and look where we're going!

It's true. Charity begins at home. We must take care of ourselves first, and then the Universe takes over. I always knew that concept, but I'm finally understanding it! :)

I'm glad my pink shirt brightened your day! Pink has a way of doing that. There is something frilliciously primal about pink! :)