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Invincible not Invisible

(click on image for source)

Look at that beauty! The confidence. The power. It's breathtaking. This lovely being doesn't question her place in the world, or whether she will succeed. She is. Fabulous!

Before I continue on today's ramble, I would like to take a moment to thank all of you who commented yesterday. I will copy your comments into a document, and call it my Power Packet, and open it any time I am feeling less than the Queen of my Domain, like Bertha up there.

And did I ever need it yesterday! I had a particularly unsavory run-in with a woman who tries very hard to overcompensate for her many flaws by picking on others. She decided I would make a good target yesterday, but she certainly picked wrong. Why do people think they can mess with me? Do I give the impression that I can't take care of myself?

Anyway. The incident and the instigator are not important enough for detail. But it did get me thinking.

There are many events in our lives that force us to make a decision. What to do. How to react. How it will affect us. How it will make us feel about ourselves. Sometimes, these events can be staggeringly upsetting, or powerfully enriching.

We have a choice. We can take their full force of destruction, internalize it, and let it demolish a little part of ourselves. Or we can, vanquish it, make it a lesson and move on.

Which will it be? Will we allow the negative to reduce us into invisibility? Or will we take that power and harness it into invincibility?

The choice is ours. Every single moment.

I won't lie. Yesterday's incident infuriated me. But thank goodness for the human angels around us. One of my colleagues grabbed me by the hand and took me out of the room, out of the building, and we went for a relaxing drive and chat.

She helped me tap into my invincibility. I calmed down, and the bile that threatened to choke me dissipated.

She is a lovely soul.

I was able to subsequently enjoy Earth Day. Buy some ground cover plants for my front garden. Pick the garbage around my block in the rain. Add some more items to One Million Acts of Green, and get on with my day.

I am planning some garden transformations this spring, and I will be taking 'before and after' shots of my progress to share with you. My goal is to make my front and back yards into manageable oases.

I am planning to go through with my plans for some small renovations and a mini-make-over to my home as well. I will be taking 'before and after' shots to share.

I am planning to do all this as economically as possible, and in an effort to make my living space more GREEN! :)

And I will do all this because. I am invincible. Not. Invisible.


Deb said...

You will do it too Genie. You are the Queen of your domain!....& a nice lush green domain it shall be.

Vanquish & move on. The perfect choice with regard to yesterdays someone who obviously feels it is ok to try & put her shortcomings onto others.

As a certain lovely lady not so long ago advised me; "When people do that to you, it's not a reflection on you - it's a reflection on them".
That single piece of advice allows me to look at people & smile when they are being insulting - it is so liberating!

Paula said...

I would liek to use your own words, just slightly adjusted. Look at you, at your beauty, at your power. You are. Fabulous.
Big hug and love across the globe. Paula

Tracy said...

I can't wait to see your before & after garden pictures!

intothedawn said...

Interesting about your run-in yesterday. My husband experienced the same thing with a co-worker on Earth Day. I wonder if she picks on you because she feels threatened by your no-nonsense confident attitude? And is so insecure she's trying to take you down a notch to feel better?

You ARE invincible!

Can't wait to see your garden and home transformations, looking forward to the pics!

Tori said...

You're inspiring! You truly are. When you tell about making a difficult decision, or even just getting through a tough day, it makes me realize that I can live and flourish even with the set-backs life throws at us all.

Good luck with the garden! Stay invincible. <3

PS- the Power Packet's a good idea!

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

YAH!!!! :)
lots of green, light footprint miracles to you xo k-

thezeninyou said...

Great post Genie! You are invincible! You can do anything your heart desires.

Love that photo of Bertha!!!

Kim Mailhot said...

(That Bertha looks so much like my own buddy here, Aslan, you know, after the Lion in the Narnia books ! A Beautiful Sentinel !)

You are so far from invisible ! Obviously, the "instigator" needs to learn to SEE...

Carry on, Invincible One! You are making a path for all of us ! I am grateful for that.

rebecca said...

