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Take Flight

(click to enlarge)

To soar into the darkening sky
above the "what"
above the "why"
to touch the space
where dreams comes true
beyond the "me
beyond the you
To feel the wind
caress your wings
release control and
gently drift
away from "but"
away from "if"
Become a being of gentle flight
laugh with the stars
turn with the night
And let your toes
tickle the trees
the building tops
the memories
and being one with melodies
beyond the pavement
where you walk
beyond the words
beyond all talk
beyond the confines
of your hood
away from "must"
away from "should"
and let your being
upward fly
beyond the struggle
beyond the "try".

Genie Sea

Sometimes, living within the confines of my expectations and needs is just too much to take. Running "to do" lists in my head, that supremely highlights what is lacking in my life, can be so very tiring. Sometimes, I need a break from all that, to experience the presence of being.

Sometimes, all these things jostle in my head, demanding to be heard, and really they make no sense and serve no purpose, except make me go a little bit crazy.

"If only" is one of the biggest task masters there is. It prevents the "is" from breathing and being heard. "If only" is a carrot we dangle in front of ourselves, enslaving us to some nebulous scenario that might or might not be, and prevents us from actually being. Prevents us from seeing the comfortable rut we have agreed to run in for the sake of something that might or might not fulfill us. In the meantime, we are not fulfilled.

I am very philosophical today, as I struggle to loosen the confines of my private task master, and fly free above all this rubbish, and just be. Just BE!

Today. That is my mantra. :)


Sara Moriarty said...

I struggle with this constantly. I am always strategizing ways to evade my "task master" which only deepens and adds to it. I am thankful that you are sharing your "just be" mantra. It is just what I needed to hear. Genie... I love when you go all philosophical on us! :) Hope your weekend revitalizes you and offers a multitude of opportunities for you to "just be."

Apple said...

Beautiful poem!!!

Sorrow said...

Today is a
I have a sign I painted that says
" live now"
to remind myself to stop fretting about tomorrow.

rebecca said...

I like it when we wax philosophical....much to be learned when one goes there....

I like the following line the best: "Prevents us from seeing the comfortable rut we have agreed to run in for the sake of something that might or might not fulfill us." How very, very true and how sad if we stay that course, no?

Tori said...

Love the poem! Reading it takes me on a ride away from all the little problems and annoyances in life. =)

Just being sounds like a good way to spend my weekend. Tomorrow I'm just going to focus just on what I'm doing.

Tabitha said...

Just Be my dear friend! The poem and painting are truly beautiful. :)

Boho mom said...

I hear ya Genie, and I agree...."just BE!"

easier said than done, eh?

linda said...

darlin', looks like you're not alone!

beautiful poem, as always...have a wonderful Easter and eat some lovely good chocolate for me and you!! ;)
big hugs

gemma said...

What we focus on expands. So focusing on "If only" just makes it bigger. Like you said it "prevents us from actually being".
The reason I have a little bee as an icon is to remember that.

Caroline said...

Good advice, just be.

(I love the idea of toes tickling the trees!)

June said...

I think i need to 'just be' too today. Beautiful poem Genie. It brings the reader to the place you wanted them to be. Love your poetry
Hugs June xxx

Shades of Scorpio said...

Perfect words. You must be spying into my head! =) Ah, sometimes I like to say how much I miss the 1800s and walking barefoot through the fields while the one boy that we like is the one boy that we will always like and eventually marry. But before then, we walk through the fields, shy, playful and after years of this, eventually hold hands. I love the Just Be.

She writes poetry as well as visual art! You are truly inspired!

Kim Mailhot said...

Love the "take flight" piece, the incredible poem and your mantra today. This moment is all we have for sure. Let's be in it !
Lots of love, philosophical beauty !
Good rest tonight,

KathrynAntyr said...

To be...I'm so easily carried away with busy-ness. Today I will be with me. I took the day off to extend the weekend and I'm going to savor it. Rest and Relaxation!

Great mantra! I will use it today.

xoxo k

Her Speak said...

Hi Genie!
It feels like eons since I've been able to steal a moment to write to all my dears in the blogosphere! I wanted to let you know that your paintings have been ROCKING MY SOCKS! I can't wait--only a few more weeks of school and then I can return to my juicy pajama-ed state in which I can read all of your musings with a hot cup of coffee. Truly the highlight of my day.


((hugs)) :)

Wishing you Much Peace and Many Many Blissings~*

myrope said...

(breathe in)
(breathe out)
(breathe in)
(breathe out)

yep. that one works.