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Friday got it's name from godesses of fertility or love. (Friga or Venus) It's a day dedicated to feminity and love. Woohoo.

Several traditions are associated with this day in various cultures such as eating fried fish or not cutting your nails, or not using electricity. It's all good.

My tradition is this. I succumb to my exhaustion, and allow my fired mind and body to recouperate. By the end of the week both have been battered to a near jellied state. I cannot form coherent sentences. In fact, I'm using my last bit of coherence on this blog. After this, all bets are off.

I have gone out on Fridays, either to movies, or social gatherings, or drinking, or gods help me, dancing, but I more often that not pass on all said activities until I have had a chance to rejuvenate, aka sleep.

Tonight, it's dinner and movies with my goddaughter and her mom. Yay for girls' night, movies, pop corn, and not having to mind my pees and ques. What better way to celebrate the day of the godess of love?

That's all she wrote.

Happy frying everyone! :)

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