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Pooh Makes Roses Bloom

(click to enlarge)

I painted the above in Photoshop. I started by making the background and then added the woman. I am working with shading and contours, moving away from drawing the outlines and coloring them in, but rather building the figure with shading. I started with the lighter flesh shade to create the body and face, and then darker shades to create the contours. It's not perfect, but it's a beginning.

I have been thinking a lot about paradox lately. The paradox between two different philosophies - the one being "it happens when you least expect it", the other being "visualize it and it will happen".

I have been getting that conflicting advice all my life. And frankly, I don't know which one even works anymore, if either. So, I have decided to go with the third philosophy... "Fuck it. Go about your business. Shit happens. Move along."

Pardon my profanity.

I swear sometimes.


The thing is, people are either happy or they are not. Sometimes, it just doesn't have anything to do with anything. Sometimes people who don't work for things get them falling out of the skies, and others who toil away are left with nothing. Sometimes, it's the other way around.

I am tired of being blamed for the things I lack. I am tired with being told, I have to do this or do that, or think this way or that way, in order to achieve happiness. Do people tell those who have been run over by a car, that they should have been looking where they were going? Or do they call an ambulance?

Happiness is moments in time. Happiness is a contentment with one's self. That kind of happiness does not depend on the circumstances. But, no one is always happy. Unless they have been lobotomized. Then, it's a different story.

There are people who try really hard to convince others that they are always blissful and happy. Flowers fall from the skies to cover the ground of their every step. Really? Not so much. They like to show one face to the world, and make the rest of us think we are losers because we have to sidestep pooh on the sidewalk sometimes. Sometimes, we don't notice the damn pooh, and step on it anyway.

That's the rest of us. Making the best of it. Sometimes, remembering to be in the moment and smell the roses and be thankful for them. Sometimes, feeling like we want to trample on the roses in frustration.

Who created that stupid metaphor anyway? I live in the city. The roses are mostly cultivated or fake. They don't even have a scent most of the time. What the heck do I do with that?

Make lemonade?

Any number of inane cliches can be used to pat us on the head when things are just not going well. It does no good to dwell on the mishaps, but acknowledging their presence and dealing with them is necessary. What's the good of denial? Ostriches get decapitated.

No. I am not a pessimist. I am not an optimist. I am a realist. Sometimes, life is great. Sometimes, it stinks like pooh under your shoe. Move along anyway. The next moment will come, and things will be different. Oh, and, does anyone have a moist wipe? :)


Kim Mailhot said...

Hey, Genie, I love your wisdom !
You are so right about that paradox of life. I think the key for me is the "Moving along anyway" part. That is the difference between a pessimist and a realist. The realist knows that we step in shit sometimes but we may well be walking in a greener pastures tomorrow (and we should still be on the look out for cow patties!;-) ), while the pessimist thinks that life is the shits all the time !
Know what made me smile a bit broader today in the midst of this shitty conversation ? The thought that every once in a while, a friend walking on the path beside us calls out "Look out for that pile of shit !" and we are saved from having to clean up the mess for awhile...

I got your back, and your wipes, even if it is only in Blogland. ;-)
Happy Tuesday !

Tracy said...

Great post & so true! Love the painting. :)

Sharon said...

Hi Genie! I like your painting. So mysterious! The color combo is wonderful. I wonder what that lady is up to. :)

Your post is right on too. I have to agree with you. Thanks for writing it. :)

Kara aka Mother Henna said...

Love love love what you are doing with shading! Beautiful painting...

And amen, awomen, apeople to your post! This kind of things is one of the reasons I do what I do now. When grief came to our lives, I daily wanted to kill because people would say stuff like "it was meant to be" or "you may not be able to see the reason now" or "god has a plan" or some other cliche of closure.

We constantly felt pressured that if we smiled or laughed at all, then we had to agree to never feel grief again. But laughing just once, people would say, "oh great they are finally over it" and then be angry with us when we felt grief again. It was the weirdest ride.

Oh and YES there was lots of pooh! Fertilized what my life is now, but it was stinky and messy along the way. And the way things unfolded for me is no prescription for how it will be for someone else.

Anyway, just RIGHTO!
Lots of miracles to you!

Rowena said...

I like to stay positive, because otherwise the shit can grow and overwhelm me... but I am unable to pretend that there's no shit.

I just try to focus on the fertilizer aspect.

Sorrow said...

I don't know what mood you were in, but this had me in stitches.
I nearly fell out of my seat laughing.
Only because I have had this exact same tirade in my head from time to time.
I get tired of the cliches, and when I have a migraine, like I did all day yesterday and the littlest one comes in screaming with Dog shit all over her feet, because she was picking daffodils where the dogs crap, well I wasn't laughing about it yesterday.
Today However it';s mildly amusing.
and perhaps the farther i get away from yesterday the funnier it will be.
but this, this is beautiful, funny and from the heart.
Just what the doctor ordered!
( minus my cliche`)

LissaL said...

And the truth shall set you free. Rock on with your bad self sista! I am front row center.

Odd Chick said...

you're right - you have a very good start on your new process of painting in photoshop - i wish i was half that far along

and i also agree with you about happy and not-so-happy or authentic people - or realist. i think it's a good balance and isn't that what we really seek is balance? why are we so scared of a little unhappiness? hmmm....

Shell said...

I think visualization is a great tool. I do feel there is the time between what we visualize to happen and when it happens that gets tricky. The good things that I focus/visualize that do comes to pass happen in months of time. So what I visualize in January may not come through June. Patience and focusing on other things is the key.
Hope this makes sense. This is how it works for me, can't speak for others.
I do dig your painting.

