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Stop! They stole my serenity!

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This week, in Jamie Ridler's book club 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women, we are asked to clear whatever steals our serenity. Start with one thing. Like:
  • clutter
  • toxic people
  • toxic situations
  • limiting beliefs
  • activities you dread
  • over-committing
  • over-scheduling
  • over-stimulation
  • perfectionism
  • the outdated
  • the "undone"
  • habits that aren't serving you
Start with one thing?

Okay. Here's the deal... There is one thing that fits all these suggestions. This thing disturbs my moral conscience, my spiritual peace, my emotional balance, my mental well-being, and my health via stress.

And it's the one thing that is the hardest to simply "get rid of" in a week.

And that thing is...


Good heavens! Here's the breakdown: (hopefully not mine! :>)

: The physical space is a shambles. It's dirty and cluttered with crap. Other people's crap that I do not have the power to get rid of. My friend, who used to be the Assistant Leader of our department, and I did a great job decluttering our office, but the rest of the school... oy!

toxic people: Hello. The place is crawling with them. Unhappy, unreasonable, uncooperative, incompetent, unstable people who just will not communicate in order to affect change. (Not all, but a crucial few.)

toxic situations: Hi, my job.

limiting beliefs: I know it's supposed to be my beliefs that limit me, but I am doing a very good job clearing those. How does one clear others' limiting beliefs?

activities you dread: Getting up in the morning and going to work.

over-committing: The 194786208953 pointless meetings and workshops at work.

over-scheduling: The pile of senseless tasks added to my own workload by the Administration, the Board and the Government.

over-stimulation: The P.A. system which can go off anytime, blaring useless noise and babble. The almost supersonic noise in the halls. The deafening discussions in the office. Everyone talking at the same time over each other, loudly. AHHHHHHHHHH!

perfectionism: Getting through the day in one piece would be perfection.

the outdated: Oh, let me see. Everything? The school calendar, the scheduling, the curriculum really being taught, the way teachers approach teaching, the very philosophy of education is outmoded, outdated, and irrelevant.

the "undone": All the projects I have attempted at the school to better even just a corner of it, being stonewalled and shunted.

bad habits
: Going to work. :)

Okay, so yeah. Yuk!

The only thing I like about my job, is the reason I am there, and that is teaching, and my students.

Dude. What are my options?

a) whine about it.
b) change schools where it might or might not be better.
c) make small changes that, really, require too much effort and don't even address the major issues.
d) quit, which would mean being without a job in this economy, and I would stop doing something I love and am good at.
e) stop fighting and become desensitized or insensitive and do the 9 to 5 thing.
f) blow the lid off education as we know it...

Gee. I wonder what Genie will do? ;-)


Pamela said...


Are there other teachers like you at your school who might be interested in getting together to brainstorm ideas on what might make a positive change in your work environment? I mean people who really want to make a significant, positive change? I'll bet there are.

I realize there are tough issues at most schools now but maybe pulling together with like-minded teachers and staff could make a difference.


Jamie Ridler said...

Wow, Genie, you are so clear what's stealing your beautiful serenity.

Blow the lid off, sister!

Tori said...

I agree with what Pamela said: are there other people at the school willing to make a change? Sometimes it only takes one person to voice that they want change for it to happen, but usually you need more.

When our new principal came in two years ago everyone, teachers and students, dreaded the changes that came with him. Today we can all honestly say he is the best thing that has ever happened to our school. A lot of positive changes heppend, and my school has a much better enviroment now. It sounds like your school needs something like that.

You can make the school awesome! <3

Snap said...

Oh, Genie. It's teachers like you that the world needs more of. I'm so sorry that you are dealing with this ... at least you know it's happening .. so many people don't realize why they are *stressed*. I'm not a teacher, but I admire them ... it's a tough job to do right.


Tabitha said...

I'm SURE you will blow the lid straight off! Go for it my friend!

Rowena said...

Do you want to be a warrior and fight your way through the school? You could do it, I know it.

Or do you want to put your energies somewhere else (like teaching, and the kids)? If so, maybe it would be better to find a new school. I know how overwhelming it is when you are in a school that does not match you.

I tried and tried, was on action teams, even helped to hire the many new teachers we would need one year. But time after time, I was out voted when I tried to hire the inspiring, brilliant, experienced teacher, and we hired the solid, easily led, and traditional ones. That's what made me finally leave. I was losing the battle, and got tired of fighting.

Gayle Dowell said...

If this is stressful for you, I would think it is also stressful for the kids. There definitely needs to be some changes made at the school. Maybe you are the one to get the job done with help of other teachers, parents, or even some of the kids.

I say go for it!

thezeninyou said...

I had an incredibly well paying job that I HATED! The people were toxic and I was miserable. After awhile I was beginning to get physically sick because of my job. I quit! Finally! Don't get to the point of sickness... If this is making you so miserable, it's not worth it. You may want to start looking for a new job at this point. Don't worry, the universe is on your side..

gemma said...

