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Chronicles of Change

All good things come to those who change. Once the decision has been made, there are several processes that need to happen. Visualization of the change is necessary, but so are the practical things that can bring it to fruition. One must research and study, and then prepare the necessary tools. It also takes courage and an iron will to leave behind habits of being that have not been working.

Then comes the slow and steady application of the visualizations, research and preparations. In other words, action.

These are the chronicles of my change:

Professionally, I have decided to remove myself emotionally from the many failures of the system in which I work. In letting go of the things that are not in my control, I am free to focus on the things that are. I am free to focus on the fun in my profession not the frustrations.

Personally, I have been speaking up to the people in my life who have thus far marginalized me. I don't keep silent out of politeness, anymore. I don't grumble to others about it. I just tell them what I find acceptable and what I don't. Bottom line. I don't want to spend any more time trying to keep people in my life who don't respect my time or my company. I have people who do; I'll focus on them.

Physically, I am in the process of changing my diet. I call it a process because there is a huge learning curve here. The first thing off the menu is gluten; and so many things contain gluten. Things that are prepared gluten-free are very expensive which means I need to make the foods I used to buy. Like bread or bread products. I need to change the way I prepare my meals. I have to be conscious of everything that's in every forkful of food I eat.

I am swimming in a huge kaleidoscope of changes. It can seem daunting; but I am excited. Yes, excited because the things that are not working are not worth keeping. It clears the way for things that do.


The Muse said...

you are so right...change means growth...

growth means achievement!


Boho mom said...

Rock on Genie!!!

You can do it - sounds like you've been considering these things and have done the necessary prep work - go for it woman!!!

As for of the best things I've done is buying a bread machine. I choose from a huge variety of gluten-free flours at the Bulk Barn.

*Also...I preach oatmeal to everyone!! For breakfast, add some fruit or nuts, rice milk, and the protein fills me up and keeps my blood sugar steady until lunch time easily....and my belly practically melted off in the process!
Go Genie!!

Shell said...

These changes are awesome, Genie.
It's hard to make changes in the beginning, after a while you get the handle of it and you are just flowing in life.
I'm cutting back on starches. Still have my bread..rice, potatoes and all of that is being cut by 75%.

Kim Mailhot said...

I can feel your strength and determination as you take it one step at a time, Genie. You go girl, make this the life you want it to be...You are inspiring as you go along too.
Big love to you !

Tabitha said...

YOU can achieve whatever you set your mind to my friend and I'm SO very proud of you!

Tori said...

Change is powerful! You have won half the battle just by choosing to make a change. :)

Rowena said...

Oh change can be so hard.

But then when we've traveled through it, we can't imagine things any differently.

rosebud101 said...

Good for you, Genie! It's a lot of work, but in the end you will find your changes to be life empowering for you!

Her Speak said...

Miss Genie, I am so Excited for you!! The bits of glass in the kaleidoscope always fall into a beautiful pattern-- an unexpected exquisite pattern. I can't wait to see yours. :)

Much Joy, Many many Blissings and more LOVE on your Journey!~*

Tammie Lee said...

how wonderful that your are excited about your changes. My sense is your approach will fill the way with grace and success. Wishing you the best!

Serena said...

...and we will be here to cheer you on with love and support. Remember, you are a strong and empowered Goddess who can do anything she sets her mind to! xo