Kate I said...

My philosophy is much like yours Genie. I used to worry and fret over everything real and imagined. I spent years and years living life this way but just last year I adopted the "whatever" philosophy. Now I really don't care what happens a good way. I still have dreams and aspirations but when they don't work out the way I thought they becomes a "whatever" moment.

Whatever happens will be just fine. Whatever happens, it will all work out OK. It really works for me and life has become so much easier!

I think it's very similar to the fuck It philosophy which my daughter has also adopted and it's working brilliantly for her! LOL! (I think someone has actually written a book about that!)

gemma said...

Very cool how you are building your painting. Being an optomist,
I can decide whether to let things that happen make me miserable or not.
For sure some things just STINK!

Steve Emery said...

Your remarks about cliches and the pop wisdom of such phrases made me think of a Lily Allen song.

I have to say I was shocked and laughed the first time I heard it, but she's making an important point. And she pushes reality in this - right in line with your post...

Keep on keeping on. Not sure anything else makes sense.

Pamela said...

Awesome painting, Genie! Your post had me smiling. I love how you say what you think and the way you say it rocks.

It seems we're all feeling some discontent lately. A little humor certainly helps.


Dia said...

It had me in chuckles, too - & oh, that poo on the shoes!! I was gardening the other day, & my daughter's BIG (husky mix) dog likes to go 'anywhere' in my yard, . . . what is that - ok then . . . (could have used one of those moist wipes)

& like Kate, I also take a lot less personally these days than I have - & just 'get on with it'

Lovely picture - fun to see the spark in your work!

Serena said...

There will always be contrasts in our lives and even the good moments will pass. Just be who you are, enjoy the good moments and carry a box of moist wipes for the rest ~ (((Hugs)))

NICE painting!

Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Have I told you lately that I love you? :)
So I smiled at the title and laughed at the rest because as Sorrow said I had thought along the same lines but it just didn´t sound as funny as your post did.

About the " pour le galerie" happy people, I´m somewhere on a grey area. I´m happy when I´m happy and when I´m not then ... I fall silent (as in no posts on my blog or message boards, not tell locally) Why? Because other people freak out if I´m not well. Mom worries, dh gets impatient (he´s the "snap out of it " kind), the kids get scared (you notice it in their eyes and how they tend to be by my side), my friends get unsettled.
I think I might join the Fuck it ranks. :D

Tabitha said...

My sentiments are very much like Rowena's. When you've belly dived into a monsoon of shit and survived you can not help, but to focus on the positives more than less. I always know there's more shit coming, but I know I'll get through that as well.

I truly loved your painting dear Genie and as always you have my mind turning with thoughts. :)

Caroline said...

I'd rather not tempt fate myself...

thezeninyou said...

LOL...pooh does make the roses grow, perhaps you can wipe your shoe on someone's cultivated rose bush?

Being a realist is's healthy. Good lord, I wish I was zen all the time!! I am a raging bag of PMS 2 weeks out of the month!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Simple your Jeannie and thats it.
Enjoy your look at life.

Coffee is on.

Genie Sea said...

Kim - Thank you sweetheart! I got your back too! :)

Tracy - Thank you honey :)

Sharon - Hi!! Thank you so much! I don't know what the lady in the painting is up to! Mischief no doubt :)

Kara - Thank you so much sweets! :) I think people revert to cliches because they are at a loss for something to say. And that's okay too. Life is messy. And that's okay too :)

Rowena - I agree. Trying to make the best of things is sometimes the best possible outcome. It's the pretending that gets to me :)

Sorrow - I am glad you laughed! I was very much tongue in cheek during this post. My humour is not obvious sometimes, and I am glad you got it :) I am glad it helped :)

Lissa - Weee! :) Thank you sista! :)

Odd Chick - Thank you sweetie :) Balance is key. I agree. Fearing unhappiness or expressing it, is giving it way too much power. It is so liberating to say, "Dude. This sucks!" :)

Shell - Thank you honey! :) I have no doubt at all that visualization works. It hasn't worked for me, but that's cool! I will rock something else :) Thank you for perspective. Your words make absolute sense :)

Kate - "Whatever" gives me distance and perspective and cushions me from the outcome. I found that I was too invested in the outcome, and that was not good for my emotional stability.

Gemma - That is exactly it! It's how we allow things to affect us that is key.:)

Steve - Welcome back! I listened to the song, and yes, it's relatively what I am saying, in a more aggressive way. LOL! :)

Pamela - Thank you sweetheart! :) I was going for humour! I am glad it made you laugh :)

Dia - YAY! I am so happy it made you chuckle! Thank you honey :)

Serena - Thank you honey! I always have moist wipes on hand :) Hugs!

Paula - You inspired my post today :) I love you too chicka! I am happy my post made you laugh! It was my intention :) And I agree, people freak out when you're not chirpy 24/7 and of course they draw conclusions that don't exactly help with the "chirpiness" :)

Tabby - Oh I agree. Focusing on the bad isn't going to help at all. Ignoring it won't either :) Thank you sweetheart :)

Caro - Fate is fate :)

Caroline - What a great idea! I will do that one day :) Hahaha!

Dora - Thank you for the coffee sweetie! :)

Deb said...

Genie - I read this out to a friend on Skype, the other night.

I suspect you will have another follower soon, if you don't already.

I adore your candour.

As was recently said to me "How the hell do you even know if you are happy - if you've never experienced sadness"