I would love to see your before and after shots as well, if not, for inspiration, dear heart! I, too, began transforming my garden this year in front of my house. Last week I took the week off from work and spent most of my time digging in the dirt, taking out weeds, planting flowers, and just taking out a lot of stuff from the front that was not working for me anymore. It felt so good and the funny thing was that at the end of each day I would be soooo physically tired but would sleep like a baby and wake up at 6:00 a.m. roaring to go again! This is what happens to the soul and the spirit when it is happy ... you can't ever knock it down!

And, good for that wonderful friend of yours that took you out to take a breather! I'm with Deb, the way a person acts or what a person says to you is NEVER a reflection of you, but of them! Keeping quiet and letting the world see them for the petty, catty and miserable human beings they are, is the best medicine.

((hugs)) to you my sweet...

Tabitha said...

You always seem to transfer strength my way when I need it. You are Magnificent! I look forward to seeing your garden work!

Love Ya!!

PS. I need you to email me please.

Rowena said...

I am so far behind in my blog reading that I missed your post. Sorry you had a tough day.

I know how frustrating all of that can be.

I'm glad you were able to transform it.

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Please send my regards to your angel from me. I thank her for being there for you.

You are inspiring and much stronger than you think.

Shell said...

Thank goodness your co-worker took you out for a drive. Whatever made the woman pick on you, I'm sure now she will think twice about approaching you. I'm glad your going to work in your garden, it's like have instant beauty all around you.

rosebud101 said...

Take care of yourself. It sounds like you have a good support system. They will help you. Be good to You!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you all so much for your support :)

Deb - It's very true. It's all them, and that's just sad :)

Paula - Welcome to my blog! That's very touching :) Hugs!

Tracy - I will posting some shots this weekend! :)

intothe(Dawn) - It must have been something in the constellations that brought them out :)

Tori - Setbacks are just tests of our resolve. Bring it! I say :)

Kara - Miracles to you too my friend :)

Caroline - Doesn't Bertha absolutely rock it? :)

Kim - It's funny. When I saw this photo I thought of Asla too! :)

Rebecca - Sounds like a dreamy week! I will be posting photos this weekend :) Hugs!

Dia - Some people are unfortunately not reachable for discussion. I find it interesting that people show support after the fact, but in the situation they are silent. I realized, speaking out, is rare. :)

Tabby - I will email you ASAP! :)

Rowena - No worries honey! :) I know you have your hands full :)

Paula - Hugs!

Serena - Hugs! Photos coming! :)

Shell - Yes! I will be using the garden's healing energy today :)

Rosebud - Welcome to my blog :) Thank you :)

Candi of Candace Rose said...

Love, love, love, love this! As a caregiver for my grandma I am always stressed, and at times I feel as though I have lost a piece of myself in this. I thank you for this wonderful post!

Judi said...

Strange how some people like to play with explosives - I think that your friend took you away to keep you from verbally tap dancing all over the nasty person.

Anyway - polish up your green thumb and show us what you're doing . . . can't wait to see ;)

Genie Sea said...

Candace - Welcome to my blog! I am glad my post helped! :)

Judi - You're right! I took the 'before' shot yesterday as a planted the little ones. I will take an 'after in a few weeks! :)

Marina said...

I love how you write.
The fact that you know that some people target others because of their own weaknesses, puts you already above them and in an advantaged spot.
You're right, the choice is our, every single moment.
Once you know there is nothing wrong with you, or that did nothing wrong, you can just walk away from situations like that feeling sorry for the other person: this should infuriate THEM!

I absolutely love your cat's photo!!!

Steve Emery said...

People can be so broken, and then they swipe at others with their broken bottle ragged edges... Pretty awful for everyone involved, especially if you're the one getting scratched. Thank goodness for the friend present, and her quick thinking!

I've been watching your plans for home rearrangement - looking forward to seeing more. There is something fascinating in watching someone transform a small space, in particular. Something ingenious about the careful arrangement, and how much each small adjustment or idea counts when space is intimate.

Boho mom said...

("The choice is ours. Every single moment")...ohhh, my wise friend!

Can't wait to see pics of your home & yard. What a great way to begin this season of renewal & rebirth!
I'm going to check out One Million Acts of Green now!