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My Stone. The Summit.

Today is Wednesday and you know what that means? Yes! It's Wishcasting with Jamie Ridler over at Starshyne Productions! And this week's question is:

What step do you wish to take?

I read that question, and pondered. And I pondered some more. My brain went into a little seizure. "What step don't I wish to take?" it kept repeating. I decided to do a Flickr random search to inspire me. I settled on this cutie pie. How little she is and yet so confident, standing on a little stone that looks like a mountain to her. On the summit, overlooking her domain, soaking in the rays of the sun and her achievement.

That's where my problem lies. I can hardly ever soak in my achievement. I always focus on the little bit that failed. I speak and I regret it. I take action and I second-guess it. I make something and I think how I can make it better. I look at myself and I notice the flaws.

I know that's preposterous and so against everything I have been working towards. I know, when I speak, I speak from conviction. I know when I take action, I do so because it's necessary. I know I can do better, but I also know that what I have made rocks. I know that in the mirror somewhere, there is beauty.

I know all this.

I do.


Yesterday, we had a meeting with the heads of the departments. It's my least favorite activity ever. I am one voice lost in translation. The discussion, again, turned towards the uniform. Ugh! Everyone, complacent, spouted ignorance. Here is a sampling of what my colleagues had to say:

  • The uniform ensures safety at our school. (This week we had two teachers assaulted by students. )
  • The uniform ensures all students equal footing. (Except the ones that are beaten up in the washrooms, and bullied in the halls.)
  • The uniform isn't a uniform, it's a dress code. (Dress code gives you guidelines, not specific items you have to wear with crests on them, you dunce.)
  • Most of the kids are in uniform. (Right, so the 4% that aren't seem to be the only ones hanging out on the second floor.)
  • Work environments have dress codes. This models work environments. (Uh! Work environments? This one for instance? Dude. Why are you wearing shoes without socks?)
  • Teachers have to enforce uniforms. They don't have a choice or a say. Do they have a say in stopping at stop lights? Or where they can park? Don't they follow those rules? (Dude. Would they if they weren't fined? Some don't anyway. That's why we have courts.)
  • Teachers in your departments must be told to enforce the uniform. (I'll get right on that, right after I ensure all teachers are actually teaching what they're supposed to.)


You know I spoke. It fell on deaf ears. The principal indirectly put me in my place. The uniform isn't under discussion. (Sorry, I didn't realize we were talking about the weather...) If you are having issues with getting your teachers to comply, then call the Union. (Sorry. I thought it was your job to make teachers comply, not mine, and not the Union's. And doubly sorry, I thought this was a discussion. My bad.)

I didn't say one thing that was wrong yesterday. Yet, I came home feeling like a failure. I did not get through to them. The logical fallacies reigned. Nothing was achieved.

What step do I want to take?

I wish to step out of the notion that I failed just because I could not get through to a bunch of individuals mired in conformity and inability to get the hell out of the box.

Where do I want to be?

I wish to be on that rock, soaking in the sunshine, and the knowledge, that even though I work with a bunch of people who fail to recognize reality, I still have my summit.


myrope said...

Some days it's important to know you've spoken your truth, regardless of it's reception.
That is the great success.
My biggest feeling of failure recently, came when I didn't speak up about bigotry when I saw it.
As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Jamie said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

May your song find the ears that thrill to its notes.

sema said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Holly said...

Oh, Genie Sea, don't you know that corporate meetings are held to confirm notions and ideas already in play, and very rarely for the benefit to grow new ones and fresh thinking? That's why you find them such a waste of your energy. Understandable.

So, listen, share when asked, and realize what the game is afoot, and you will walk out of the room feeling a little less pricked and pushed.

I love the image you found and the description of what it stirred in you...

And for today, as Genie wishes for herself, so I lovingly and with intention wish for her, also!

LadySilverOak said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish also.

So Mote It Be.
Love & Light

Tori said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

I hope you know that you didn't fail. Soak up that sunshine! =)

gemma said...

As Genie wishes for herself,
With a great deal of love,
I wish for her also.

Kim Mailhot said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

They might not hear your voice but you can be sure that the Universe does. Keep sing on your shining summit !

Judi said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I also wish.

I don't know how you stay sane - whenever you mention those meetings it sounds like a session spent just banging your head against a stone wall.

Tabitha said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
You WILL be on that rock and EVERYONE will hear you sweet friend!! You are simply Awesome!

Bleeding Heart said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Peaceole said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

Do not beat yourself up for the things you cannot change. Keep on believing and wishing!

carla said...