Totally understand your frustration dealing with other people's messes,lack of consideration, the PA system
and unhappy people trying to get out of working. Oh Genie, try to rid yourself of one frustration at a time....maybe certain people, or send happy thoughts to those you aren't in alignment with.Every little bit will help.

linda said...

well, dear one, I think you have yourself in a large quandry -between a rock and a very hard place-truth be told, I have never known a "serene" warrior however, I suppose it's possible...I think I would tend toward the path of least resistance in trying to find another teaching position in a place that appreciates your gifts instead of you having to fight every single day to be heard! life, my dear, is too short...

many blessings to you...I hope you are having a good day and it's the weekend! YAY!!

Shell said...

You can also work at being a tutor;Create your own classes/workshops.

Whatever you decide, I do think eventually you need to get the heck out of that school! Find a place where you'll be honored.

Happy Spring, Genie.

Serena said...

According to Abraham-Hicks philosophy, if you're beating the drum of what's wrong around you, it will keep manifesting into your reality because the Universe can't decipher between positive and negative thought. It will just keep providing what you are thinking about regardless. Try not to worry about what other's are doing wrong on their own path and, instead, try to focus on visualising and 'feeling' the outcome that YOU want and leave the rest up to the Universe to provide.

Close to six months ago, I found myself really stressing over one particular family of kids in our street. Other neighbours in the street shared my sentiments too. These kids ranged in age from 10 up to 17 and they basically treated our street like a rubbish dump. Sadly, they cast their influence over another family of kids in the street too which made it worse. They littered everywhere and the wind would then carry their litter into people's yards. These kids would loiter in the street until late at night and I even caught one of them jumping on my son's car one night. They have camped out on the road itself with quilts and pillows at times too. No parental supervision and no respect for their neighbours or cars using the road. They expect people to drive around them. It all made me feel very uneasy and upset inside and I hated feeling that way. I would tell them to clean up after themselves to no avail...nothing seemed to work. So then, I tried my best to follow Abraham-Hicks philosophy. I ignored what the kids were up to and focused on visualing the outcome I wanted....a nice street to live in with no kids loitering or littering. This worked at making me feel better inside too and then, recently, we got the news! About 3 weeks ago, the 'family' were given an eviction notice because of damage they had caused to the rental property. They moved out yesterday! I am hoping now that our street can return to some form of neatness and calm without their negative influence in it.

I like Linda's idea of following the path of least resistance. Now go get your serenity back, girl! We're all rooting for you ~ (((Hugs)))

KathrynAntyr said...

It sounds like you are in a very challenging situation. Where I work I have had many times when I felt like I was in a prison. Changes have happened in the last 6 months. Some of those changes were in me and how I view things. Some changes were in personnel. I've made peace with where I'm at. I know it is temporary and I am finding more days where I feel good about where I'm at rather than frustrated.

All the best to you!
{soul hugs}

peppylady (Dora) said...

Knowing the problem can be a real headache but not knowing how to take care of it can be double wammy.

Coffee is on.

Genie Sea said...

Thank you each and everyone one of you for your support, advice and insight! :)

I will attempt to amalgamate my response to all of you :)

There are definitely like-minded teachers at my school. The major issue is the school's leadership style which really sucks. I have sent a positive affirmation into the Universe to bring in better leadership.

I am giving this school one more year, and if things don't drastically change, I am going to look elsewhere for sure.

I am also working on a project/proposal to the board for a workshop that will help teachers and administrators tap into their creativity, and change the energy of the system that way.

So worry not my lovelies, I have a handle on this :)

Hugs! Much love and blessings to you all :)

Rowena said...

Sounds like you have a handle on it. Fight the power, baby.

Gemini Visions said...

I feel you so much on this Genie! I work a full-time job which is one of the most toxic and negative environments I ever worked in. Everyday is an adventure...I never been around such dysfunctional people in one office before in my life.

However, there are signs that it will be taken care through some least I hope so.

I stick close to one or two people and keep my distance from the rest...and focus a lot on what's going on outside the office for me.

Keep me posted on how things go.

Merry Thyme Fairy said...

hey genie!

you make me LAUGH! i love your insights and gumption. you make me a little squeamish, as i am waiting to hear if i have been accepted to teachers college. ikes. i had a friend tell me she thought that the "institution" of it that stifles and drowns the very creativity that should be inherent in a teaching environment would drive me nuts. (that is why i have avoided it for years). but you nailed it: your students drive you. it's just so hard to know how long a warrior should fight and when you are just sacrificing too much....i have a history of fighting that battle too! i think the best advice is always to go with your gut...but you sound like you've got it figured out. just know that those kids will be SO MUCH BETTER OFF for having your influence in their lives!! you rock.

Lisa PN said...

It's good to hear that you have a plan and proposing a workshop to the board about creativity is a wonderful wonderful plan. I often work in schools as an artist in education and i shocked at the negative vibe in those schools. But there are times when i walk into one teacher's classroom to find that no matter how horrible the school, that particular classroom is inspiring, with happy students and a teacher who is different from the rest. I imagine you as being that teacher. I know that it might be hard, but it's so clearly your passion.

And of course, if that doesn't work, maybe it is time to go to another school. Sometimes spaces are just a bit old and toxic and the bad energy has been there for far too long.

I know this sounds a bit wonky, but have you ever smudged your school space? Done a spiritual cleanse with sage? Might be an idea for sure..

Good luck with everything. I hope today is a perfect day for you...