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Lost and Lost-er

There is something to be said about a good twist. It spices things up and keeps things interesting. Too many twists, however, spoil the plot.

That's what's happening with "Lost". All these flashbacks, flash forwards, flash-in-betweens is making my head spin.

Jack, on the island, is fighting for his life, depending on a sketchy operation. Jack in the future is continuing his medical practice, living with Kate and Erin (Claire's son). All seems "heavenly". But is it? Hurley who is institutionalized insists that nothing is real and that Charlie has visited him with a message for Jack. "You are not supposed to raise him." Jack turns to booze and paranoia. A winning combo.

He confronts Kate, "Where were you?"
"I was doing something for him."
"For who?" (Umm hello Jack... Him.)
"For Sawyer. I made him a promise. I promised him I would do this for him" (Ain't love grand?)
"He's not here is he? He made his choice. He chose to stay. I'm here."
(More fighting.)
"I can't have you like this around my son."
"He's not your son. You're not even related to him."

Cue Erin.

Back on the island, Claire disappears leaving her baby.
The twists continue.

Anyone have gravol?

Like life isn't confusing enough...

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