As Genie wishes for herself so do I wish. But if I can say so, the real achievement is that you spoke up. Don't judge yourself a failure just because some people are too obtuse to listen to opinions that differ from theirs.
c (

Breedale said...

As Genie wishes for herself so I do wish! Hang in there. You are light years ahead of the ignorance. Your time will come soon!

thezeninyou said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Personally, I love uniforms! Makes life so much easier...

Sarah said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.
May you be heard and when you are not that you will be a rock and ok with knowing you are ok!
Namaste, Sarah

Jennifer said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

May you always stand by yout truth and soak up all the sunshine knowing how truly strong you really are!!!

LissaL said...

When you soak up the sunshine, you bring warmth to others.
As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

As you wish for yourself, I wish for you also (and/or even something greater!)

Applaud your courage to speak up and very sorry to hear your voice was lost in translation. Though it may not help the feelings of defeat, the truth is that it is their loss in not being conscious of what a treasure they have in you. For what it is worth, I KNOW you are a gem and your creativity is something I would have soaked up like a sponge when I was a kid. There were so few adults who "got it" -- seems this might still be the case from the details of this meeting, ugh... Keep speaking, we need more of you in the world! Especially in our schools!


Allison said...

As Genie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

You spoke your truth - sometimes that's all you can do. & sleep better @ night as a result :]

Kavindra said...

Oh! I wish you could sit down over coffee with my husband - he works with the knuckleheaded cousins of your colleagues.

But I love that Chick!

As Genie Chick wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Chirp on little sister.

Apple said...

Thank you!!!

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

As Genie wishes for herself I wish for her as well.

With lots of hugs too.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also

Sara said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also!

spiritualsemaphore said...

As Genie Sea wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

You did what you could, and sometimes that's all you can do.

Shell said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

You didn't fail at all. You stood up and spoke how you feel. It's always a good thing. Hey, at least people know there is one teacher who stands up for what she believes in. Instead of being a drone.

rosebud101 said...

I used to teach. My heart is with you!

Genie Sea said...

Thank you all you beautiful goddesses of sweetness! You make my life even more beautiful and you give me strength!

I am so blessed to know you all :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

I found some what situation in the home care line.
Ask for improvement and they think your stupid.
Good input is not aloud either.

I worked one time cleaning motel and we came up with a system that would get it done quicker and save the company money.
Guess because we are the grunts we couldn't do it and it took us longer.

Coffee is on and keep speaking up.

Pamela said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

As others here have said, keep speaking up, let your voice be heard, regardless of the outcome. You can only control your actions.

Speaking your mind when you feel it is necessary undoubtedly inspires others. I know you're an inspiration to me!

Big hugs!


Hybrid J said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

I came here from Jamie's site and enjoyed my quick stay here. :)

carla said...

Hi Genie
the flower is a gazania—I love the colours too!
c (

June said...

As Genie wishes for herself, so I wish for her also.

Hi Genie, I see you on that rock .. you are there my friend so just keep up there and look down at them in their leg locks and chains .. they shall never reach that summit .. their wings are clipped

My friend thanks for the idea of mr Linky, i know very little about it, but will rectify that now and if its suitable it would be fab ... you are an angel
Hugs June xxx

Serena said...

As Genie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

While I LOVE school uniforms for the same reason as Caroline, it is maddening to me that some schools are more concerned about enforcing a strict uniform code rather than focusing on education and more important issues.

I remember one time when my nephew, who was in high school at the time, was told he had to go home because he wasn't wearing the school jumper (sweater). My sister couldn't afford the expensive school jumper at the time, simple as that. It was infuriating to see that the school principal deemed that wearing a school jumper was more important than my nephew being at school and getting an education. Needless to say, my sister had some very choice words for the principal before she stormed out of school with her son.

Jo said...

Teaching administration seems much the same as nursing, lots of talk, red tape and very little constructive action - I feel for you :-)

Genie Sea said...

Thank you lovely ones! Your comments mean so much to me! Hugs!

Welcome to my blog Hybrid J! :)

frustrated artist said...

As Genie wishes for herself, I wish for her also.

I seem to read in your posts an unhappiness with the place where you work. Is it possible to move to a place which is more harmonious with who you are? Just a question. Whenever I've been in a place that has not been right, I've moved. It's just too many hours in the day to be unhappy...when there is so much in life to be happy about!

I wish you all the best and hope you find that rock!

Peggy Collins said...

I'm happy that you were inspired by my photo ~ and I totally relate to what you're saying here. Rock on!