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Surrender the Paradox

(click to enlarge)

This weekend was extremely busy but productive. I finished the first draft of the text book I was commissioned to write. It was a lot easier and more fun to do than I thought. Working with a partner helped a lot in the process. It reminded me that writing in isolation, which is something writers do most often, is not necessarily the only way.

Paradox is what I have been pondering lately. The seeming contradictions that are simply facets of the same thing.


The need for solitude, yet the need for companionship. It's very difficult striking the right balance between these two needs. Too much of each is not healthy. Enjoyment of both is vital.

Life like an intake and exhalation of breath, fills and empties. Both are necessary to sustain and nurture. Yet it is the balance of the two that ensures we continue living.

The balance.

If we focus too much on one and not the other, the balance seems out of keel. Yet it never is; our perceptions are. That's when panic sets in and we hyperventilate.

I have often found myself gasping for air in my life, thinking life has gone off kilter. But it hasn't. I have. So, I decided to surrender and let it be. To let the spaces be empty and the lungs fill. To enjoy the companionship and the isolation in the moment, and stop worrying.

Thus the above painting was born for my blog anniversary giveaway which will be next Wednesday. Arms open, calmly being.

Painting is like meditation. It engages me in a way no other thing does, not even writing. My mind becomes more fluid and in tune with my senses. It's more tactile. When my brain has been overloaded with thoughts, painting makes my mind unbend and relax. It provides me with another kind of balance. Like waking and sleep. So different both. Both so necessary.

Life as a human being is such a paradox, yet it isn't.


Tracy said...

So true, Genie! Love your painting. :)

Arty Em, Creativity Traveler said...

oh the dance of balance - you got it, Lady!
and thanks for the comment on my blog -- let me know which day May 4 - 8, and which time (10 A.M.? Eastern Standard?) that we can chat on Blogtalkradio.
and I would like to call you 15 minutes before to check in . . . .
looking forward to sharing a conversation!

Deb said...

Genie - The painting is fabulous.
Look at that arms wide open to accept & embrace just calmly being!!

I can completely understand why you get immersed in the process & enjoy the balance it provides.

It shines through in your work.

Tori said...

You said it perfectly! Balance is so hard to find. Lately I've been pondering the contradictions life brings me. This post put some of that in perspective for me.

intothedawn said...

Congrats on finishing the first draft of your book! That's awesome!

I know what you mean about painting being like meditation-- I can totally relate! I think that's why I crave my creative time; it helps creative balance in my life.

Sharon said...

Your posts are always so interesting, Genie. I enjoy your art and your writing always gives me something to think about. I'm glad you're you and that you share you with us in such a wonderful way! :)

Sharon said...

I forgot to congratulate you on the first draft of your book. Congratulations! That's great! :)

Tabitha said...

I love the painting sweet friend. Life is absolutely a balancing act at times. I'm just joyful we never tilt and fall over. :)

Love Ya!

thezeninyou said...

Well you read my post about a paradox! But it's finding the balance that is key... Today, I feel much more balanced.

Rowena said...

Yin and Yang, baby.

You can't just breathe in, you know what I mean? You gotta let it out.

Serena said...

"If we focus too much on one and not the other, the balance seems out of keel. Yet it never is; our perceptions are."


Congratulations on finishing the first draft, Genie! Your painting is gorgeous and I so agree with you about painting being like a meditation.

Wendy said...

Surrender. Balance. Paradox.
Life certainly is full of changes.
I love your painting. Congrats on the book. I've never thought of writing with someone. Don't know if I could do it.
Thanks for a great post.

Kim Mailhot said...

Ah, that mind and its worries, a joy-kill every time !!!

Here's to surrendering to the paradoxes,

Hugs !

Genie Sea said...

Thank you sweet Light Beings! You bring me joy every time you comment. I heart you for life! :)

Boho mom said...

("...I have often found myself gasping for air in my life, thinking life has gone off kilter. But it hasn't. I have...")

THANK YOU for putting into words how I've been feeling!
You are so wise my friend...your paintings and art are always so detailed, so inspiring, and this one as all, is gorgeous.
I never thought of art as meditation, but yeah, it makes so much're certainly in the moment.
Kudos to you for writing a textbook, on top of everything else you exciting!!

June said...

Hi Genie, I agree with your thoughts on balance. I am also similar to you in that i need to write and i need to paint. Writing is necessary for me to structure thoughts and feelings. Painting is to let them go and let them flow in a natural way that is soft and soothing.
Sending hugs your way Genie, thanks for always being here and always being you
June xxxxxx

Kavindra said...

Congrats on the draft - that's big.

I LOVE writing in groups, with others, sitting around a table, writing on the same topic. I hate the isolation of the garrett!

I've missed you on my accidental blog hiatus btw.

Belle said...

I just loved this. There's paradox in so many things - you've put it so beautifully. Learning to embrace paradox - that's my journey!

Danette said...

Congratulations on your first draft Genie! What an accomplishment, and how awesome that it feels easy for you.


Oh, all the things you do so well. :)