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Spring has sprung
The grass has riz

Do you know where
my head is?

Cause if you find it, please contact me. It spun at the speed of light today and I can't seem to locate it.

A lot of decisions to be made.
A lot of ground to cover.
A lot of people under my watch.
A lot of debts to pay.
A lot of walking to do.
A lot of plans to follow through.

And I get to do all this, all on my own! Woooo! Don't be jealous!

That comes along with cleaning my house, figuring out why my cat is pooping in weird places, clean that shizz up, bulldoze my garden, cause really? what the hell was the former owner thinking?

Did I mention laundry?

Did I mention that I would love to be able to do some renovations to my house. Break down some walls. Literally.

Ok. I better stop because my head which I have lost is reeling somewhere in the distance. Maybe it will find my way back to me.

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