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Face Value

(click to enlarge)

This is the last of my giveaways, painted in photoshop, the original is 1024 x 768, and will be one of four choices for my blog anniversary coming up at the end of this month. I will be posting the details on how to enter soon :)

The world has seemed a little different lately. I would like to attribute it to the lovely weather we have been having, the glowing sun, the awakening in the air, the first flowers budding from the dry ground.

But that is not just it.

I attribute it to the phenomenon called Susan Boyle. If you don't know who she is, just run a search on her; it will surely lead you to her viral video audition on Britain's Got Talent. There is a reason this video has over 25 million hits to date.

She brings us hope.

Not just that our dreams can come true, but that our dreams can come true despite jeering, eye-rolling and small-minded assumptions that have reigned in this Face Value, judgement-plagued era.

This one angelic performance has served to undermine some of the biggest misconceptions that have served to belittle many, and cause much misery.

The assumption that only Hollywood beauty is worthy of attention.
The assumption that outer appearance is the only measure of beauty.
The assumption that "beauty" is inextricably linked to talent and worth.
The assumption that there is only one measure by which a person can be praised.

Bullocks to them.

This wake-up call has sounded quickly and clearly throughout the world. The crystal clarity and heavenly smoothness of her voice has rung the alarm on our superficiality and cynicism.

It would be easy to blame this attitude on the media, but the media is fed by us. We have been more than ready to tear people down simply because of how they look. We have been sitting back on the sofas of our judgement in smug satisfaction for too long. Susan Boyle unseated us, and it's about time.

So today I take a moment to thank Ms. Boyle for liberating us, more soundly and effectively than any revolution could have.

Sing on beautiful one. Sing on! :)


Judi said...

OMG - Thank you for sharing Susan Boyle. Talk about the voice of an angel - awesome!

Tori said...

She sounds awesome! I can't wait to go watch her video.

Deb said...

Oh Genie - I adore this post!

I first saw Susan last Tuesday on YouTube....& I can't tell you how many times I have watched her since.

The initial looks of utter amazement - quickly turning into a look of deep seated delight on the judges face was as much a sight to behold, as Susan herself was. (I especially liked the part where Simon had his chin is his hands, an adoring look on his face & you saw his shoulders rise in a deep 'sigh' of utter almost looked like love at first!)

The later admission that they felt they owe her an apology, should be a lesson worldwide.

Never, ever judge a book by it's cover.

Huge bullocks to all that do!

What an absolute sweetheart you are for saying aloud what I'm sure many of us are thinking!

I'd hate to be that girl in the audience that the camera caught rolling her eye's & with a cynical sneer on her face, right now!

rebecca said...

Amen! And I love how you itemized our assumptions because isn't that the truth! A big wake up call for everyone. Go Miss Boyle, you are a beautiful woman indeed - inside and out.

Tabitha said...

I'm smiling, because I saw this beautiful lady on television yesterday and she appeared at the perfect time. Her voiced soothed me at my weakest moment.

You've honored her beautifully sweet Genie.

Thank you for being here :)

intothedawn said...

I saw this video a few days ago and was cheering her on! I hope those that have seen her will never forget her beauty and the lesson she gave the world about not judging, but accepting a person.

Serena said...

Wonderful post, Genie!

Susan Boyle ROCKS!!!! She is beautiful, inside and out. I have always hated the misguided conception of today's society where beauty is based on appearance. It truly hurts me when I see people deemed as 'ugly' get a raw deal simply because of their looks. I just wonder how many out there will actually realise that they view beauty with such shallow minds and rethink their attitudes.....I hope A LOT!

love, light and peace,

thezeninyou said...

Susan is such an inspiration to all. My first's never too late to claim your dream! She is someone the world needs right now. Check out her FaceBook page...the words of kindness from people all over of the cool!

Tammie Lee said...

Ah, this is a lovely and uplifting tribute to Susan Boyle. I did get to see her on YouTube. I was first shocked by the audiences cruel sounds and exclamations before they heard her. Then how fast they turned to celebration. It turned my stomach as well as frightened me. What sort of people fill that audience. Susan was wonderful from the first moment on, her playful hip swinging playfulness to beautiful song!

Sorrow said...

Her performance was wonderful wasn't it?
I got tears listening to her sing that particular song..
it's one that always stirs me.
we all need a little nudge to look beyond appearances....
thanks for sharing the joy...

Genie Sea said...

You're all beautiful! :) Hugs!

cat said...

be entertained