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Mani-Pedi... Gooood

There is nothing like a hair appointment and a nice relaxing mani-pedi to make a girl feel human again.

That's just what the doctor ordered on this rainy, windy Saturday.

My head was so full of unrully curls, and some signs of gray! Gasp! Now, my scalp is relaxed, my color restored, my hair soft and shiny. I resist the urge to keep running my fingers through it.

The spa I go to has these delicious massage chairs that you sit in while someone is working on your poor tired feet. As the rollers (I swear, they feel like hands!) were kneading my knot-filled back, the aesthetician was beautifying my battered feet. Shoes do a number on women's feet. Seriously. It ain't pretty. Looking down, now, at my dainty freshly painted toesies, I feel joy.

Ah, the small pleasures in life can seriously outweigh the big, because they are certainly more frequent. Without those moments, the overwhelming stress of the daily grind would have pulverized me long ago.

I'm off to make myself a nice coffee in my French Press and read while listening to the rain washing the city.

Later! :)

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