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You Know I Love You, Right?

(click to enlarge)

Painting is my salvation, along with writing. I need to bathe myself in color and image so that the day has meaning for me. Otherwise, it is lost in tedium and duty. I painted this in Photoshop, creating several layers for the backdrop, and countless layers for the woman. Shading and contour are my primary focus right now. I am getting closer to my goal.

As I painted this last night, I was filled with thoughts of love and gratitude. For each and every one of you. So, it became imperative for me to say,

"You know I love you, right?"

We may all be coming from various perspectives and paths in life, but we convene here in the blogosphere in support and sharing. It is a phenomenon like no other. You touch my very soul.

Often, your words, here and on your blogs, are the most meaningful ones I experience in the day. You enlighten me, and buoy me. You intrigue me, and make me laugh. Sometimes, your words make me cry. In sympathy, in happiness, with laughter. Nowhere do I get such nurturing on a regular basis. You take the time to write, to read, and sometimes to respond, and your words are like manna. I ingest them gratefully and thoughtfully.

I thank you.

Is this something we take for granted? How often do I tell the people who have sustained me in my life how much I love and appreciate them? How often am I given the chance? How much does "busy" absorb my every waking moment, leaving me without the opportunity to stop, look a loved one in the eye, and say,

"You mean a lot to me."

We all have "to-do" lists. I know I obsess over them sometimes, because they can get very daunting; and frankly a lot of those, I really don't want to do. I don't adore cleaning out the stove, or the toilet. It doesn't excite me to go shopping for a front door and a new stove. I am not thrilled to do my taxes, and balance the woeful state of my finances.

Yet, I spend more time on those things, things that in the long run matter less, than taking the time to sit with a loved one, and smile.

And by loved one, I don't only mean ones most dear to us, like children, or family or lovers. I mean the neighbor who puts away my recycling bin for me. The colleague who brings me coffee. The hairdresser who rocks the streaks. How often do I take the time to tell them in more than just a couple of words in passing, how much I appreciate them?

I need to be more mindful. Because. A lot might be missing from my life, but the people who fill it with joy, are precious indeed.

So I start with you.

Thank you. For being here. For reading. For giving me so much to think about. For making me laugh and smile and clap my hands. Thank you for who you are. Because.

You are precious.

Blessed be :)


Tracy said...

You are precious, Genie, and I thank you for faithfully reading my blog and taking the time to comment! xx

Jamie said...

You light up the blogosphere, Genie. You are precious.

Blessed be.

Kim Mailhot said...

I too am so very grateful everyday for this Blogland experience and also for the wonderful real life people I share my path with. I promise to let some of them know that extra loud today, inspired by you, Genie Sea.

Big Love right back at ya !

Judi said...

You always seem to put into words that which the rest of us stutter through.

I too am so very grateful to my blogging friends - never think to say so. Why else would I react with a big grin when someone responds to a post of mine - before I even read it!

So, Awesome Lady - know that you too are loved and are special to me.

Shell said...

I love you too, Genie. Made me smile reading this. Have a beautiful day.

Tabitha said...

How you make my soul smile!! Thank You! For being there, for sharing your art, your words and most importantly You. From across the miles I Love You!!

Your Creole Sister :)

Arty Em, Creativity Traveler said...

Hey Genie Sea - I have loved getting to know you in the blogosphere, and I would like to ask you something - I am interviewing creative goddesses every now and then on blogtalkradio - you can hear my latest show here:

what would you think about being interviewed?
I also would love to use the transcript from our little chat in my magazine about creativity - which you can see here:

I think you have wonderful ideas and maybe a conversation would be fun? with moi?
so, let me know what you think.
you can e-mail me at:

and thanks for all the creative juiciness you share!

Caroline said...

You are all heart!

Love to you too.

And have you seen this:

(Susan Boyle on Britain's Got Talent)

Serena said...

I feel the same about you, Genie. Your support, kindness and caring has meant so much to me and I consider it a privilege to call you my friend.

love, light and peace,

Tori said...

Thank you Genie! Your words always mean a lot to me. I never thought I'd be lucky enough to meet so many wonderful people on the internet. I've met the most amazing people, though! Including you. So I am going to tell you right back- I truly appreciate the fact that you come and regularly read and comment on my blog. It means so much to me. <3

Steve Emery said...

Genie, You are so welcome, and thank you for your support and affection, as well.

I like what you're doing with the shading (leaving the security of outlines behind). It gets easier and easier over time. I like the light in these, too - especially in the one you posted on Tuesday. Warm, intimate space in that one.

Suzie Ridler said...

You are such a sweetie! How I adore you too. :)

Just wanted to let you know that you post about the burgers on your site and then add the link to Mr. Linky on mine. I hope you can participate!

It's true, what could be better than strawberries and chocolate?! OMG!

Snap said...

On my TO DO every day list is: Hug someone ... consider yourself HUGGED! I've enjoyed getting to know you. Thank you!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Your a wonderful person. I get so much out of blogging.

Coffee is on.

gemma said...

You are a treasure.
I feel the love.
So glad you can feel it too.
Sending you some more right now!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you dear ones! ♥♥♥ :)

Allison said...

I came back & re-read this post this morning because it makes me LIGHT UP. Exactly what my Sunday needs right now.

Apple said...

You are very welcome and thank you for being interested in my blog as well!! Love ya too!

The Muse said...

you have become a rock in the storm ...when work has taken me away and time is a treasured commodity...i feel as though i can visit matter how long i have been away...and renew my spirit...

that is what you do for me!

taexalia said...

What a beautiful post to arrive at on a Sunday morning :) you are so inspiring :)

Right back atcha !
