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Viral Musings

Dude. This cold has a mind of its own. I have been fighting it, and it has laughed in my face! Little twerp. It landed on me toward the end of my March Break, so I didn't spend my whole holiday sick, but that now means I am back to work, feeling like road kill.

I wanted to stay home yesterday and today; my body ached for it, but there are policies in place about taking days off attached to holidays for the obvious reasons. Besides, I would actually rather be teaching than waiting in a doctor's office to get a note. lol. I can't take today off because we have a leader's meeting after school and I have to be at that.

But tomorrow...

I am setting aside all sense of "duty" and "responsibility" and I am sitting my ass home. I will drink plenty of ginger tea, eat oranges and soup, and lie in bed resting and reading. In other words, take care of myself.

I have to give in to this cold to let it get better.

And that's what life is all about, isn't it?

Sometimes, we get kicked in the butt with adversity. Our first instinct is to deny it. Ignore it. Scream and shout. But that is not very effective. Gotta fight it, by taking care of ourselves through it, and it too shall pass.


It too shall pass. :)


differenceayearmakes said...

Ah, wisdom indeed. Feel better after a day of taking care of yourself.

Tracy said...

Hope you feel better soon, Genie! It sucks to be sick.

Rowena said...

Ack. I'm sick too and just waiting for this drag of a cold to wear itself out, but life does not stop.

I used to go into school when I was sick and sometimes the kids would send me home. "Miss, go home, you're sick."

Maybe they'll send you home?

silverstarsanctuary said...

We are on varying days of sickness/getting better around here too. Hope you are able to rest and take care of yourself. Spring will bring some sunshine soon I hope where you are.

Tabitha said...

Feel better soon my sweet friend!! Thank you for that heartwarming comment!!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Take care of yourself darling. *Paula sends love, hot tea and cyber choc chip cookies to Genie*

Tori said...

Take care of yourself Genie! Even in sickness you can let wisdom shine through. You're amazing! <3

Her Speak said...

You have had quite a week, Miss Genie! Not visiting you for a week felt like being away from home! So much to catch up on. You deserve the pamper time! I'm battling my own bug this week too--have a sip of ginger tea for me. ;)

((( hugs and healing vibes!)))
Much Joy, Many Blissings~*

Arty Em, Creativity Traveler said...

ginger tea and the words, "this too shall pass" - these two things alone will heal and bless your body.
glad you are taking care of your one precious self!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you everyone! Non-viral HUGS! :)

linda said...

hoping you're feeling better now! this bug seems to be all over the place...

Serena said...

I hope you feel much better very soon, Genie ~ (((Hugs)))