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Where is the Love?

One of the conscious changes I have decided to make is to have a more positive outlook on things and people that affect me on a daily basis. It might not change the way things are; but at the very least, it will change how I look at things, and how I react to them.

This is a lifelong habit that I have cultivated; so I have to be conscious of it, and make a focused effort to eliminate. It ain't easy. I find that I put myself in check so many times a day. Over the simplest things.

"Why all this stupid traffic? This is irritating." Check. Readjust. "I can't clear the traffic; but I love the song playing on the radio." I arrive singing, not peevish and irritated. A minor victory. :)

There's another thing I noticed in the process. I am not alone in the mire of negativity. It pops and crackles all around me. I see it in my students as they are embroiled in the mire of self-deprecation or criticism of each other. It can get nasty. I see it in my colleagues who are just as dissatisfied with our working environment as I am. Nothing seems to work right.

But in focusing on what goes wrong, what is wrong, we perpetuate it. We make it bigger than it is. We make it overwhelming.

On the other hand, if we focus on the positive, no matter how minor it seems, we perpetuate that. It becomes bigger. It glows. It overshadows the negative.

I smile at a student in the hallway. "Nice hat!" I say. The student smiles and takes it off. Further down the hallway, another teacher is yelling at a student for not taking off his hat. They get into a confrontation. It's a shit-storm. Over a hat.

It's all in the approach.

I was waiting in line to pay a traffic ticket. A long, messy, disgruntled line. I watched as person after person took their frustration out on the clerk. The interactions were like car wrecks. One after the other. The clerk's face became angrier and meaner, with every person in front of me. My turn approached. I was not happy standing in line, nor in the prospect of the waiting ahead of me. It was one of many lines that I would have to go in... I smiled at the clerk. I said, "Good afternoon." The turbulence cleared on her face and she smiled back.

Now, I would like to say that because of my smile I got my ticket paid off faster. That isn't the case. It turned out that while the office is open until 4:30 pm, you effectively waste your time going there unless you have secured an "audience" with the prosecutor before 12:30. The clerk did go out of her way to give me some valuable pointers, pointers she would have not shared had I been one of the clan of Crustoids that preceded me, and no doubt would follow.

I left the place without having achieved anything, but at least I left with my blood pressure in tact, a smile on my face, and the sunshine to accompany me home.

And in the end, isn't that all that matters?


Boho mom said...

This is a really great post Genie. It makes so much sense, and yet you're right. It's hard to change these habits once they are sort of "locked in". I think it's awesome of you to want to take your control back.
I love the hat example!
I have actually started a gratitude journal for 2010. It really helps me to keep things in perspective and blow off the "little things" with grace and a more positive outlook!

The Muse said...

BSM said it well!

My beloved is always saying do not lament about others attitudes and behaviors...change yours, to help you make it through what they offer...

This has helped me both privately and professionally!

Good post!

rebecca said...

Genie, this is an EXCELLENT post! How right you are. It is all in the attitude. When you make an effort to dispense of the negative actions and words in your life, it does become so much easier for you and for others. I know sometimes this is hard because sometimes we become embroiled in others' 'problems' but, like you, I made a vow this year to eradicate that and stay true to the path of peace on which I wish to follow and so far, so good!!!


Tabitha said...

Wonderfully stated Genie. A smile and kind attitude can get you so far. :)

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

We were chatting about this during the holidays. Some people go to more luxurious digs but we have as much fun as they do. The same restaurant may be a joyous experience taking time to interact or a downer if the waiters take long to serve.
Go Genie, keep finding the positive! :)

Rowena said...

My take on being positive: Things may not end up as happy as you imagine them, but you'll be happier in the meantime, and the end result probably won't be as bad as imagined by the cynic.

Isn't it better to have that happy time imagining happy things, than to make yourself miserable seeing all the awfulness in the world.

And who knows, maybe your happiness will affect the world around you, create a happy outcome, and give joy to people in the meanwhile.

A better world, all around.

Her Speak said...

Now I have that song stuck in my brain--"acCENT-uate the Positive..." Your post makes me sing. :)

Much Joy and Many Blissings, Miss Genie!~*

rosebud101 said...

Genie, your soul is emerging more and more everyday! Good for you!

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

Thanks for the reminders, Genie. Been pretty crustoid myself here lately. Just not able to muster up and see the flip side, feeling all pointless, and ack! Appreciate the reminders -- and loving examples -- especially the illustration of "nice hat" -- it's sooooo true that it's all in approach!
Lots of love and appreciation to you!

linda said...

you said--
I left the place without having achieved anything, but at least I left with my blood pressure in tact, a smile on my face, and the sunshine to accompany me home.

And in the end, isn't that all that matters?

i could never have said it better than this...i am uplifted just reading your lovely words and speaking of words, thank you for the sweet comments on my blog, they are so deeply appreciated♥

gemma said...

What you focus on expands!
I love what you put your focus on. happy happy joy joy!

Caroline said...

It is all about choice. We can choose to feed the fire and negativity...or we can choose to step back and be calm. It's harder to step back...but hopefully over time it will become second nature (at least that is what I hope). Love reading you previous posts...yeas, change is in the air!

Miss Robyn said...

always look on the bright side of life... and YOU are doing just that! I am joining you.. for many years surrounded by negativity and this year, I am making an effort to see the sacred in my day xoxo

Pen said...

so true, and so well said (i love the hat example).
it is definitely in the approach and your attitude!
although sometimes easier said than done, i try and remind myself of this everyday; thanks for reminding me today :)

Kit Berry said...

I loved this post - and it's a philosophy to which I'm also a subscriber (albeit a fairly recent one I must admit). I've been bogged down in stuff that suddenly transformed itself when I adopted a positive take on it. It seemed almost magical the way reality shifted! I read somewhere that the one thing in life over which you have control and can change is your attitude - so very true! Thanks for reminding me anew of this and bright blessings to you.

Michelle Eaton said...

Wow, I could have wrote this myself! I have been doing the same thing (well trying to). Even my word for this year is 'positive'. Looks like we are on the same track :)