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Goodbye Jason

It's time to say goodbye and good luck to Jason Castro. He bombed to hell tonight which is not surprising. The fact that he has stayed this long in the competition when better singers and performers left, is surprising. He's cute and seems like a really nice guy, but American Idol? Not so much.

What is also surprising is how much and how well Syesha has evolved. She was absolutely riveting tonight. I gotta say, she was not one of my faves, but I am convinced she deserves to go on the David train to Final 3. She has earned her passage.

David Archuletta has been the most consistent competitor this year. If I have been wary about him winning this, is because I worry how stardom will change his life. He seems like a very grounded young man from a solid and supportive environment, so I will trust that he will be alright. I still have issues with his loud breathing during songs. I find it distracting and I'm wondering why none of the coaches have worked on this with him.

David Cook is still my favorite. He already is a rock star. He sings like one. He carries himself like one. His career will definitely take off, winner of this competition or not.

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