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American SoSo?*

There are a few key problems with American Idol and it has nothing to do with the singers.

The first problem is the audition process, which frankly has become a "let's see who comes out of the freak woodwork" process. It's far too long and far too painful. By the time they have their final 20, the viewers are done with the show.

The second problem this season is the theme choices. Though some of the themes/mentors picked are more than worthy in their discography, they do not appeal to the target audience. The viewers simply cannot relate to these songs. It is left to the singer to contemporize the songs, but often the competitors are not up to the challenge without coaching.

The third problem is the voting. I think fan voting should certainly be part of the process, but fans do not necessarily vote for the best singers/entertainers. This season, several strong singers/entertainers were voted out in favor of weaker competitors, simply because they were not to the mainstream liking. The judges should have a vote too, as should the mentors, to balance popularity with talent.

Lastly, the definition of 'idol' is someone put on a pedestal as a representative of "perfection". It seems that some of the past Idol winners have none of the qualities that sell records, that's why we see runners up with better careers than the winners. Maybe this is not Amercian Idol, as much as it is American SoSo?

*this also was posted on yahoo TV reviews under American Idol

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