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My Mommy

Today is Mother's Day, and it is the first one I am spending without my sweet mommy. I lost her last October, and I'm still struggling with the sudden pangs of pain.

Today, I will swallow the huge lump in my throat and remember my mommy as she deserves.

She had the sweetest smile. In fact, my mom when she was younger was a hottie. I could only wish I had a portion of her looks.

My mommy was a gentle soul. If ever harsh words came out of her mouth, she immediately regretted them.

My mommy was a good mom. She always cared for me and made sure I wanted for nothing. She made sure I had a warm meal and a comfortable, sweet smelling bed.

She loved to play solitaire.

My mommy was a solitairy soul. She liked quiet and peace more than anything else. She never imposed herself on anything or anyone.

My favorite memories of my mom:

Her laughing, beautifully clad in a sari in Bangladesh, surrounded by her admirers.

Her holding me in the high waves in Atlantic City. I asked her to take me there so the waves could wash over us.

Sitting quietly with her on the grass, enjoying a picnic for two.

Her calling me to come up from the playground because my dad was on his way home.

Her staying up with me when I was ill. I still call for her when I'm sick.

Watching soaps with her, and explaining what the heck is going on.

My mommy telling me she is proud of me when I got my diploma.

The smile on her face when she got flowers.

I love you my mommy, and may your soul be at peace. I hope with all my heart that you are happy.


Danette said...

what a heart warming post, genie. those snapshot memories always seem to be the most important and somehow the most beautiful to me. i imagine your mom is very proud of you and touched by the love you are sending out.

Genie Sea said...

thank you danette. :) and thanks for stopping by! you're my first commentator!

Adam Smale said...

Sorry to hear about you Mom. What are you trying to do make me cry?!?!



Genie Sea said...

Thank you Adam! Huggies! :)